News in Jesuit Studies

The following are notices of significant events related to the field of Jesuit Studies.
The notices appear chronologically, and all entries are indexed into the Portal’s search capabilities.
To contribute news of significant publications and events, both recent and forthcoming, please contact the Portal’s editors (

A call for papers is now available for the Commitment to Justice in Jesuit Higher Education Conference, to be held at Georgetown University on June 3-6, 2020.


The event marks two decades, according to organizers, “since the first Commitment to Justice in Jesuit Higher Education Conference, held at Santa Clara University in 2000, when Fr. Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, SJ delivered his famous address as Superior General: The Service of Faith & the Promotion of Justice in American Jesuit Higher Education.”


The 2020 conference welcomes proposals from “members of the Jesuit higher education community from every discipline and department,” asking the people “bring your insights and best practices, your scholarship and pedagogical experience, your aspirations and your inspirations, to enrich this gathering of colleagues as we both honor the journey of the past 20 years, and orient ourselves toward the expansive horizon ahead of us.”


Proposals are due August 1, 2019. Full details (on proposals for roundtables, workshops, and posters) are available at Georgetown’s Center for Social Justice Research, Teaching & Service.

The Beijing Center has recently published a collection of letters written by Matteo Ricci (1552-1610). Only 54 letters survive from the vast correspondence Ricci kept while living as a Jesuit missionary in China. During his time in China, Ricci, according to the center, “created the first European-style world map in Chinese, introduced Euclidean geometry to China, helped to compile the first Portuguese-Chinese dictionary (along with the first Romanization of the Chinese language), and wrote several books in Chinese.”


The center’s book is edited by Brendan Gottschall, S.J., Francis Hannafey S.J., Simon G. M. Koo, and Gianni Criveller. Copies are available through


The Beijing Center is also organizing a panel discussion on the significance of Ricci’s letters. Scholars involved in the April 12 event include: Prof. Thierry Meynard (Sun Yat-sen University), Prof. Dennis MacNamara (Georgetown University), Prof. Amy Fu (Zhejiang University City College), Prof. Federico Wen Zheng (Beijing Foreign Studies University), and Prof. Yang Huiling (Beijing Foreign Studies University). More details on the panel are available online.


Readers interested in Ricci should also note the recent translation of his work, The True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven, available through Jesuit Sources.

The Renaissance Society of America annual conference, held in Toronto from March 17-19, features more than 30 presentations related to the field of Jesuit Studies. More information about the conference and the RSA can be found at:


Information about the Jesuit Studies-related presentations can be found in the beta version of the Jesuit Online Bibliography. Available in open access at, this platform is a collaborative, multilingual, and fully searchable database of bibliographic records for scholarship in Jesuit Studies produced in the 21st century. Contact the project’s editors to learn more (


As of the 2019 RSA conference, there are records for more than 400 conference papers available in the Jesuit Online Bibliography. Those records for presentations at the 2019 RSA conference are available at this page.