News in Jesuit Studies

The following are notices of significant events related to the field of Jesuit Studies.
The notices appear chronologically, and all entries are indexed into the Portal’s search capabilities.
To contribute news of significant publications and events, both recent and forthcoming, please contact the Portal’s editors (

The most recent of the Archivum historicum Societatis Iesu, the biannual peer reviewed journal published at the Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu, includes a revised version of Paul Grendler’s 2018 Feore Lecture on Jesuit Studies. At that lecture, Grendler received the George E. Ganss, S.J., Award in Jesuit Studies to note his significant contributions to the field of Jesuit Studies.


Grendler’s lecture, as it appears in the Archivum, is entitled: “An Historian’s Journey to Jesuit Education.” It is available in open access. The volume’s research articles are also available in open access: David Aeby’s “Un antijésuitisme issu des missions d’Asie dans le diocèse de Lausanne: Les Lettres édifiantes et curieuses de l’abbé Pierre-François Favre (1746)”; and Ana Carolina Hosne’s “In the Shadow of Cathay: A Survey of European Encounters in Discerning, Mapping, and Exploring Tibet during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.”


The Archivum has published Grendler’s piece in its new “Living History” section. As noted in previously in the journal, this section is dedicated to “important subjects pertaining to the Society of Jesus’s recent collective memory” and consists of a “more diverse range of styles and approaches compared to those appearing under the ‘Articles’ section.” The full summary of Grendler’s contribution appears below.


The citation for the publication appears in the Jesuit Online Bibliography:


On 2 October 2018, Professor Paul F. Grendler delivered the fourth annual 2018 Feore Family Lecture on Jesuit Studies at Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, USA. At that time he received the George E. Ganss, S.J. Award for his “scholarly contributions to the field of Jesuit Studies” from the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies of Boston College. This is the text of the lecture. It has been slightly revised to add a handful of footnotes and to delete local references and comments about North American universities. A biographical note and bibliography of Prof. Grendler’s Publications in Jesuit Educational History follow the article.

Deadlines are approaching for a workshop for young scholars, hosted at the Istituto Sangalli in Florence, and for doctoral fellowships on the history and philosophy of science, hosted by the Universidade de Lisboa.


Istituto Sangalli welcomes applications for a workshop entitled “Entangled Knowledges. Education and Culture in Judaism, Christianity and Islam (XIVth-XIXth centuries).” This is the institute’s fifth annual workshop, with applications open to “young researchers in History, History of Education, History of Arts, Philology and History of Literature, and Religious Studies.” The workshop will take place at the Istituto Sangalli between October 2-4, 2019. The application deadline is May 31, 2019.

More information is available at the institute’s website: 



The Universidade de Lisboa is offering two doctoral fellowships on the theme of “Making the Earth Global: Early Modern Nautical Rutters and the Construction of a Global Concept of the Earth.” The fellowships–which could last as long as 48 months–are cosponsored by the European Research Council Executive Agency. Applications are welcomed from May 22-June 22, 2019.

More information is available on the promotional flyer.



To include notice of other fellowship and workshop opportunities on the Portal to Jesuit Studies, please contact its editors (

On May 10 in Rome, the Archivio Storico Provincia Euro-Mediterranea della Compagnia di Gesù hosts a scholarly conference on the late Jesuit historian Pietro Pirri (1881–1969). Other sponsoring institutions include the Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu and the Centro Studi Giuseppe Gioachino Belli.


The event, featuring six presentations by seven experts, is entitled “‘Una vita unicamente dedicata alla scrittura’: Padre Pietro Pirri e La Battaglia del Pian Perduto.” A full program of the conference appears below.


The conference is followed, on May 24, with a reading of La Battaglia del Pian Perduto.


More details can be found on the event’s promotional flyer.



— Elio di Michele (Centro Studi Giuseppe Gioachino Belli)



— “Padre Pirri, S.I.,” Padre Paolo Monaco (Archivio Storico S.I. via Degli Astalli)

— “I Fondi Pirri negli Archivi dei Gesuiti,” Maria Macchi and Sergio Palagiano (Archivisiti S.I.)

— “Padre Pirri e gli esordi umbri,” Romano Cordella (Storico)

— “Padre Pirri e il rapporto Stato-Chiesa nel Risorgimento,” Giuseppe Monsagrati (Università di Roma)

— “Padre Pirri e l’Architettura gesuitica,” Veronica Balboni (Università di Ferrara)

— “Il dialetto de La Battaglia del Pian Perduto,” Giulio Vaccaro (Ricercatore CNR Firenze)