News in Jesuit Studies

The following are notices of significant events related to the field of Jesuit Studies.
The notices appear chronologically, and all entries are indexed into the Portal’s search capabilities.
To contribute news of significant publications and events, both recent and forthcoming, please contact the Portal’s editors (

On December 18, KADOC-KU Leuven, in collaboration with the Jesuitica project of the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies and individual researchers at KU Leuven, hosts a research seminar on the “Jesuit in the Low Countries.” A full program for the event appears online and below. The event will also mark the publication of The Survival of the Jesuits in the Low Countries 1773-1850. The event will take place in Dutch.



Woensdag 18 december 2019
14u > 19u
KADOC – KU Leuven
Vlamingenstraat 39
3000 Leuven


Kim Christiaens (KADOC – KU Leuven)
Verwelkoming / Accueil


Dries Vanysacker (Faculteit Theologie en Religiewetenschappen – KU Leuven)
“Un élément nécessaire de l’éducation humaine et chrétienne”: op een drafje op zoek naar sport, spel en lichamelijke opvoeding in de SJ-archieven. Via een vlugge blik op de inventarissen van de verschillende provincie-archieven van de jezuïeten die in KADOC berusten, kan men afleiden dat zowel lichamelijke opvoeding binnen het curriculum van de colleges, als sport en spel tijdens de buitenschoolse activiteiten belangrijke aandachtspunten van de Sociëteit waren. Een meer diepgaande studie bevestigt niet alleen dit vermoeden, maar toont aan dat de jezuïeten “dit modeverschijnsel, overgewaaid uit Amerika en Engeland” zelf wilden hanteren als “een noodzakelijk element in de opvoeding van de humane en christelijke persoon”.


Sarah Barthélemy (Université Catholique de Louvain)
L’appropriation du modèle jésuite comme acte fondateur: les fidèles compagnes de Jésus (1820). Genre, sainteté et processus de légitimation. Dans la France du début du XIXe siècle, Marie Madeleine de Bengy de Bonnault d’Houët (1781-1858) fonde les fidèles compagnes de Jésus, afin d’« être jésuite ». En partant d’une approche au croisement entre genre et religion, basée sur des sources écrites produites par des femmes et des hommes, ainsi que des sources institutionnelles, il s’agira de faire l’histoire du rapport entre les sexes au niveau individuel, à partir de la fondatrice et des jésuites de son entourage, et au niveau collectif, à partir de l’enjeu d’institutionnalisation de la congrégation nouvellement créée, face à la Compagnie de Jésus et aux Congrégations de la curie romaine.


Lore Lievens (KADOC – KU Leuven).
Op ontdekkingstocht door de audiovisuele collecties van de Belgische en Nederlandse Jezuïeten.
In de afgelopen jaren werden niet enkel de archieven van de Belgische en Nederlandse jezuïeten op KADOC in bewaring gegeven, maar ook hun rijke audiovisuele collecties. Deze presentatie geeft voor het eerst een overzicht van de verrassende diversiteit en de onderzoeksmogelijkheden die het beeldmateriaal van de jezuïeten te bieden heeft.


Kristien Suenens (KADOC – KU Leuven).
Ignis – Leuven Centre for Jesuit Studies
Het nieuwe onderzoeksplatform ‘Ignis – Leuven Centre for Jesuit Studies’ wil internationaal en interdisciplinair onderzoek stimuleren met focus op de geschiedenis, de spiritualiteit, het onderwijs, de missieactiviteiten en het erfgoed van de jezuïeten in en uit de Lage Landen. Centraal staat de valorisatie van de rijke archief- en bibliotheekcollecties van de Belgische en Nederlandse jezuïeten door middel van seminaries, conferenties en masterthesissen.


Barbara Baudry (Archives Jésuites Europe Occidentale Francophone)
Les Archives jésuites des Provinces de France: présentation et exploitation Les fonds conservés dans le service des Archives de la Compagnie de Jésus en France sont riches à bien des égards (volume, périodes couvertes, thèmes abordés, etc.). Nous étudierons ici le contenu et les particularités de ces fonds. Nous nous intéresserons ensuite aux études qui en sont faites et nous ouvrirons notre propos sur les thèmes de recherche peu ou non exploités.


Boekvoorstelling / Présentation de livre

The Charles and Margaret Hall Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism, located at the University of Notre Dame, now welcomes applications for research grants and postdoctoral fellowships. Details on each opportunity appear below, and further information can be found at


The Cushwa Center offers grants to assist scholars with the travel costs associated with conducting research. There are five types of grants. The application deadline for each grant is December 31, 2019.

1) Research Travel Grants to support the study of Catholics in America through research conducted at the University Archives or other collections at the Hesburgh Libraries at the University of Notre Dame;

2) the Peter R. D’Agostino Research Travel Grants to support the study of the American past from an international perspective by facilitating research in Roman archives for a significant publication project on U.S. Catholic history;

3) the Mother Theodore Guerin Research Travel Grants to support projects that feature Catholic women by facilitating research at any repository in or outside the United States, or traveling to conduct oral history interviews, especially of women religious.

4) the Theodore M. Hesburgh Research Travel Grants to support research projects in any academic discipline that consider and incorporate the work of Rev. Theodore Hesburgh, C.S.C., former president of the University of Notre Dame; and

5) Hibernian Research Awards to support the scholarly study of Irish and Irish American history.


The Cushwa Center also supports postdoctoral research positions for the 2020–2021 academic year. Applications are due January 15, 2020.


Positions are for one year of residency at the University of Notre Dame and could be renewed for a second year. The Postdoctoral Research Associates work on their own research and writing projects while also actively contributing to the work of the Cushwa Center.

The Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History at the University of San Francisco welcomes applications for its Luce Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships for the summer of 2020. The application deadline is January 8, 2020.


Post-doctoral applicants–including researchers and junior faculty members–are invited to submit proposals that would use the vast archival collections at the Ricci Institute as the basis for scholarly publications. The Ricci collections include more than 80,000 volumes of books in Chinese and Western languages, a digital copy of the Japonica-Sinica Manuscript Collection from the Roman Archives of the Society of Jesus, the Francis A. Rouleau Microfilm / Digital Archival Collections, the Canton Diocese Archival Collection, a digital copy of the Passionist China Collection, the Anthony E. Clark Collection, as well as pre-modern Japanese & Korean Christian materials and other archival materials. Fellows would be in residence from June 8 until September 4, 2020.


Full details appear below. More information is available at



The Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History
University of San Francisco (USF)

The USF Ricci Institute is a premier global resource for the study of Chinese-Western cultural exchange with a core focus on the social and cultural history of Christianity in China. Besides its more than 80,000 volumes of books in Chinese and Western languages, its library also includes (1) a digital copy of the Japonica-Sinica Manuscript Collection from the Roman Archives of the Society of Jesus (ARSI); (2) the Francis A. Rouleau Microfilm / Digital Archival Collections’ (3) the Canton Diocese Archival Collection; (4) a digital copy of the Passionist China Collection; (5) the Anthony E. Clark Collection; (6) Pre-Modern Japanese & Korean Christian Materials; and (7) other archival materials.

The Ricci Institute invites applications for new Luce Post-doctoral Research Fellowships for the summer of 2020 as part of a project supported by the Henry Luce Foundation in New York. For detailed information about this international research initiative, please visit:

This fellowship is open to post-doctoral level applicants, including Junior Faculty members and researchers (i.e. normally within five years of having received the PhD degree). We invite research proposals primarily based on the archival collections at the Ricci Institute in preparation for research publications.

Topics of enquiry may include Chinese-Western cultural history, history of Christianity in East Asia (China, Japan, and/or Korea), comparative studies of Christianity and cultures in China, Japan, and Korea, and Vietnam. The aim of the fellowship is to offer recipients the unique opportunity to conduct research and to prepare manuscripts for publication that focus on archival, historiographical, and methodological issues that are relevant to different areas of Christianity and cultures in East Asia. Recipients are also expected to present their work and actively participate in all regularly organized research seminars at the Ricci Institute.

This fellowship requires a mandatory residence of three months from June 8 through September 4, 2020. All successful applicants will be expected to participate in the mandatory orientation on Friday, June 5, 2020. Late arrivals and early departures will only be accepted for extraordinary reasons and will require approval well in advance. The stipend is up to $4,500/month. Candidates are highly encouraged to apply for any necessary supplemental funding for their travel and stay from their home institutions.

Applicants who are not U.S. citizens or Legal Permanent Residents will need to contact the Ricci Institute well in advance for information regarding proof of English proficiency, visa, health insurance requirements, and other documentations.

Applicants should submit the following no later than January 8, 2020:

(1) a most recent Curriculum Vitae;

(2) a 5-10 page double-spaced statement with an outline of the proposed research and related activities, the contribution the scholar hopes to make in the relevant field(s), tentative plan for the publication of the research results, and how the research is related to and enriched by resources available at the USF Ricci Institute;

(3) a proposed budget and other funding sources, if any;

(4) two up-to-date letters of recommendation. All required documents must be in English.

Successful applications will be announced by the end of February 2020.

All application documents should be submitted by email to with the subject line: “2020 Summer Luce Post-doctoral Fellowship Application”. Previous participants of the international workshops administered by the Ricci Institute in 2017, 2018, and 2019 are not eligible for this fellowship. For more information about these workshops, please visit:

Letters of recommendation must be submitted directly from the recommenders on institutional letterhead either electronically to the above e-mail address or by regular mail to:

Luce Post-doctoral Fellowship Review Committee

The Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History

University of San Francisco, LM 280

2130 Fulton Street

San Francisco, CA 94117-1080

For more information about the USF Ricci Institute’s resources, please visit.

For more information about previous activities of the Ricci Institute’ Research Fellows, please visit:

Also see our new Youtube Channel: