News in Jesuit Studies

The following are notices of significant events related to the field of Jesuit Studies.
The notices appear chronologically, and all entries are indexed into the Portal’s search capabilities.
To contribute news of significant publications and events, both recent and forthcoming, please contact the Portal’s editors (

On November 1, the Lumen Christi Institute hosts a virtual lecture by Georgetown’s John O’Malley, SJ: “Venerating the Saints: An Ancient Tradition Actual Today.” The event is free and open to the public.


Coinciding with the Feast of All Saints, O’Malley’s presentation will argue that “few Christian practices are as ancient and widely popular as veneration of the saints,” reviewing this practice’s history, its challenges, and its contemporary appeals. O’Malley will address from the earliest veneration of martyrs in Rome to today’s continuing work by the Bollandist Society, “a unique group of Jesuits based in Belgium who have, for centuries, provided crucial editing and scholarship that have defined the field of ‘hagiography,’ the serious, critical historical study of the lives of the saints.”


The event is co-presented by the Bollandist Society and American Media. It is co-sponsored by the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University, the Nova Forum, the Harvard Catholic Forum, the Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies at USC, the Hank Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage, the Georgetown Office of Mission and Ministry, the Collegium Institute, and the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies at Boston College.


O’Malley, S.J. is University Professor of Theology at Georgetown University. He is the author of The First Jesuits (Harvard University Press, 1993), now available in twelve languages, and, most recently, When Bishops Meet: An Essay Comparing Trent, Vatican I, and Vatican II, (Harvard, 2019). In 2017, O’Malley received the George E. Ganss, S.J., Award, which recognizes a person’s significant scholarly contributions to the field of Jesuit Studies.


More information on the lecture is available below and at the website the Lumen Christi Institute

John O’Malley, SJ, “Venerating the Saints: An Ancient Tradition Actual Today.”

Sunday, November 1, 2020

3:00 PM CST (GMT -6) / 4:00 PM EST (GMT -5)

Advanced registration is required



On Thursday 29 October 2020, 12:30 pm GMT, the China Centre at Oxford hosts an online presentation “The Invisible City: A Global Microhistory of Europeans and their Social Networks in Eighteenth Century Beijing.” The guest speaker is Eugenio Menegon, an associate professor at Boston University and an affiliated scholar at the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies.


Menegon will examine the lives of the missionaries who worked as scientists and artisans at the Qing imperial court, an ideal setting to explore the deep structures of Chinese-Western socio-cultural and economic relations in early modern times. In pursuing their interests and stubbornly resisting bureaucratic control and autocratic hegemony, the Catholic missionaries operated within a vast planetary network and a series informal social networks. Menegon argues that these individuals’ experiences behind the public façade of power help to humanize and nuance “the claims of grand political and economic narratives, from the ‘Great Divergence’ between China and the West, to Qing state building. Through this group, we can expand the analysis to a larger network of individuals and institutions (also using digital scholarship approaches), extending from the Qing court to the entire world.”


Registration is available online, and questions may be sent to:


The University of Oxford China Centre is a new hub for various academic activities related to China at the University of Oxford, located on the premises of St Hugh’s College in the magnificent Dickson Poon Building. By bringing together superb academics and researchers from a broad range of disciplines, the China Centre will foster innovative collaborative initiatives and ensure that Oxford’s research on China produces even more substantial impact, both domestically and abroad.


Additional details are available at the China Centre’s website:



On October 15 and 16, the Université de Bretagne-Sud hosts a virtual conference examining missionaries of 16th to the 19th centuries. Hélène Vu Thanh, of the Université de Bretagne-Sud, is the conference organizer.


“Empires connectés. Les missionnaires comme agents impériaux (XVIe-XIXe siècles)” [Connecting Empires. Missionaries as Agents of Empire, 16th-19th c.] features fourteen presentations over the two-day event. A full program appears below. To request more information, please contact Hélène Vu Thanh (



Jeudi 15 octobre

9h15-9h25 : Mot d’accueil de Mathias Tranchant (université de Bretagne-Sud), vice-président en charge de la recherche, de la formation doctorale et du numérique

9h25-9h35 : Mot d’accueil de Sylviane Llinares (université de Bretagne-Sud), directrice adjointe du laboratoire TEMOS

9h35-10h00 : Hélène Vu Thanh (université de Bretagne-Sud/IUF) : Introduction

Session 1 : Établir des connexions impériales, entre insertion globale et poids du local

10h00-10h40 : Delphine Tempère (université de Lyon) : De la Péninsule aux Philippines. Les jésuites connecteurs de mondes au XVIIe siècle

10h40-11h20 : Felicita Tramontana (university of Warwick) : Global interactions, imperial expansion and Catholic missions (1500-1700)

11h20-12h00 : Emmanuel Jourda (EHESS/CECMC) : Les missionnaires face à l’écosystème chinois dans l’empire informel britannique : cas de la péninsule malaise au XIXe siècle.

12h00-13h30 : Pause déjeuner

Session 2 : Construire un État-impérial ou un empire spirituel ?

13h30-14h10 : Loann Berens (Normandie université) : Les Dominicains et la « conquête spirituelle » du Pérou : évangélisation, médiation politique et expansion impériale (années 1530-1550)

14h10-14h50 : Birgit Tremml (Linnaeus university) : Dominican ethnography of Taiwan: missionary zeal or empirical missions?

14h50-15h00 : Pause

15h00-15h40 : Margherita Trento (CNRS/CEIAS) : Imperial connections and dissimulation in South India (17th-18th c.)

15h40-16h20 : Bertrand Van Ruymbeke (université Paris 8/IUF) : Les pasteurs anglicans de la Society for the Propagation of the Gospel : le cas de la Caroline du Sud (1701-1750)


Vendredi 16 octobre

Session 3 : Interroger et défendre le paradigme impérial

9h-9h40 : Jean-Noël Sanchez (université de Strasbourg/CHER) : Ocaso en el Ponente. Francisco Combes, SJ, ou la défense crépusculaire d’un empire déclinant

9h40-10h20 : Adina Ruiu (Université de Montréal/EHESS) : Le Dépôt de la Marine, “âme” de l’histoire. Saint-Domingue et la Nouvelle-France sous la plume du jésuite Pierre-François-Xavier de Charlevoix

10h20-10h40 : Pause

10h40-11h20 : Elisabeth Heijmans (université de Leyde) : « C’est là que nous tirons les bras pour la culture de nos colonies » : La perspective d’un missionnaire sur le fort français de Ouidah (1776-1778)

11h20-12h00 : Marie de Rugy (IEP Strasbourg) : A quel empire se vouer ? Paul Bigandet, missionnaire français en Birmanie au XIXe siècle

12h00-13h30 : Déjeuner

Session 4 : Faire circuler les modèles impériaux

13h30-14h10 : Águeda García-Garrido (Normandie université/IEHM) : Entre mission et légation. Des augustins espagnols loin des Philippines au XVIIe siècle : une histoire à rebours ?

14h10-14h40 : Susanne Lachenicht (université de Bayreuth) : Réseaux et activités de missionnaires jésuites à travers les histoires naturelles des Caraïbes (XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles)

14h40-15h20 : Jean-François Klein (université du Havre) : Le mythe de l’Eldorado missionnaire du Yunnan au XIXe siècle

15h20-16h00 : Discussion générale et conclusions