February 2020: Program for 2020 International Symposium on Jesuit Studies, “Engaging the World: The Jesuits and Their Presence in Global History”

  • Because of the continuing threat of the coronavirus and various health and safety restrictions, the 2020 International Symposium was originally delayed to June 2021 before being cancelled in its entirety.
  • Below is the original program for the event as scheduled for June 2020.


The Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies, together with its co-organizer Brotéria, is very pleased to announce a draft program for the 2020 International Symposium on Jesuit Studies — “Engaging the World: The Jesuits and Their Presence in Global History.” The three-day event is also held in partnership with the Catholic University Portugal. The original call for papers is available online.


The event will take place June 17-19, 2020, in Lisbon. It will feature 147 presentations by scholars representing more than 25 countries from six continents. All presentations will occur in two adjacent buildings — the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa and Brotérias new cultural center.


Following the symposium, selected papers will be revised, peer-reviewed, and published in print and in open access as part of the International Symposia on Jesuit Studies Series at the Portal to Jesuit Studies.


The draft program below is subject to change. Participants should contact the Institute with any requested changes to the program. A final program will be released in advance of the symposium.


If you have questions or wish to attend the symposium as a non-presenter, please contact the Institute for further details (iajs@bc.edu). Advanced registration is required.




International Symposium on Jesuit Studies

Engaging the World: The Jesuits and Their Presence in Global History

Lisbon, Portugal | June 17–19, 2020

Co-organized by the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies at Boston College and Brotéria in Lisbon, in partnership with the Catholic University Portugal




Wednesday, June 17, 2020


9:00am 9:30am




9:30am 10:00am

Welcoming remarks


10:30am 12:15pm

Session 1


Session 1, Panel A — New Approaches to Primary Sources on the Jesuit Enterprise in Japan in the 17th Century

Description of Japanese Animals in the Vocabulario da lingoa de Iapam (1603–1604)

  • Emi Kishimoto, Osaka University (Japan)

The Mendicant Orders’ “Dissimulation” and “Mental Equivocation” in 17th-Century Japan: The Case of the Martyrdom of Blessed J. Hirayama, P. Zuñiga O.P., and L. Flores O.S.A.

  • Yoshimi Orii, Keio University (Japan)

Local Catholic Communities in Japan Seen through Jesuits’ Accounts on the Persecution: A Report of Cristóvão Ferreira about Shimabara Domain (1627)

  • Martin Nogueira Ramos, École française d’Extrême-Orient, Centre de Kyoto (Japan)

Co-existence of Japan and “New Japan” in the mid-17th Century: Analyzing the Historiographical Works of Jesuit Procuradores and Chroniclers

  • Susumu Akune, Kyoto University (Japan)


Session 1, Panel B — Knowledge on the Body and Nature among the Jesuits (America, Asia, and Europe, 17th and 18th Centuries)

Ingredients, methods and practices in a ‘Coleção de várias receitas e segredos to the Jesuits’ apothecaries (18th century)

  • Ana Carolina de Carvalho Viotti, São Paulo State University (Brazil)

Jesuit Missionary Efforts toward Codifying Indigenous Medicinal Knowledge from Portuguese Colonial Territories in the 17th and 18th Centuries

  • Timothy Walker, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth (United States)

Materia Medica Cochinchinensis: Construction, Circulation, and Reconfiguration of Medical-Pharmaceutical Knowledge in Macao in the 17th and 18th Centuries

  • Fabiano Bracht, Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil)

Paraguay Natural Ilustrado by José Sánchez Labrador, S.J.: Between the American Experience and Exile

  • Eliane Cristina Deckmann Fleck, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – Unisinos (Brazil)


Session 1, Panel C — Bringing the World Home: The Expelled Jesuits and Their Arrival to Italy (1767–1773)

Burial Places, Crypts, Tombs and Cemeteries: A New Way to Study the Mobility of the Jesuits around the World

  • Maria Macchi, Archivio Storico, Provincia Euro-Mediterranea della Compagnia di Gesù (Italy)

The Historicist Encyclopedicism of the Spanish Universalist School: The Natural Histories of the Americanist Clavijero and Molina

  • Davide Mombelli, Universidad de Alicante (Spain)

The American Jesuits “Return” to Italy: Cultural Perspectives, Political Entanglements, National Partitions

  • David Salomoni, Università degli Studi di Roma 3 (Italy)

Inventing Comparative Literature: Juan Andrés and the Universalist Project

  • Lucía Díaz Marroquín, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)


Session 1, Panel D — Translating Theology for Asian Audiences

Translating Christianity: Aquinas, Analogy, and João Rodrigues

  • Stephen Fields, S.J., Georgetown University (United States)

Translating the Soul into Chinese

  • Pingyi Chu, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Translating Ignatian Exercises into a Filipino Passion Narrative: Jesuit Engagement with Philippine Languages

  • Jose Mario C. Francisco, S.J., Pontificia Università Gregoriana (Italy)

The Role and Adaptation of Thomism in the Evangelization of China during the Qing Dynasty: The Translation of Aquinas Summa Theologiae by Ludovico Buglio

  • Angela Giorgi, Università degli Studi di Perugia (Italy)


Session 1, Panel E — Jesuit Philosophy in the Renaissance and its Transmission to Late Ming China

The Translation of Renaissance Ethics in Late Ming China

  • Jie Tan, Central South University, Changsha (China)

Western Cosmology under the Chinese Heaven: A Textual Analysis of the Coimbra Commentary on the De Coelo (1592) and its Chinese Rendition, the Huanyou quan (1628) by Furtaodo and Li Zhizao

  • Thierry Meynard, S.J., Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou (China)

Mingli tan and Qiongli Xue: The Late Ming and Early Qing Chinese Renditions of the Coimbra Commentary In Universam Dialecticam Aristotelis

  • Lu Jiang, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou (China)

Fragility and Intercultural Software: Contemporary Challenges from the “Coimbra Jesuit Aristotelian Course” Failure in China. A Philosophical Standpoint

  • Mário Santiago de Carvalho, Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal)



12:30pm 2:00pm

Lunch, at leisure



2:15pm 4:00pm

Session 2


Session 2, Panel A — Jesuits Engaging Boundaries

Jesuit Cartography as Cross-Cultural Communication: Role, Features and Symbology of Jesuit Mapping in the New World

  • Mirela Altić, Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar (Croatia)

Cross-Boundary Encounter of Spain, Japan, and China in the 17th Century: A Global Context of the Virgin Mary and the Jesuit Mission Network

  • Hui-Hung Chen, National Taiwan University

From Cartography to Christian Iconography: Giulio Aleni’s Cosmological Image

  • Dong Han, University of Warwick (United Kingdom)

Globalizing Anti-Protestantism? Reflections on the Role of Confessional Identities in the Jesuits’ Worldwide Missionary Enterprise

  • Markus Friedrich, Universität Hamburg (Germany)


Session 2, Panel B — Realities of Everyday Life: Discovering New Foodways

“We don’t eat raw fish”: Jesuit Letters from Japan, 1555–1599

  • Molly Borowitz, Georgetown University (United States)

By Sea and by Land – Drinking and Eating in a Caravan and on Ships: Jesuit Missionaries in the United States (19th Century)

  • Claudio Ferlan, Bruno Kessler Foundation – Italian-German Historical Institute (Italy)

The Inconvenience of Chocolate: Jesuits and Religious Order in Colonial Mexico

  • Danielle Terrazas Williams, Oberlin College (United States)

Non in pane solo vivet homo”: Culinary Accommodation in the Early Years of the Mariana Islands Mission

  • Verónica Peña Filiu, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Spain)


Session 2, Panel C — “The best people yet discovered”: Echoes of the Japanese Missions during the 16th and 18th Centuries

Guido Gualtieri’s Reports on the Visit of Japanese Ambassadors: The Tenshō Embassy in the Roman Propaganda

  • Laura Madella, Università degli Studi di Parma (Italy)

“Lacking ships, I will reach those islands by swimming”: A Renewed Desire for Japan in the Jesuit Petitions for the Indies (Italian Assistancy, 1690–1730 ca.)

  • Elisa Frei, Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies (United States)

Purposeful Anachronism: The Map in Antonio Cardim’s Martirology of Japan (1646)

  • Carla Tronu, Kyoto University (Japan)

From the Cross to the Pyre: The Paintings of Japanese Martyrs in the Church of the Gesù

  • Hitomi Omata-Rappo, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Japan)


Session 2, Panel D — Engaging the State, I

Guy Tachard, S.J., and French Colonial Politics in Pondicherry during the First Decade of the 18th Century

  • Stefan Halikowski Smith, Swansea University (United Kingdom)

The Jesuit Presence in Japan during the East Asian War of 1592–1598

  • Mariana Boscariol, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal)

German Jesuits in India: An Example of Transnational Mission in the 18th Century?

  • Julia Lederle-Wintgens, Stadtarchivs Düsseldorf (Germany)

Rationalizing Colonial Violence in the Pacific Rim: José de Acosta and Alonso Sánchez on the Conquest of China

  • Andres Prieto, University of Colorado at Boulder (United States)


Session 2, Panel E — Going on Mission: Impressions, Desires, and Realities

The Polish-Lithuanian Jesuits in the Orient in the 17th Century

  • Natalia Królikowska-Jedlińska, Uniwersytet Warszawski (Poland)

A Great Longing for India vs. Reality of the Jesuits from Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth: A Case of Paulus Kostanecki

  • Monika Miazek-Męczyńska, Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland)

Vocational Perseverance and Family Interference among the First Ex-Jesuits: A Study of Pedro de Ribadeneira’s Dialogos

  • Thomas Santa Maria, Yale University (United States)

Alonso Rodríguez (1538–1616) and Jesuit Missions

  • Joseph Koczera, S.J., Centre Sèvres (France)



4:15pm 4:30pm

Coffee break



4:30pm 6:15pm

Session 3


Session 3, Panel A — Martyrdom in Japan

Why Did Most Jesuits Survive the Martyrdom of 1597?: The Diplomatic Policy of the Toyotomi Administration and the Martyrdom of the “26 Martyrs of Japan”

  • Yurika Takano, University of Tsukuba (Japan)

Engaging and Saving the World by Martyrdom: Japanese Christian Martyrs among Jesuits

  • Carlota Miranda Urbano, Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal)

Martyres (Witnesses) Together: Nine Jesuits, Three Women and Five Men in the Persecution in Arima, Japan in 1626

  • Haruko Nawata Ward, Columbia Theological Seminary (United States)


Session 3, Panel B — The Challenges and Contexts of New Missions

Jesuit Teaching in Goa in the 16th Century: New Elements for its Study

  • João Rebalde, Universidade do Porto (Portugal)

Strategic Characterizations of Tibet in the Letters of Antonio de Andrade

  • Jesse Sargent, Independent Researcher (United States)

The Jesuits and the Use of Education as an Evangelization Tool in the Zambezi Mission, 1875–1890

  • Aquinata Agonga, Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa (Kenya)

Jesuits at the Frontiers: The Rocky Mountains Mission in the Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu

  • Eva Fontana Castelli, Università di Bologna (Italy)


Session 3, Panel C — Explaining to the World

Displaying the Missions Back Home: Incorporation and Articulation of Missionary Activities in the Roman College’s Museum

  • Carolina Vaz de Carvalho, Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil)

De Melo’s Brazilian Georgics: Colonial Brazil through Jesuit Eyes

  • Petra Matović, University of Zagreb (Croatia)

Overseas Missions in the Archives of the French Province 17th–20th Centuries: Rich but Underexploited Materials

  • Barbara Baudry, Archives, Province d’Europe Occidentale Francophone (France)

Scottish and English Jesuits and Print Culture of the Late 16th-Century Grand Duchy of Lithuania

  • Hanna Mazheika, National Historical Archives (Belarus)


Session 3, Panel D — A Missionary’s Life

Fr. Walter Ciszek, S.J. (1904–1984), Missionary to Russia

  • Daniel Schlafly, Saint Louis University (United States)

Francis Xavier, John III of Portugal, and the Challenges of an International Mission

  • Robert Scully, S.J., Le Moyne College (United States)

Joseph-Pierre de Bonnécamps, S.J.: A Scientist’s Encounters with Military Officers, Native Americans, and the French Government, 18th Century

  • John Cunningham, S.J., Fordham University (United States)

A Missionary East and West: Hugo M. Enomiya-Lassalle, S.J.

  • Ursula Baatz, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt (Austria)


Session 3, Panel E — Motivations, Practices, and Impacts of Jesuit Rhetoric

Influence of the Jesuit Rhetoric on Lutheran and Orthodox Citizens and Neighbors of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 17th Century

  • Bartosz Awianowicz, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu (Poland)

Ite inflammate omnia: Metaphors of Fire and Flames in Early Jesuit Rhetoric

  • Hanne Roer, Københavns Universitet (Denmark)

The Teaching of how to Arouse Emotions in the Rhetorical Progymnasmata by Bartolomé Bravo, S.J. (1589, 1591, and 1596)

  • Violeta Pérez Custodio, Universidad de Cádiz (Spain)

Andreas Pertzivales: A Greek Jesuit Teaching Rhetoric in Messina and Palermo

  • Manfred Kraus, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen (Germany)








Thursday, June 18, 2020


9:00am 10:45am

Session 4


Session 4, Panel A — Jesuits and Slavery: Comparative Studies

Between Accommodation and Confrontation: European Jesuits React to Jesuit Slaveholding in Maryland, 1814–1838

  • Elsa Mendoza, Georgetown University (United States)

The Creole Passion: Pierre-Louis Boutin and the Evangelization of Slaves in Saint-Domingue (Haiti)

  • Malick Ghachem, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (United States)

Jesuits and Slaves in China (16th and 17th Centuries)

  • Yang Liu, University of Tokyo (Japan)

Forts, Peace Embassies, and Reduccion: Response of the Jesuits to the Challenges of Slave-Raiding and Slavery in Spanish Philippines

  • Amado (Madz) Tumbali, S.J., Ateneo de Manila University (Philippines)


Session 4, Panel B — Jesuit Missionaries and Lay Collaborators

Engaging Women in Apostolate: Jesuits and Female Semireligious Congregations between Europe and the World (16th and 17th Centuries)

  • Fabio Arlati, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano (Italy)

Alexandre de Rhodes, S.J. (1583–1660): Culture, Community, and Language

  • José García de Castro Valdés, S.J., Universidad Pontificia Comillas (Spain)

Catholic Networks, John Ogilvie, and the Context of Tolerance in Early Modern Glasgow

  • Daniel MacLeod, St. Paul’s College, University of Manitoba (Canada)

Global Jesuit History and Local Jesuit History: Mantua and Milan Colleges in the 17th Century

  • Flavio Rurale, University of Udine, DIUM (Italy)


Session 4, Panel C — Global Chaos: Jesuit Missions and the Chinese Empire (16th–19th Centuries)

Connecting Continents: Jesuit Procurators and Their Networks between Lisbon and Macau

  • Frederik Vermote, California State University, Monterey Bay (United States)

On Concubines and Fortune-Tellers: Jesuits’ Views on Two Long-Standing and Controversial Chinese Practices

  • Giulia Falato, University of Oxford China Centre (United Kingdom)

The Relaunch of the Chinese Mission in the 19th Century

  • Marco Rochini, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan (Italy)

Evangelization in the Age of Early Globalization: Problematizing the Missionary Identity of Italian Jesuits in China (17th and 18th Centuries)

  • Irene Gaddo, Università del Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo Avogadro,” Vercelli (Italy)


Session 4, Panel D — Explaining the World

Joseph-François Lafitau’s Colonial Histories: From the Mœurs des sauvages amériquains (1724) to the Histoire des Conquêtes des Portugais (1733)

  • Andreas Motsch, University of Toronto (Canada)

Michel Nau, S.J. (1630–1680): Translator and Interpreter of Islam to the Christian West

  • Paul Shore, University of Regina (Canada)

“Thoughtful adaptations”: The ‘Chianization’ of 17th-Century Jesuit Texts by Tommaso Stanislao Velasti

  • Mara Psalti, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece)

European Jesuits in China and their Chinese Paper Collections (17th and 18th Centuries): Auctorial Evidence on a Process of Intercultural Book Culture

  • Noël Golvers, KU Leuven (Belgium)


Session 4, Panel E — Miracles or Otherwise: Missionary Strategies

Jesuits of the Old Society in South India: ‘Music’ as a Miracle Cure for Mission Success

  • Lisa Herrmann-Fertig, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (Germany)

Miracle Story (1664) at the Chapel of the Jesuit College devoted to San Ildefonso in Mexico City, by Antonio de Oviedo (1670–1757)

  • Hugo Zayas-Gonzalez, Central Michigan University (United States)

Miracles and Miraculous Tales in Jesuit’s Mission in the Ming China

  • Daniel (Xuliang) Sun, University of Macau (China)

“Instead of miracles and gift of healing”: Jesuit Missionary Strategy, 1540–1600

  • Liuba Dzihanau Vnukousky, Belarusian State University (Belarus)



11:00am 12:45pm

Session 5


Session 5, Panel A — Jesuits’ Successes and Struggles in China

Engaging Chronologies: A History of China (1654) to a European audience by António de Gouveia, S.J.

  • Cristina Costa Gomes, Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal)

The Study of Wang Honghui’s Timeframes and the Reason of His Failure to Enter the Cabinet

  • Jianwen Hu, Università Degli Studi Di Padova (Italy)

The Encountering of Image and Xiang (象) in Matteo Ricci’s Western Art of Memory (Xiguo Jifa, 1596)

  • Shixiang Jin, University of Science and Technology Beijing (China)

The Time and Space Re-Enacted in Jesuit Figurists’ Re-interpretation of Chinese Classics

  • Sophie Ling-chia Wei, Chinese University of Hong Kong


Session 5, Panel B — Tactics and Logistics, I

Entangled Ways to Rome: Managing Communication Haphazards in the China Mission (Late 17th–Early 18th Centuries)

  • João Teles e Cunha, Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal)

Promoting the Missions from the Center: The Mission Secretariat (1923–1983) at General Curia of the Society of Jesus

  • Mauro Brunello, Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu (Italy)

Jesuit Missions in the Amazon: The Life of Carlos Brentano

  • Samuele Tacconi, Università di Bologna (Italy)

Jesuit Visitador Alessandro Valignano’s Advertimentos and Gift-Giving in Early Modern Japan: Local Communities, Diplomacy and Global Society

  • Aishwarya Sugandhi, Bukkyo University (Japan)


Session 5, Panel C — Engaging the State, II

Jesuits and Hindu Kings

  • Will Sweetman, University of Otago (New  Zealand)

Making Christians Loyal, and Loyalists Christian: Sino-European Encounters in the 17th-Century Jesuit Missions

  • Christoph Zimmer, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (Germany)

Counter-Reformation Colonialism: The Knatchbull Catechism in 17th-Century Maryland

  • Helen Kilburn, University of Manchester (United Kingdom)

Bullfighting in the Jesuitic Arena

  • Armando Senra Martins, Universidade de Évora/Center for Classical Studies, Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal)


Session 5, Panel D — Jesuits and the Arts, Revisited

Images and Imagination: Bitti’s Life of Christ Series in Cusco

  • Elena Amerio, Independent Researcher (Italy)

“The Iberians now have the Philippines, and are thirsting for our blood:” Global Politics in the 1625 Koblenz Jesuit Play

  • Akihiko Watanabe, Otsuma Women’s University (Japan)

The Four Continents at Stage: Indigenous People by the Eyes of António de Sousa and the Royal Tragicomedy of the Discovery and Conquest of the Orient (1619)

  • Margarida Miranda, Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal)

Jesuit Art in Macau (16th and 17th Centuries): Between East and West

  • Cristina Osswald, Instituto Politécnico de Macau (China)


Session 5, Panel E — Learning at the Local Level

The Contribution of the Jesuit Onofrio Villiani (1715–1789) to the Knowledge of Asian Language

  • Carlo Pelliccia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal)

The Jesuit Paul Lejeune (1592–1664): Conversion and Meditation Methods from New France

  • Éric Debacq, Université de Montréal (Canada)

The First Jesuit Books in Lithuanian Language and Their Influence for Catholic Church in Lithuania

  • Agnė Zemkajutė, Lietuvos mokslų akademija (Lithuania)

Inside a Classroom in Shanghai: Latin Notes on the Four Books (1637–1638)

  • Di Wu, Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal)


Session 5, Panel F — Jesuits Engaging Science, I

Michael Boym’s Idea about China and What it Reveals within the Knowledge Networks in the 17th Century

  • Eszter Csillag, The Hong Kong University 

From the Classroom into the World: Astrology among the Jesuits

  • Luís Ribeiro, Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal)

The Jesuits and the Useful Heretic in the China Mission

  • Luís Tirapicos, Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal)

A Multifaceted Process: The Manufacture of Glass and Enamels

  • Emily B. Curtis, Independent Researcher (United States)



1:15pm 2:30pm

Lunch for presenters



Optional guided excursions



At leisure




Friday, June 19, 2020


9:00am 10:45am

Session 6


Session 6, Panel A — Early and Restored Missions in China and India

Building the Jesuit Mission to China, 1842–1954: Design, Construction, Use, and Architectural Significance

  • Thomas Coomans, KU Leuven (Belgium)

Recontextualizing Early Modern Jesuit Rhetoric from India

  • Michelle Zaleski, Marymount University (United States)

Missionaries in an Orientalist Context: The Case of the Ranchi Jesuit Mission, India

  • Aditi Athreya, KU Leuven (Belgium)

Restoring the Jesuit Society in South Asia: Contexts and Constraints

  • Jose Kalapura, S.J., Xavier Institute of Social Research (India)


Session 6, Panel B — Tactics and Logistics, II

Jesuit Networks and Global Goods between China, Latin-America and Europe (17th and 18th Centuries)

  • Pedro Miguel Omar Svriz Wucherer, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville (Spain)

General Procurators as Cultural Mediators: The Case of Marcelo Leitão (1679–1755)

  • Maria João Pereira Coutinho, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal)

Promoting the China Mission: The Editorial Activity of the Procurator Álvaro Semedo in the 1640s

  • Isabel Murta Pina, Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau (Portugal)

The French Maisons de retraite: A Global Phenomenon?

  • Judith Lipperheide, Universität Hamburg (Germany)


Session 6, Panel C — Reshaped Missions of the 20th Century

Globalizing Indigenous Jesuit Identities: An Evolving Prosopography within the Indigenisation of the Ranchi Jesuit Province, 1956–2000

  • Rinald D’Souza, S.J., KU Leuven (Belgium)

Translating the Global and Mass Communication and Evangelization in the Jesuit Chad Mission (1946–1973)

  • Jean Luc Enyegue, S.J., Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa (Kenya)

Jesuits Residences, Colleges and Retreat Houses as Mobility Observatories during the Second World War: The Case of the Nazi Military Occupation in Italy (1943–1945)

  • Laura Di Fabio, Bruno Kessler Foundation – Italian-German Historical Institute (Italy)

The Missions of the Society of Jesus between the First and Second World Wars: Panorama of Sources in the New Society Section of the Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu

  • Sergio Palagiano, Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu (Italy)


Session 6, Panel D — Jesuit Conflicts, Networks, and Origins in South America

Slaveholding, the Jesuit Mission, and the Work of Alonso de Sandoval in Cartagena de Indias, 1604–1652

  • George Clay, Florida Atlantic University (United States)

Internal Communications in the Rio de Plata and Río Paraguay Cities: Early-Modern Writing Codifications between Buenos Aires, Montevideo, and Asunción

  • Frédéric Conrod, Florida Atlantic University (United States)

On the Traces of German Jesuits in the Amazon: The Network and Scholarly Activities around Rochus Hundertpfund, S.J. (1709–1777), Anton Meisterburg, S.J. (1719–1799), and Anselm Eckart, S.J. (1721–1809) at the Mission Station Abacaxis

  • Thomas Horst, Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal)

The Society of Jesus and Paraguay in the 16th Century: To the Origins of the Paraquaria project

  • Guillaume Candela, Brown University (United States)


Session 6, Panel E — Evangelizing at Mass

Jerome Xavier and the Modification of the Reading of the Persian Gospels: A Case Study of Two Manuscripts, Saved in the National Library of Lisbon

  • Ali B. Langroudi, Universität Göttingen (Germany)

Engaging the World through Words and Emotion: Tears in Some Speeches of Father António Vieira

  • Maria Cecília de Miranda Nogueira Coelho, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil)

Empowering Indigenous People while Spreading the Gospel: At the Frontiers of the Peruvian Mission

  • Juan Dejo, S.J., Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya (Peru)

French Jesuits in Shanghai during the mid-19th Century and Their Endeavors in Liturgical Music

  • Lionel (Li-Xing) Hong, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan



11:00am 12:45pm

Session 7


Session 7, Panel A — Jesuits Engaging Science, II

Portuguese Jesuits Presence in China, Their Formation in Portugal, and Their Scientific Work in the Land of the Rising Sun

  • Francisca Branco Veiga, Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal)

Darwin and the Theory of Evolution in the Jesuit Journal Brotéria, 1909–1959

  • Francisco Malta Romeiras, Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal)

Jesuits and the Natural History of the Philippine Archipelago, 17th and 18th Centuries

  • Rene B. Javellena, S.J., Ateneo de Manila University (Philippines)

Georg Joseph Kamel, S.J. (1661–1706): Natural and Medical Knowledge in Transit Between the Philippines and Europe

  • Sebestian Kroupa, University of Cambridge/King’s College London (United Kingdom)


Session 7, Panel B — Local Linguistic Encounters

Learning, Imposing or Rejecting Languages? A Comparative Study of Jesuit Linguistic Interactions in the Missions Connected to the Portuguese Empire from a Global Perspective (1549–1650)

  • Angelo Cattaneo, CNR – Storia, scienze e tecnologie della conoscenza (Italy)

Resisting Translation in the 17th-Century Jesuit Mission: Interreligious Controversy and Polemics in Indo-Persia

  • Norbert Hintersteiner, University of Münster (Germany)

Jesuit Strategies and Accommodation in the Mughal India through the Works of Jerome Xavier, S.J. (15491617)

  • Halia Manteghi, University of Münster (Germany)

“Je veux apprendre votre langue”: Wendats and Jesuits Linguistic Encounter in New France, 17th and 18th Centuries

  • Fannie Dionne, McGill University (Canada)


Session 7, Panel C — Missionary Identity

A World United: The Image of St. Francis Xavier Preaching to the Four Continents

  • Rachel Miller, California State University, Sacramento (United States)

Jesuit Motives: The Visual Construction of Francis Xavier as Ideal Missionary

  • Alison Fleming, Winston-Salem State University (United States)

Imagining the Indies from a Distance: Representation of Jesuit Global Missions in Early Modern Lithuania

  • Liudas Jovaiša, Vilniaus universitetas (Lithuania)

The Representations of the Brazilian Indians in De Gestis Mendi De Saa by Saint Joseph de Anchieta

  • Eduardo de Almeida Navarro, Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil)


Session 7, Panel D — Engaging Cultures: Motivations and Impact

José de Acosta, Antonio Possevino, and Their Shaping of an Early Modern Missionary Manual

  • Javier de Prado Garcia, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain)

Claudio Acquaviva and Alessandro Valignano: Convergences and Differences in Defining the Jesuit Presence in Asia (1582–1594)

  • Pedro Lage Correia, Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal)

China Mission: The Origins of the Jesuit Strategy

  • Iveta Nakládalová, Palacky University Olomouc (Czech Republic)

Jesuit Scholarship, Enlightenment, and the Globalization of Humanism

  • Jeffrey Burson, Georgia Southern University (United States)


Session 7, Panel E — New Perspectives on the History of the Jesuit Presence in Japan (16th–17th Centuries)

The Spanish Jesuits Chronicles on the Imjin War on the Discussion

  • Giuseppe Marino, Fudan University (China)

The Pre-Evangelization for the Japanese: A Jesuit Missionary Strategy

  • Renata Cabral Bernabé, Tohoku University (Japan)

How Not to Be Seen: Moral Theology and Hidden Jesuits and Dominicans in 1620s Japan

  • Rômulo Ehalt, Tohoku University (Japan)

Jesuit Perceptions of Missionary Success and Failure in Early Modern Japan

  • Linda Zampol D’Ortia, Fondazione Giorgio Cini (Italy)



1:00pm 2:30pm

Lunch, at leisure



2:45pm 4:30pm

Session 8


Plenary Panel — Realities of Everyday Life: Rituals and Mobility

Chair: Claudio Ferlan, Bruno Kessler Foundation – Italian-German Historical Institute (Italy)

What Did Jesuits Learn from Others? Quote Unquote in the Jesuits’ Reports from the Mission of the World

  • Michela Catto, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia (Italy)

Wax Lambs: Jesuits and the Global Mobility of the Sacred in the Early Modern World

  • Paul Nelles, Carleton University (Canada)

Negotiate the Daily Life: A New Perspective on Malabar Rites

  • Sabina Pavone, Università degli studi di Macerata (Italy)

Tracing Individual Realities (Jesuit and Non) in Accounts of Everyday Life from Rome to Asia

  • Camilla Russell, Newcastle University/Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu (Australia/Italy)




Closing remarks
