June 2019: Program for 2019 International Symposium on Jesuit Studies, “Engaging Sources: The Tradition and Future of Collecting History in the Society of Jesus”

The Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies is pleased to announce the program for its 2019 International Symposium on Jesuit Studies. This event will be the institute’s fifth annual gathering of scholars from around the globe. It will be hosted at Boston College. The event has previously taken place in Boston, Nairobi, and Seville.


This year’s theme is “Engaging Sources: The Tradition and Future of Collecting History in the Society of Jesus.” The call for papers can be found online.


The event features 14 individual panels and 5 plenary sessions. Simon Ditchfield of York University will provide the keynote address. In all, nearly 70 scholars will participate, representing institutions across five continents. A full program appears below.


To learn more, please contact the Institute (iajs@bc.edu).



(program as a pdf document)

International Symposium on Jesuit Studies

“Engaging Sources: The Tradition and Future of Collecting History in the Society of Jesus”

Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies   | Boston College | June 11–13, 2019


Tuesday, June 11

8:00am – 8:45am Breakfast

Gasson Hall, 100


9:00am – 10:45am Welcome and Keynote

Gasson Hall, Room 100

Chair: Casey C. Beaumier, S.J., Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies

Welcoming remarks

  • William P. Leahy, S.J., Boston College

Keynote address

“Daniello Bartoli, S.J. (1608–1685), His Sources and the Writing of the First ‘Global’ History of the Jesuits”

  • Simon Ditchfield, University of York


11:00am – 12:30pm Paper Session A

Gasson Hall, Room 205

Rediscovering History in “New” Jesuit Sources

Chair: Aislinn Muller, Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies

“Invisible Histories, Silenced Histories of the Philippines: The Labor Evangélica: Ministerios Apostólicos de los Obreros de la Compañía de Jesús (ca. 1701), by Father Diego de Oña, S.J. (1655–1721)”

  • Alexandre Coello de la Rosa, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

“When There is No Written Record: The Use of Archaeology to Recover the Jesuit Past”

  • Brendan Weaver, Stanford University

“History-keeping under Persecution: Sources from the College of Jesus of Coimbra, Discovered in 2016”

  • Margarida Miranda, Universidade de Coimbra; and António Trigueiros, S.J. Brotéria


Gasson Hall, Room 210

Real and Imagined Missions: Italian Litterae Indipetae of Old and New Society of Jesus

Chair: Emanuele Colombo, DePaul University

“‘You only torment and upset yourself’: Jesuits between Indifference and Restlessness (Sicily, 17th–18th centuries)”

  • Elisa Frei, Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies

“The litterae indipetae (1814–1853): A Source for the History of the ‘New’ Society of Jesus”

  • Marco Rochini, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan

“‘For the salvation of Russia’: Some Brief Remarks on Russipetae in the 20th Century”

  • Sabina Pavone, Università degli studi di Macerata


12:45pm Lunch

Gasson Hall, Room 100


2:45pm – 4:15pm Paper Session B

Gasson Hall, Room 306

Constructing Identity through Jesuit Sources

Chair: André Brouillette, S.J., Boston College

“Between Identity and History: The Vocazioni illustri della Compagnia di Gesù of Giovanni Antonio Valtrino”

  • Irene Gaddo, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Vercelli

“Lessons from Japan: Nicolas Trigault Writes to a Global Audience”

  • Nicholas Lewis, St. Louis University

“Alessandro Valignano and the Construction of Europe’s First Image of Japan”

  • Jan Leuchtenberger, University of Puget Sound


Gasson Hall, Room 205

Contextualizing Private Correspondence and Public Conferences

Chair: Markus Friedrich, Universität Hamburg

“Archived Jesuit Thinking: Correspondences in Gaston Fessard and Kenneth Burke”

  • Steven Mailloux, Loyola Marymount University

“Bernard Lonergan’s Early Correspondences: His Motivations and Early Plans to Update Catholic Education”

  • Cyril Orji, University of Dayton

“Jesuit Identity in the Journals and Correspondence of Patrick F. Healy, S.J.”

  • Alexandria Griffin, Arizona State University


Sources of Jesuits’ Pedagogical Influence

Gasson Hall, Room 210

Chair: Claude Pavur, S.J., Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies

“Knowledge Transmission and Personal Expectancies through Pedro de Hortigosa’s Correspondence: Pedagogy and Missionary Experience in the Jesuit Province of New Spain”

  • Hugo Zayas-Gonzalez, Central Michigan University

“The Philosophy Textbooks of Portuguese Jesuits’ Courses in 16th-Century”

  • Paula Oliveira e Silva and João Rebalde, Instituto de Filosofia da Universidade do Porto

“The Philosophical Heritage of the Jesuits in Brazil”

  • Lúcio Álvaro Marques, Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro

“Philosophy at the Geopolitical Service of Mission: Coimbra Jesuits’ ‘Wirkungsgeographie’ (15601730)”

  • Mário Santiago de Carvalho, Universidade de Coimbra


4:30pm Reception

Gasson Hall, Room 100


Chair: Seth Meehan, Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies

  • Paul Begheyn, S.J., Netherlands Institute of Jesuit Studies
  • Anna Kijas, Boston College Libraries
  • Yannick Van Loon, Jesuitica project, KU Leuven


6:00pm Dinner

Gasson Hall, Room 100



Wednesday, June 12

8:00am – 8:45am Breakfast

Gasson Hall, Room 100


9:00am – 10:30am Paper Session C

Constructing History through Jesuit Sources

Gasson Hall, Room 203

Chair: Claude Pavur, S.J., Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies

“Pedro de Ribadeneira and the Use of Sources: Critical History and Hagiography in the Early Society”

  • Robert Scully, S.J., Le Moyne College

“Early Modern Jesuit Historiography as a Great Inspiration for Central European Historians before 1773”

  • Jakub Zouhar, Univerzita Hradec Králové

“Sacred Objects in Narratives of the English Mission, ca. 15801688”

  • Aislinn Muller, Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies

“The Forgotten Jesuits: The Historical Memory of the Society Between Minor Archives and New Research Trends”

  • David Salomoni, Università Roma Tre


Race and Memory: Religion, Recordkeeping, and Murder

Gasson Hall, Room 205

Chair: Amy Phillips, Woodstock Theological Library

“A Spiritual Inheritance: African American Catholicism in Southern Maryland”

  • Laura Masur, The Catholic University of America

“Slaves, Slaveholding, and Jesuit Recordkeeping in the Maryland Province Archives”

  • Elsa Mendoza, Georgetown University

“‘Regulations for Our Black People’: Jesuit Recordkeeping on Slavery in Antebellum Missouri”

  • Kelly Schmidt, Loyola University Chicago

“A Jesuit Murder in the French Caribbean”

  • Andrew Dial, Louisiana State University


Constructing, Revising, and Archiving Jesuit Rhetoric

Gasson Hall, Room 210

Chair: Cinthia Gannett, Fairfield University

“Assembling a Usable Archive of 19th- and 20th-Century American Jesuit Rhetoric”

  • John Brereton, University of Massachusetts Boston

“A Jesuit Looking Back at a Great Tradition: Giovambattista Noghera (17191784) and the Construction of a Story of Jesuit Sacred Rhetoric”

  • Hanne Roer, Københavns Universitet

“François Pomey’s Candidatus Rhetoricae and its Revisions as Documents of the History of Jesuit Rhetorical Education”

  • Manfred Kraus, Universität Tübingen


10:45am – 12:15pm Paper Session D

Gasson Hall, Room 205

Analyzing Diverse Sources of the Asian Missions

Chair: Elisa Frei, Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies

“Sketching the Historical Soundscape of Sacred Music in China through Jesuit Sources”

  • Lionel Li-Xing Hong, Fu Jen Catholic University

“Visions of Contemplation: Jesuit Arts in Japan”

  • Aiko Okamoto-MacPhail, Indiana University

“Conimbricenses.org: Tracking the Impact of Jesuit History and Theology Instruction through Asia and Beyond”

  • Mário Santiago de Carvalho, Universidade de Coimbra


Gasson Hall, Room 210

Transforming Everyday Jesuit Sources

Chair: Adrian Vaagenes, Woodstock Theological Library

“The Windows on Early Jesuit Ireland: Recent Editions of Sources for the Irish Mission”  

  • Vera Moynes, National Archives of Ireland

“Jesuits Leaving the Classroom: Where and When. The Relevance of Using the Jesuit Catalogues in Understanding Change in the Jesuit Order”

  • Cristóbal Madero, S.J.,  Universidad Alberto Hurtado

“1826: One Year of Jesuit Catalogues”

  • Laura Madella, Università degli Studi di Parma


12:30pm Lunch

Gasson Hall, Room 100


2:00pm – 3:00pm Visit to John J. Burns Library

Burns Library, Catholic Authors’ Room

Viewing of selections from the library’s Jesuitica collection


3:00pm – 4:30pm Plenary Roundtable

Burns Library, Francis Thompson Room

Jesuit Libraries of the Past, Present, and Future

Chair: Cristiano Casalini, Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies

Jesuit Libraries in the Old and the New Society of Jesus as a Historiographical Theme
  • Noël Golvers, KU Leuven

“The Past and Future of the Woodstock College Library”

  • Leon Hooper, S.J., and Adrian Vaagenes, Woodstock Theological Library

“The Formation of the Jesuitica Collection at Boston College”

  • Christian Dupont, Boston College

“Archiving Jesuit Libraries: Past, Present, and Future”

  • Kyle Roberts, Loyola University Chicago


4:45pm – 6:00pm Reception

Burns Library, Fine Print Room and Irish Room


Evening at leisure


Thursday, June 13

8:00am – 8:45am Breakfast

Gasson Hall, Room 100


9:00am – 10:30am Paper Session E

Gasson Hall, Room 205

Tracking the Cultural Impacts and Legacies of Jesuit Missions

Chair: Brian Mac Cuarta, S.J., Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu

“Engaging Late-Ming Literati through Western Moral Philosophy: The Literary Legacy of Alfonso Vagnone, S.J., in the Jiangzhou Community Compact”

  • Giulia Falato, University of Oxford

“Constituted through Jesuit Archives: Discovering Education and the Multilingual Student in California during the 19th Century”

  • Maureen Fitzsimmons, University of California, Irvine

“Jesuit Institutional Shift in the 1970s, its Impact on Jesuit Sources and Historiography, and the Future of Jesuit Archives in Francophone Africa and Europe”

  • Barbara Baudry, Archives Jésuites, Province d’Europe Occidentale Francophone; and Jean Luc Enyegue, S.J., Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa


Gasson Hall, Room 210

Jesuit Sources in 20th-Century Public Debates: Race, Science, and Nationalism

Chair: Oliver P. Rafferty S.J., Boston College

“Catholicism, Nationalism, and Race in the Spanish Missional Historiography of Constantino Bayle, S.J. (1882–1953)”

  • Rady Roldán-Figueroa, Boston University

“Jesuit Science in America (1922–1966): The Bulletin of the American Association of Jesuit Scientists

  • Francisco Malta Romeiras, Universidade de Lisboa

“The Fight for Civil Rights: John LaFarge, S.J., and the Interracial Review

  • Amy Phillips, Woodstock Theological Library


10:45am – 12:15pm Paper Session F

Gasson Hall, Room 205

Jesuit Habits of Knowledge in the Early Modern Period

Chair: Cristiano Casalini, Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies

“Spiritual Accounts: Jesuit Record-Keeping and Early Modern Communication”

  • Paul Nelles, Carleton University

“Jesuit Bureaucratic Practices and their Place in the Early Modern History of Knowledge”

  • Markus Friedrich, Universität Hamburg

“The Voices of Memoria: Diaria, Historiae, and Annuaria as Records of Jesuit Experience”

  • Paul Shore, University of Regina


Gasson Hall Room 210

Jesuits’ Textual Communities and Impacts

Chair: Yannick Van Loon, KU Leuven

“Reading the World through Jesuits in Puritan New England: A Study of Edward Taylor’s Commonplace Book of Le Comte”

  • Simon Sun, Harvard University

“Publishing and Spiritual Policies through the Linguistic Work in the Jesuit Mission of South America (16th and 17th Centuries)”

  • Juan Dejo, S.J., Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya

“An Intercultural Circuit of Books between China and Europe Established by the Jesuits in the 17th and 18th Centuries”

  • Nicolas Standaert, S.J., KU Leuven


12:30pm Lunch

Gasson Hall, Room 100


2:00pm – 3:30pm Plenary Session

Fulton Hall, Auditorium 511

Archival Collections, Old and New

Chair: Casey Beaumier, S.J., Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies

“Exploring the Apostleship of Prayer Collection at ARSI: Between Archival Analysis and Research Perspectives”

  • Sergio Palagiano, Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu

“A Building for the Past, A Construct for the Future”

  • David Miros, Jesuit Archives and Research Center

“Gregorian Archives Texts Editing (GATE): A Crowdsourced Web Platform for the Edition of Archival Documents”

  • Lorenzo Mancini, Archivio Storico, Pontificia Università Gregoriana

“Activating the Archives of the Society in the Benelux: Between Heritage and Research”

  • Kim Christiaens, KADOC-KU Leuven


3:30pm – 4:15pm Coffee and tea

Fulton Hall, Auditorium 511


4:15pm – 5:45pm Plenary Session

Fulton Hall, Auditorium 511

Archival Sources, Old and New

Chair: Casey Beaumier, S.J., Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies

“From Tintype to Twitter: Photography at the Irish Jesuit Archives”

  • Damien Burke, Irish Archives of the Society of Jesus

“New Resources for Research at the Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu, 2013–2019”

  • Brian Mac Cuarta, S.J., Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu

“The Census Project. Jesuit Documents Kept in Italian National Archives, Libraries and Other Cultural Institutions”

  • Maria Macchi, Archivo Storico, Provincia Euro-Mediterranea della Compagnia di Gesù


6:00pm Reception

Gasson Hall, Room 100


7:15pm Dinner/Farewell

Gasson Hall, Room 100

2019 & 2020 International Symposia

  • Casey C. Beaumier, S.J., Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies
  • Francisco Sassetti da Mota, S.J., Brotéria


Friday, June 14

Morning Checkout/Depart