December 2013: Molina Companion Available

A Companion to Luis de Molina, edited by Matthias Kaufmann and Alexander Aichele, is now available through Brill. According to the publisher, Molina (1535-1600) “remains one of the most influential and least known authors of late scholasticism and early modern philosophy.” Chapters in the volume:

  • The Real Possibility of Freedom, by Alexander Aichele;
  • Divine Foreknowledge of Future Contingents and Necessity, by Petr Dvorak;
  • Predestination as Transcendent Teleology: Molina and the First Molinism, by Juan Cruz Cruz;
  • Rights and dominium, by Jörg Alejandro Tellkamp;
  • Luis de Molina on Law and Power, by Annabel Brett;
  • Slavery between Law, Morality, and Economy, by Matthias Kaufmann;
  • Luis de Molina: On War, by Joao Manuel A. A. Fernandes;
  • The Economic Thought of Luis de Molina, by Rudolf Schüssler;
  • Molina and Aquinas, by Rev. Romanus Cessario, OP;
  • Molina and John Duns Scotus, by Jean-Pascal Anfray;
  • The Philosophical Impact of Molinism in the 17th century, by Francesco Piro;
  • “Ludewig” Molina and Kant’s Libertarian Compatibilism, by Wolfgang Ertl.