April 2019: New Symposium Volume on Suárez

Selected proceedings from the 2018 International Symposium on Jesuit Studies have been published in a new, bilingual volume in Brill’s Jesuit Studies book seriesFrancisco Suárez (1548–1617): Jesuits and the Complexities of Modernity consists of 19 essays over five categories: Metaphysics; Religion, Law, Society; Political Theories; Psychology; and Legacy. The full table of contents appear below.


The volume, co-edited by Robert Maryks and Juan Antonio Senent de Frutos, emerged from an international symposium on the thought of Suárez. The event was co-organized in Seville, Spain, by the Departamento de Humanidades y Filosofía at Universidad Loyola Andalucía and the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies at Boston College. “Suárez,” according to the publisher, “was a theologian, philosopher and jurist who had a significant cultural impact on the development of modernity. Commemorating the four-hundredth anniversary of his death, the symposium studied the work of Suárez and other Jesuits of his time in the context of diverse traditions that came together in Europe between the late Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and early modernity.”




By: Robert Aleksander Maryks

By: Juan Antonio Senent-De Frutos


Francisco Suárez’s Metaphysics of Cognitive Acts

By: Daniel Heider

Suárez on Substantial Forms: a Heroic Last Stand?

By: Sydney Penner

Intrinsic Being or the Formal Structures of Thought? The Grounding of Possibility in Francisco Suárez’s Metaphysics

By: Matthew Z. Vale

En contra del esencialismo: Ente real y existencia en Suárez

By: Ángel Poncela González


Religion, Law, Society

Francisco Suárez: Religious Freedom and International Law

By: Robert Fastiggi

Francisco Suárez on Religion and Religious Pluralism

By: Aaron Pidel S.J.

Encarnación y subsistencia en las Disputaciones metafísicas de Francisco Suárez: Algunas cuestiones en torno a los fundamentos de la modernidad

By: Julio Söchting

Settling Law: Francisco Suárez’s Theory of Custom for Contemporary Contexts

By: Elisabeth Rain Kincaid


Political Theories

Francisco Suárez y la posibilidad de intervención pública en asuntos sociales

By: Luis-Carlos Amezúa Amezúa

Beyond Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism: Finding Resources in Francisco Suárez’s Political Theology

By: Liam de los Reyes

Entrega del poder al gobernante y esclavitud voluntaria de la comunidad política en Francisco Suárez: Una interpretación desde los límites fácticos al poder

By: Pablo Font Oporto

Francisco Suárez y la propaganda político-apocalíptica en la Inglaterra de Jacobo i: El libro V de la Defensio fidei; El Anticristo

By: Pilar Pena Búa

Francisco Suárez: Absolutist or Constitutionalist?

By: Szilárd Tattay



El sí mismo desde Suárez y el valor moral de los hábitos

By: Giannina Burlando

Separated Soul and Its Nature: Francisco Suárez in the Scholastic Debate

By: Simone Guidi

Doctrinal Divergences on the Nature of Human Composite in Two Commentaries on Aristotle’s De anima (Anonymous, Cod. 2399 bguc and Francisco Suárez): New Material on the Jesuit School of Coimbra and the Cursus Conimbricensis

By: Paula Oliveira e Silva and João Rebalde

Suárez, Maquiavelo y una moderna noción de prudencia: Derivaciones políticas en la obra de Diego de Saavedra Fajardo

By: Nicolás Vivalda



Francisco Suárez and John Locke on Rights and Alienability: a Critical Conversation

By: Catherine Sims Kuiper

La imposible teología política: Gobierno y justicia en Francisco Suárez

By: Lorenzo Rustighi