CSC Brookline Preschool Curriculum

The primary mission of the CSC is to provide an exemplary early childhood program which is comprehensive in presenting curriculum in the areas of English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Technology, History and Social Science, Health Education, and Education in the Arts. The classrooms are designed with different learning centers for preschool children to explore and learn at their own pace. These learning centers include a science area, an art area, a writing center, sensory tables, a quiet library, and a busy block and dramatic play area. Quality care means providing a safe, warm, nurturing environment as well as encouraging growth and development by offering a stimulating, enriched curriculum. The teachers constantly assess the children’s needs and observe their progress. The curriculum is adapted to meet the needs of all of the children. One of the goals of the program is to foster social and emotional growth. Children learn to share with others, take turns, respect and show concern for classmates. Other goals include developing fine motor, gross motor, and self reliance, listening, and speaking skills. The children learn through discovery and materials are introduced with a hands-on approach.

The curriculum is presented as a theme and is evident throughout the classroom. For example, the theme might be Family. The block area would have figures available for pretend play of families, the water table could have dolls to wash, students might be asked to bring in photographs of their own family, and group discussions would focus on families. The books would include literature on different kinds of families. The themes would change weekly or monthly depending on the children’s interest level. Activities are planned and teachers interact with the children guiding them through exploratory play and discovery.