1st Grade
The Coding As Another Language for KIBO (CAL–KIBO) curriculum introduces powerful ideas from computer science, in conversation with literacy in a playful, structured, and developmentally appropriate way. The Coding as Another Language (CAL) approach, developed by Prof. Marina Umaschi Bers and members of her DevTech Research Group, understands the learning of computer science as a new literacy for the 21st century that supports young learners in developing new ways of thinking about themselves and the world.
The CAL-KIBO curriculum for first grade has 24 lessons, designed for a total of 18 hours, but can be adapted to any learning setting. Students will learn computer science and develop problem solving and computational thinking in the context of creating their own projects. In addition, to strengthen the literacy connection, the curriculum is integrated with two books, Whoosh!: Lonnie Johnson’s Super-Soaking Stream of Inventions and Giraffes Can’t Dance.
Download the entire unit document, or edit by making a copy to adapt to your teaching context.
The Pedagogy
The CAL curriculum is implemented following the pedagogical approach developed by Prof. Marina Bers that can be found in her books Coding as a Playground, and Beyond Coding: Teaching Human Values to Children. This pedagogy has four main frameworks:
Coding as a Playground: When engaging children in a computer science learning experience, we welcome play. Through play we can impact all areas of human development: cognitive, socio-emotional, language, moral, physical, and even spiritual. The coding playground, in contrast with the coding playpen, promotes opportunities for open-ended exploration, creation of personally meaningful projects, imagination, problem solving, conflict resolution, and collaboration. The coding playground engages children in six behaviors that we can also find in the regular playground: content creation, creativity, choices of conduct, communication, collaboration and community building. These 6C’s are further explained in the PTD theoretical framework in Marina Bers’ book, and are highlighted in the activities throughout the curriculum with their respective icons:
Coding as Another Language (CAL): Characterizing coding as a STEM activity is limiting. Instead, if we position the teaching and learning of programming as a new way of thinking and expressing ourselves, we are in the domain of language. Mastering a symbolic system of representation with communicative and expressive functions opens up many opportunities. Learning to code becomes a creative, expressive activity to produce something meaningful and shareable, and not only a problem-solving skill set. The CAL pedagogy promotes the exploration of the similarities and differences between natural and artificial languages for the creation process, their syntax and grammar, and their potential to empower individuals. When coding is taught as a language, and not only as STEM, the human dimension comes into play. To learn more about this pedagogical approach, you can read:
Bers, M. U. (2019). Coding as another language: a pedagogical approach for teaching computer science in early childhood. Journal of Computers in Education, 6(4), 499-528.
Coding as a Bridge: Programming is a semiotic act, a meaning making activity that uses and combines symbols to represent abstract ideas. When we learn to code, we learn a new language. Languages can create or destroy, and can serve to build bridges or walls. In the coding playground, the intention is to build bridges. CAL proposes that by learning the artificial language of machines, we can also learn the human language that serves us to interact with others, to connect in deep ways and to create meaningful relationships. The metaphor of coding as a bridge promotes dialogue and meaningful encounters with others and situates coding as socio emotional learning, and not only a cognitive activity.
Coding as a Palette of Virtues: Any human activity involves human values. Making choices to engage in some behaviors and not others. Understanding and taking on responsibilities and consequences. The coding playground, through the CAL pedagogy, provides an intentional opportunity to teach and learn values. The metaphor of a palette of virtues recalls the painter’s palette. Like the artist who makes her palette with new colors and mixes and matches them, the coder also has a dynamic virtues palette that she puts to use. In the coding playground, ten of these values are explicitly explored: Curiosity, Perseverance, Open-mindedness, Optimism, Honesty, Patience, Generosity, Gratitude, Forgiveness, Fairness. However, new ones can be added. Creative programming can be a pathway for character development, for exploring the socio emotional dimension and ethical dimension of learning. Ultimately, to understand that our actions, like the actions of anyone who creates, have consequences.
Value | Definition | Activities |
![]() | A strong desire to know or learn something; novelty seeking. | Star and a Wish |
![]() | Persistence in a course of action in spite of difficulty or adversity; determination in pursuing goals; firmness of purpose; grit; belief that we can improve. | Debugging Board I am a CODER |
![]() | The capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset. | Debugging Board I am a CODER |
![]() | Hopefulness and confidence about the future or a successful outcome; expecting the best. | Star and a Wish Crossing the Room |
![]() | The quality of being honorable; rectitude; uprightness; integrity. | Debugging Board Relaying the Rules |
![]() | Impartial and just treatment without favoritism or discrimination; justice. | Relaying the Rules Trading |
![]() | The quality of being kind; giving and receiving; helping self and others. | Making a Web Trading |
![]() | The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation; being aware of good things. | Star and a Wish Making a Web Trading |
![]() | The action of pardoning and accepting; giving a second chance to self and others. | I am a CODER |
![]() | The quality of being willing to consider ideas, opinions and feelings that are new or different from your own; flexibility in taking different perspectives. | Debugging Board Crossing the Room |
Powerful Ideas
The curriculum is organized around powerful ideas from both computer science and literacy. The term powerful idea refers to a central concept or skill within a discipline that is simultaneously personally useful, inherently interconnected with other disciplines, and has roots in intuitive knowledge that a child has internalized over a long period of time.
The powerful ideas from computer science addressed in this curriculum include: algorithms, design process, representation, debugging, control structures, modularity, and hardware/software. The powerful ideas from literacy that will be placed in conversation with these powerful ideas from computer science are: sequencing, the writing process, alphabet and letter-sound correspondence, editing and audience awareness, literary devices, phonological awareness, and tools of communication and language.
Table 1: Powerful Ideas
KIBO Skills
The most important skills from KIBO used in each lesson are as listed below (see Table 2). Note that this is not a complete list because each activity is meant to be creative and typically open-ended. This table is meant to indicate which skills it would be difficult to complete a lesson without. Children are always encouraged to use any blocks or skills they learn in class or on their own on any project.
Table 2: KIBO Skills
KIBO Skills | Relevant Lessons |
Parts of the KIBO Robot | Lesson 2 |
Begin/End blocks | Lessons 5*, 8 |
Motion blocks | Lessons 5*, 8 |
Light blocks | Lessons 12*, 20 |
Beep block | Lesson 10 |
Wait for Clap block | Lessons 13*, 14, 20 |
Repeat blocks with Number Parameters | Lessons 16*, 20 |
Repeat blocks with Sensor Parameters | Lessons 17*, 20 |
Conditional blocks with Sensor Parameters | Lessons 18*, 20 |
Decorating KIBO | Lessons 10, 15, 21 |
Integrated Curriculum Design
The CAL approach allows children to make connections between coding and literacy, as well as between coding and math. This curriculum encourages children to express their thoughts, ideas, and learning through KIBO activities. The curriculum is designed for a total of 18 hours, but can be adapted to particular learning settings. Each lesson contains a variety of activities, including:
- Warm-up activities to playfully introduce or reinforce concepts
- Opening/Closing Technology Circles to discuss, share, and reflect on activities and concepts
- Structured Challenges with KIBO to introduce the powerful ideas from computer science
- Expressive Explorations with KIBO to practice the skill in a creative, open-ended way
- Unplugged Time games/activities to promote social interactions and movement
- Word Time to introduce the powerful ideas from literacy
The culmination of the unit is an open-ended project to share with family and friends. Just as young children can read age-appropriate books, computer programming can be made accessible by providing young children with appropriate tools such as KIBO. This curriculum provides integration between computer science and programming in the context of literacy. Children will explore two books, Whoosh!: Lonnie Johnson’s Super-Soaking Stream of Inventions by Chris Barton (ISBN-13: 978-1580892971) and Giraffes Can’t Dance by Giles Andreae (ISBN-13: 978-0439287203) to write creative programs on KIBO.
This is an 18-hour curriculum unit divided into 24 lessons of approximately 45 minutes per lesson. Some children may benefit from further division of the activities into smaller steps or from more time to explore each new concept before moving onto the next, either in the context of free-exploration or with teacher-designed challenges. Each of the powerful ideas from computer science in this curriculum can easily be expanded into a unit of study which will extend the curriculum and allow children to explore a range of different activities.
The robotics kit referred to in this curriculum is the KIBO 18 robotics kit, developed by the DevTech Research Group and made commercially available through KinderLab Robotics, Inc. This curriculum also uses the books, Whoosh!: Lonnie Johnson’s Super-Soaking Stream of Inventions by Chris Barton (ISBN-13: 978-1580892971) and Giraffes Can’t Dance by Giles Andreae (ISBN-13: 978-0439287203). Additionally, the curriculum uses a series of Design Journals (for Lessons 1, 4, 7, 14, 17, 19, 23, and 24; see the full set of Design Journals here), and KIBO Job Cards.
Other materials used in the curriculum are inexpensive crafts and recycled materials. The use of crafts and recycled materials, a practice already common in other domains of early childhood education, provides opportunities for children to use materials they are already comfortable with.
Classroom Management
During the CAL curriculum, children will be singing, moving, talking to each other, showing each other work, and asking questions. The CAL pedagogy offers guidance for developing positive classroom behaviors through these and other coding and technology-related activities. The Positive Technological Development framework includes Choices of Conduct, which encourages children to make positive choices for themselves and their community members. Additionally through teaching Coding as a Palette of Virtues, teachers are encouraged to embed the language of the virtues and foster discussion regarding virtues within classroom activities. We suggest using this language when guiding children to make positive choices during coding activities. More information on Positive Technological Development and Coding as a Palette of Virtues, including activities to promote these, are included in the description of our Pedagogy above.
Managing Materials: Classroom-scale robotics projects require a lot of parts and materials, and the question of how to manage them brings up several key issues that can support or hinder the success of the unit.
The first issue is accessibility of materials. Some teachers may choose to give a complete kit of materials to each child, pair, or table of several children. Children may label the kit with their name(s) and use the same kit for the duration of the curriculum. Other teachers may choose to take apart the kits and have materials sorted by type, and place all the materials in a central location. A word of caution, however: If materials are set up centrally, they must be readily visible and accessible, so children don’t forget what is available to them or find it too much of a hassle to get what they need. It is also important to find a clearly visible place to set up materials for demonstrations, posters, or visual aids to display for reference, and for robotics and programming materials for each lesson. To facilitate teamwork and equal participation, teachers can distribute “Scanner, Assistant, and Organizer” Job Cards to children to help assign specific roles when working with KIBO.
The second issue is usability. In some cases, children’s desks or tables do not provide enough space to build a robot and program it. Care must be taken to ensure that children have enough space to use the materials available to them. If this is not the case, they may tend towards choosing materials that fit the space but not their robotics or programming goal. You should carefully consider how to address these issues surrounding materials in a way that makes sense for your class’s space, routines, and culture. Then, it is crucial to set expectations for how to use and treat materials. These issues are important not only in making the curriculum logistically easier to implement, but also because, as described in the Reggio Emilia tradition, the environment can act as the “third teacher.”
Group Sizes
The curriculum refers to Whole Class, KIBO Groups, and Individual Work. During KIBO Group activities, we recommend groups as small as three students per KIBO kit, but no larger than five children. At the same time, the curriculum includes numerous opportunities to promote conversations which are enriched by multiple voices, viewpoints, and experiences. It is important to find a structure and group size for each of the different activities (instruction, discussions, free play, projects) that meet the needs of the teacher and students in the class.
Alignment of Academic Framework
The CAL KIBO curriculum fosters young children’s general technical skills, computational thinking, and engineering abilities. It also supports foundational math, reading, and language arts skills that are commonly taught in early childhood classrooms. The curriculum is specifically aligned with the K-12 Computer Science Frameworks, ISTE Standards for Students, as well as Common Core Math & English Language Arts (ELA) Frameworks. The table below provides examples of how lessons in the Kindergarten CAL KIBO curriculum are aligned with particular K standards and frameworks.
Table 3: Alignment of Academic Frameworks
ISTE Student Standards | K-12 Computer Science Frameworks | Common Core 1st Grade ELA Standards | Common Core 1st Grade Math Standards |
ISTE Student Standards #1Empowered Learner- 1a, 1c Relevant Lessons: 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22 ISTE Student Standards #4Innovative Designer- 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d Relevant Lessons: 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22 ISTE Student Standards #5 Computational Thinker – 5a, 5c, 5d Relevant Lessons: 4, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22 ISTE Student Standards #6Creative Communicator- 6b, 6c, 6d Relevant Lessons: 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 23 | K–2.Computing Systems.Devices Relevant Lessons: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 K–2.Computing Systems.Hardware and Software Relevant Lessons: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 13, 17 K–2.Computing Systems.Troubleshooting Relevant Lessons: 4, 5, 8, 11, 13, 14, 15 K–2.Algorithms and Programming.Control Relevant Lessons: 4, 5, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18 K–2.Algorithms and Programming.Algorithm Relevant Lessons: 4, 5, 8, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20 K–2.Algorithms and Programming.Modularity Relevant Lessons: 16 K–2.Algorithms and Programming.Program Development Relevant Lessons: 7, 9, 10, 14, 15, 20 | CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.1.1 Relevant Lessons: 7, 8, 19 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.1.2 Relevant Lessons: 7, 8, 19 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.1.3 Relevant Lessons: 7, 8, 19, 20, 21 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.1.7 Relevant Lessons: 7, 8, 9, 22 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.1.4 Relevant Lessons: 9, 23 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.1.1 Relevant Lessons: 7, 8, 11, 12, 22, 23 | CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.1.NBT.A.1 Relevant Lessons: 16, 18 CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.1.G.A.1 Relevant Lessons: 22 |
The CAL curriculum understands assessment as a critical component of the teaching and learning process. It is a chance to stop the work and evaluate how things are going. Assessment provides opportunities for revisiting ideas, content and skills, to adjust and modify instructional practices, and to gather the needed information to communicate with parents. It can serve to eliminate achievement gaps and to modify pedagogical strategies. CAL assessments are rooted in the observation of children’s behaviors, the listening of children’s stories and reasoning, and the analysis of the work they produce. CAL includes both formative assessments that are integrated throughout the lessons (these are called Check for Understanding and can be found in lessons 6, 13, 16, and 18) and summative assessments (called Show What You Know) that are conducted at the end of the curriculum. In addition, children’s projects are evaluated following the KIBO Project Rubric to identify coding skills as well as the expressiveness and purposefulness of the created projects.
When CAL is used in the context of research projects there are three other forms of assessments commonly used.
First, the Coding Stages Assessment (CSA) (Bers, 2019) which happens before starting the curriculum, and after its completion. The CSA assesses progress in learning the KIBO programming languages. This assessment is conducted one-on-one by asking the child interactive and open-ended programming questions. The assessment probes the five Coding Stages (Emergent, Coding and Decoding, Fluency, New Knowledge, and Purposefulness) that children go through when engaging in the CAL curriculum. CSA is administered as a game before and after the CAL curriculum and takes under 45 minutes to complete.
Second, TechCheck (Relkin, de Ruiter, Bers, 2020) is an “unplugged” assessment of Computational Thinking (CT) that presents children with challenges analogous to those that arise in the course of computer programming but does not require coding experience to complete. The assessment probes six domains of CT described by Bers (2018) as developmentally appropriate for young children (Algorithms, Modularity, Hardware/Software, Debugging, Representation, and Control Structures). The format is multiple choice and the assessment can be administered individually or to groups in 20 minutes or less. TechCheck is administered before and after the CAL curriculum.
Third, the PTD checklist evaluates six positive behaviors (“6 C’s”) supported by programs such as CAL that implement educational technologies. These are communication, collaboration, community building, content creation, creativity, and choice of conduct (Bers, 2012; Bers, 2020). The PTD checklist is divided into six sections, each one representing a behavior described in the PTD framework. It is scored on a 5-point Likert scale based on approximately 20-30 minutes of observation. The PTD checklist is used at various points throughout the CAL curriculum to rate the extent to which learning environments/facilitators and child behaviors are contributing to positive technological development.
Powerful Ideas of Computer Science
Powerful Ideas of Literacy
Tools of Communication and Language
Children will be able to:
- Define a robot
- Categorize items as “robots” or “not robots”
Vocabulary covered:
- Robot: a machine that can be programmed to do different things
- KIBO: a screen-free robot for children
- Program: a set of instructions for a robot
Necessary Materials: Lesson 1 Design Journal (or have children’s Full Design Journals on hand)
Optional Materials: Example pictures of robots and non-robots
Warm Up
Robot Corners (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Tell children that over the next couple of weeks, they will be learning about robots and robotics.
- Tell children that we are going to warm up with a game to see what they already know and think about robots.
- Designate three corners of the classroom: one corner for “Robots,” one corner for “Maybe Robots,” and one corner for “Not Robots.”
- One at a time, show a variety of different pictures of robots and non-robots (e.g., computers, plants, cars, animals, food, famous robots such as Wall-E and R2D2).
- Ask children to move to the corner that they think represents the picture.
- After children pick a corner, ask children why they picked that corner. What features make it or don’t make it a robot? Is this something that was made by a human or by nature?
Opening Tech Circle
Introduction To KIBO (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Explain to children that they will have an opportunity to play with a fun robot called KIBO and learn how to make the robot do different things by programming the robot.
- Show children either a video or your own KIBO creation.
Guessing Game (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Prior to the lesson, place several KIBO parts and blocks inside a covered box or pillowcase. You can include the KIBO body, a couple blocks, the light output, a wheel, motor, etc. Use a covered box or pillowcase so that KIBO cannot be seen from the outside.
- Walk around and ask children to use their senses other than sight (hearing, touch, etc.) to guess what KIBO might look like and can do. Again, gather child input by activating prior knowledge.
- Ask children: What kinds of parts do children feel? What might KIBO be made of? Are the parts smooth or have any edges? How might KIBO be programmed to do different things?
- Then take out the KIBO parts and have children share their ideas about what KIBO looks like and can do. Feel free to make this fun and get children excited about playing with KIBO!
Word Time
My New Friend KIBO (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Pass out the Lesson 1 Design Journal.
- Give children the following prompts:
- What is one thing you learned about robots today?
- How will you play with KIBO?
- What will you make KIBO do?
- Ask children to draw pictures in the boxes and/or write on the lines provided.
- There is no expectation for how much children should write in their reflections. Feel free to reinforce writing concepts that they have previously learned so that you can use these reflections as writing samples.
Closing Tech Circle
Design Journal Share (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Have each child share what they wrote or drew in their Design Journal.
Powerful Ideas of Computer Science
Powerful Ideas of Literacy
Tools of Communication and Language, Alphabet and Letter-Sound Correspondence, Phonological Awareness
Children will be able to:
- Assemble the KIBO robot
- Identify the parts of the KIBO robot
- Discuss classroom behaviors for using KIBO
Vocabulary covered:
- Hardware: the physical parts of a computer or robot (e.g., KIBO body)
- Main board: the robot’s “brain” that has the programmed instructions that the robot to perform its behaviors
- Motor: the part of a robot that makes it move
Necessary Materials: Robot Parts Song, Clean-up Song, KIBO Kind and Safe Anchor Chart
Optional Resource: Lesson Video Tutorial
Warm Up
Robot Parts Song (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Introduce the Robot Parts Song (sung to the tune of “Dry Bones”) and have the class sing along:
The wheels are connected to the motors,
The motors are connected to the body,
The engineers give it a program,
So move, robot, move!
- Explain to children that they will be learning about KIBO and its different parts soon!
Opening Tech Circle
Our Bodies and KIBO’s Body (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Explain to children that today they will be learning how to put together the different parts of the KIBO robot.
- Show children a KIBO robot body.
- Ask children what they think will be similar about their bodies and KIBO’s body.
- E.g. both can move and do things, wheels are similar to legs, both can see and hear
- Ask children what they think will be similar about their bodies and KIBO’s body.
- Ask children what will be different about their body and KIBO’s body.
- E.g. KIBO has many pieces, KIBO has wires and batteries, KIBO has wheels instead of legs, KIBO has to be turned on, KIBO can have a lightbulb
Structure Challenge
Meet KIBO (Suggested Time: 15 minutes)
- Show children a KIBO robot body.
- Ask children:
- What parts do you see through the clear back of KIBO?What are the main board and wires inside of KIBO for? What do the batteries do?
- What are some human body parts that are similar to KIBO’s? For instance, what part of our body tells the rest of it what to do?
- Our brain
- And what part of KIBO tells the rest of it what to do?
- The main board
- What parts of our body move to make us go forward and what part of KIBO moves to make it go forward?
- Our legs make us go forward, and the motor and wheels help KIBO go forward.
- Using the KIBO parts guide below, introduce the KIBO robot’s key parts and their functions.

- Tell children that KIBO is a robot that was created by engineers. A robot is a machine that is given instructions by humans to do different physical tasks (e.g., move around, throw a ball, etc.).
- Explain to children that the Robot Parts Song helps us understand how to put the KIBO robot together. Demonstrate how to attach the wheels, motors, and art platforms.
- Point out that when attaching the motors to the KIBO body, both “green dots” are visible from the outside. Otherwise, the motor will spin in the wrong direction.
- When introducing the motor, tell children that they should not spin the motors with their fingers because that can break the motors.
- To control KIBO’s motors, we need to give KIBO a program.
- These physical parts of KIBO are part of KIBO’s hardware (the physical parts of a robot, like the KIBO body).
Expressive Exploration
Exploring KIBO (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Pass out KIBO bodies, wheels, and motors (or have children take them out of their kits).
- Have children practice assembling and disassembling the KIBO wheels and motors (the motors should show a green dot when they are attached to the KIBO bodies). If children are working in groups, each group member should take a turn.
- Take this time to introduce classroom procedures related to KIBO usage. Use a classroom organizational system that works best for you and your classroom. Your system should cover procedures such as:
- Taking KIBO kits out from storage/central area
- Putting KIBO parts and blocks back into each bin
- Checking for any missing parts
- Calling for children’s attention during a KIBO activity
- Listening to others during whole class discussions and technology circles
- Putting KIBOs back into storage/central area
Word Time
Kind and Safe with KIBO (Suggested time: 5 minutes)
- Explain to children that to play with KIBO, there are some class norms to follow about being kind and safe to each other and to KIBO. Take time to review your standard classroom procedures here.
- Show children the KIBO Kind and Safe Anchor Chart. Guide children through each letter and explain what it stands for:
- The first letter of KIBO is K. K is for “Kind words to.” We say this when we want to tell someone we like what they are doing. For example, you can say “I’m sending kind words to my children for listening carefully to instructions!” Ask children to practice sending kind words to a classmate.
- The second letter of KIBO is I. I is for “I respect you. You respect me.” When we are working with KIBO, we have to show respect to each other. This can look like taking turns or listening to what someone is saying. Ask children what else respect means and looks like.
- The third letter of KIBO is B. B is for “Bodies are safe.” When we work with KIBO, we have to keep our bodies safe. That means our physical bodies, but also the KIBO bodies. Ask children to demonstrate what safe bodies look like and how they should hold objects like KIBO carefully with both hands. Another part of being safe with KIBO’s body is not spinning KIBO’s motors with our fingers because that can break the motors.
- The fourth letter of KIBO is O. O is for “Oops, let’s try again!” Sometimes, we might make a mistake when we’re working with KIBO, but that’s okay. When that happens, we just say oops and try again. Ask children to think of a time when they made a mistake or did not know how to do something correctly the first time but were able to after spending more time and effort.
Closing Tech Circle
Cleaning Up KIBO (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Clean up KIBO parts.
- To make cleaning up more fun, here’s a KIBO Clean-Up Song you can introduce to children!
KIBO Clean-Up Song
(To the tune of “Itsy Bitsy Spider”)
We’re turning off our KIBOs and putting them away
We had so much fun but we’re finished for the day
Powerful Ideas of Computer Science
Hardware/Software, Representation, Algorithms
Powerful Ideas of Literacy
Tools of Communication and Language, Phonological Awareness
Children will be able to:
- Define language as a structured method of communication.
- Identify programming languages as languages used to communicate with computers.
- Compare human languages and programming languages.
- Recognize the KIBO programming language as consisting of bar codes
Vocabulary covered:
- Barcode: a pattern of lines that are readable by machines (like the KIBO robot)
- Languages: rule-based methods for sharing information and ideas
- Program: a set of instructions for a robot
- Programming languages: language used by computers
Necessary Materials: Goodbye Translation List, Hello Around the World video
Optional Resource: Lesson Video Tutorial
Warm Up
How Many Languages? (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Ask children what languages they know. Then brainstorm as a class all of the languages they’ve heard.
- Once the children can’t think of any more languages, play Hello Around the World. Ask children, Were there any new languages that we hadn’t thought of?
- Of the languages children hadn’t thought of, choose two to three. With children, sound out how to pronounce the word, focusing on the syllables (e.g., “A-Lo-Ha,” “Kon-ni-chi-wa,” or “Jam-bo.”)
- If children have thought of all the languages, ask children to suggest one language that hasn’t been covered, and how to say “Hello” in it. Have the word “Hello” translated in a few languages not covered in the video ready in the event children do not indicate further languages.
- Explain to children that they just learned to say “hello” in a language today!
- Discuss with the children how there are many languages, but they’re all used for the same thing: sharing thoughts and ideas!
Opening Tech Circle
What Are Languages (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Discuss what a language is, why we need languages, and what happens when people don’t speak the same language.
- Explain that computers also use languages.
- Computers use languages called programming languages.
- If children have not heard of programming languages, explain that different types of computers like iPhones or Alexa use different languages.
- What are examples of programming languages children have heard? (C, JAVA, etc?)
NOTE: If children ask about smart speakers etc.: Explain that with Siri, Alexa, Google etc. the computers don’t actually speak English, but someone translated English into the computer’s language.
Structure Challenge
KIBO’s Language (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Show children various KIBO programming blocks. Have children point out what they see on each block (the text, the icon, colors, the barcode, etc.)
- Ask children: What part of the block is KIBO’s language? Is it the words, or the pictures, or something else?
- Once children identify the barcode as the answer, discuss other objects or places where they have encountered barcodes (e.g., grocery store, mall, etc.).
- Ask children: Do you think KIBO can think on its own? Can KIBO make its own program?
- Lead a child-centered discussion on how robots are programmed by humans and cannot think for themselves. Everything that KIBO says and does is determined by how the programmer writes the program, or set of instructions, for KIBO.
- Every time we program KIBO to do something, we have to tell KIBO when the program begins and ends. For example, if we want KIBO to move forward, KIBO needs the barcode instructions for Begin, Forward, and End.
- Note how these instructions are read from left to right, just like the English language!
- Point out similarities and differences between KIBO’s language and our language(s). For example: KIBO needs a “begin” and “end” block, just as a sentence in English starts with a capital letter and ends with punctuation. You can also think of Begin and End blocks as similar to the front and back covers of a book, and tell a story through the rest of the program (the blocks in between Begin and End).
Closing Tech Circle
Goodbye Around the World (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Bring back the list of all the different languages you made at the beginning of class. Make sure to add KIBO’s language to the bottom of the list if you haven’t done so already. As a group, choose one language that you want to say goodbye in and teach the children how to say goodbye in that language using the Goodbye Translation List provided!
Powerful Ideas of Computer Science
Algorithms, Hardware/Software, Representation, Debugging
Powerful Ideas of Literacy
Sequencing, Editing and Audience Awareness, Tools of Communication and Language
Children will be able to:
- Identify the importance of order in algorithms
- Identify and explain the purpose of the KIBO Begin and End Blocks
- Use prior knowledge to write a How-to-Book
Vocabulary covered:
- Algorithm: instructions we give a computer in a specific order
- Order: the way a list of things is set up. Order matters in both human and computer languages.
Necessary Materials: Lesson 4 Design Journal (or have children’s Full Design Journals on hand)
Warm Up
A Pizza Recipe (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Explain to children that you want to make some pizza! You have some pizza dough ready, as well as tomato sauce, cheese, and your favorite pizza topping (add that here)!
- Tell children that in order to make the pizza, first, I put the tomato sauce on the pizza dough. Ask children, what should I do second? What should I do third (and so on)?
- Example steps might be, 1) add cheese, 2) add pepperoni, 3) bake it in the oven for 20 minutes, and 4) take pizza out
- After children have helped you correctly order the steps, re-order the steps and ask what would happen. For example, what if I took the pizza out from the oven, and then put on the tomato sauce?
- Explain that order matters in our day-to-day lives, like when we make food, get ready for bed at night, or get dressed in the morning.
Opening Tech Circle
Intro to Algorithms (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Explain that language with computers is a lot like giving instructions to a friend. You have to tell the computer exactly what to do, in the right order, to make the computer work. Instructions for computers are called algorithms.
- Explain what an algorithm is.
- A sequence of steps in the right order
- Collect examples of activities that need to be done in a certain order.
- E.g., brushing your teeth, putting on socks and shoes
Unplugged Time
Program the Teacher (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Tell children that the teacher will now be the computer, so children will get to program the teacher! Remind children that they need to say all the steps in the right order!
- Children will be responsible for verbally directing their teacher to special destinations in the classroom (e.g., to a bookcase or a closet) or doing a task (e.g., making a sandwich).
- The instructions the children give to the teacher must be specific. For example, children should not simply say, “Move forward.” They should instead say, “Move forward ____ steps” or “Put the peanut butter on the bread” should be “Open the peanut butter jar and use your knife to scoop the peanut butter onto the bread.”
- When sequences of instructions do not work (perhaps because the number of steps taken were incorrect), children should alter their instructions.
- Discuss how important it is to be specific and how important order is in programming.
Order Matters (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Show children the Begin, Forward, and End Blocks, and ask what they notice about the shapes of the blocks.
- Talk about how the Begin and End Blocks can only be at the beginning and end of a program because they only have either a peg or hole. Explain that if we give KIBO a program with these blocks in the wrong order, KIBO will be confused and not read the program.
- Show children the following two programs: “Begin, Forward, Shake, End” and “Begin, Shake, Forward, End.” Ask what they think the two programs will do differently.
- Remind children of the importance of order within the steps of the program to explain to KIBO what to do.
Word Time
How-To-Book Design Journal (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- In the Lesson 4 Design Journal, children will write instructions for a younger sibling or friend who needs help making a pizza. They already have pizza dough ready, plus tomato sauce, cheese, and their favorite pizza topping (they can add as many toppings as they would like!). Remind them they need to be specific and put all the steps in the right order, just like when they were programming the teacher!
Closing Tech Circle
Design Journal Share (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Ask for a few volunteers to share what they wrote in their Design Journal.
- Discuss the differences between individual children’s how-to-books.
Powerful Ideas of Computer Science
Hardware/Software, Representation, Algorithms, Debugging
Powerful Ideas of Literacy
Tools of Communication and Language, Sequencing
Children will be able to:
- Scan KIBO blocks
- Create a KIBO Robotics program consisting of a Begin Block, a Motion Block, and an End Block
- Identify the role of the programmer in programming a robot
Vocabulary covered:
- Program: a set of instructions for a robot
- Programmer: a person who writes instructions for computers to tell them what to do
Necessary Materials: Pictures of Programmers, KIBO Blocks, Lesson 5 Check for Understanding
Optional Resource: Lesson Video Tutorial
Warm Up
Who Are These People? (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Illustrate that programmers can be of all different backgrounds (gender, race, ethnicity, age) with pictures!
- Ask children: “What do you think these people have in common?”
- Answer: They’re all programmers!
- Tell children that, like the people in the pictures, they are also programmers (optional: end the slideshow with a class picture)!
Opening Tech Circle
Human and Robot Languages (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Remind children about your discussion of human and robot languages in an earlier lesson.
- Ask children to give an example of a question, a sentence, and an instruction in a language of their choosing.
- Tell children that in computer languages, computers only use instructions, which are also known in computer languages as programs. This is why computer languages are known as programming languages, and people who give these instructions to computers and robots are known as programmers.
Unplugged Time
Programmer Says (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- In order to program the KIBO robot, children first need to learn KIBO’s language: the programming blocks! This activity is played like the traditional “Simon Says” game, in which children repeat an action if Simon says to do something. Before playing the game, hold up each large KIBO Block and have children guess what the block does (use only the Begin, End, and blue Motion Blocks for now).
- Have the class stand up. Hold up one big KIBO icon at a time and say, “Programmer says to _________”. Go through each individual instruction a few times until the class seems to get it. Once children are familiar with each instruction, ask for volunteers to be the Programmer who gives the class full programs to run through (e.g., Begin, Forward, Spin, End).
- Just like in the real “Simon Says” game, the Programmer can try to be tricky! For example, if the Programmer forgets to give a Begin or End instruction, should the class still move? Just like Simon Says, if the Programmer forgets to say, “Programmer says to ___________”, then children should not perform the action!
Structure Challenge
Scanning How-to (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Explain to children that scanning is how KIBO reads and understands language.
- Demonstrate scanning the barcodes on the blocks using the KIBO body’s embedded barcode scanner. Ask the children: What do you see during scanning? What do you hear during scanning?
Expressive Explorations
Free Play (Suggested Time: 15 minutes)
- Take out KIBOs and blocks and have children engage in free play creating and scanning three block programs (Begin, Motion, End).
- Encourage children to use different strategies to scan.
- Strategies can include disconnecting and separating the blocks to ensure each block is individually scanned, lifting KIBO between scanning each block, or working collaboratively with a partner (one person holds the robot to scan, and the other person checks to make sure each block is scanned properly).
- Encourage children to use different strategies to scan. Use your chime or call to action every few minutes to signal the switching of Job Cards, so that every child has the opportunity to be the “Scanner.” By the end of this activity, children should feel comfortable assembling and scanning programs with KIBO.
Lesson 5 Check for Understanding: Check your children’s understanding of the new concepts they’ve just learned. Read each question to the children. Have children hold up 1, 2, or 3 fingers (corresponding to the first, second, or third choice). Stop and re-explain concepts as needed.
Closing Tech Circle
I Am a Programmer (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- In a circle, have each child say a sentence reflecting on the lesson. Each sentence should begin with “I am a programmer when” and then talk about one thing they did or enjoyed today during the KIBO lesson.
Powerful Ideas of Computer Science
Algorithms, Design Process
Powerful Ideas of Literacy
Writing Process, Sequencing
Children will be able to:
- Identify the steps of the design process.
- Recognize the design process as a cycle without a set beginning or end.
Vocabulary covered:
- Engineer: someone who invents or improves things
- Design Process:
- Ask: to use a question
- Imagine: to make an idea in your mind
- Plan: to decide what to do and how to do it
- Create: to make something
- Test: to see if and how your idea works
- Improve: to make something better
- Share: to show others what you made
- Cycle: something that repeats
Necessary Materials: Design Process Anchor Chart, Design Process Song
Warm Up
What Is an Engineer? (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Ask children: What do you think an engineer is? Do you know anyone who is an engineer? What types of things do they do?
- Engineers solve problems. They use science and math to understand how to create new things or improve something.
- Lots of things are made by engineers, like the chairs and tables in the room and slides and swings in the playground. And some engineers design computers and robots, like KIBO.
Opening Tech Circle
Design Process Steps (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Explain the Design Process using the Design Process Anchor Chart. Teach and sing along to the Design Process Song as you go.

- Walk through the Design Process to make KIBO dance.
- Ask: How can we program a dance?
- Imagine: Brainstorm movements.
- Plan: Decide on the blocks we want to use.
- Create: Make the program.
- Test and Improve: Were the movements right? Did we like the timing?
- Share: We will share with the class!
Unplugged Time
Your Design Process (Suggested Time: 20 minutes)
- Explain that the Design Process isn’t just for KIBO, it’s for making anything! Today they are going to get to choose what they design using the Design Process!
- Ask: Ask the children a question to serve as a prompt for their creation. For example, how strong can we make a tower out of building blocks, or what kind of butterfly house would be good for our playground? These creations can be done with recycled materials, craft supplies, building blocks, or other materials of your choosing, so select a prompt that aligns with the building materials you choose.
- Imagine: Break into small groups to brainstorm ideas for their projects.
- Plan: Ask the children at the end of the small group time to share their plans.
- Create: Give children time to use craft and recycled materials to make their creation!
- Test and Improve: Pause and ask children if their creations are following their plan? Are there any changes they want to make now that they’ve started actually making their project?
- Share: Go around and share creations as a class.
Closing Tech Circle
Design Process Song (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Ask the children if seeing everyone’s projects, and working on their own projects, gave them any ideas of new things they want to make!
- Remind the children that the Design Process is a cycle. Sharing just leads to more asking and more creating and then more sharing!
- Finish by sharing the Design Process Song! As you sing the song with the class, share the Anchor Chart for Design Process on the screen.
(to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle”)
Ask and imagine, plan and create,
Powerful Ideas of Computer Science
Design Process
Powerful Ideas of Literacy
Writing Process
Children will be able to:
- Compare and contrast the writing and design processes
- Discuss the characters and story of a book
- Plan a goal-directed KIBO project
Vocabulary covered:
- Author: a type of writer who writes books
Necessary Materials: Whoosh!: Lonnie Johnson’s Super-Soaking Stream of Inventions by Chris Barton (ISBN-13: 978-1580892971), Design Process and Writing Process Anchor Chart, Lesson 7 Design Journal (or have children’s Full Design Journals on hand)
Warm Up
Read-Aloud (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Read Whoosh!: Lonnie Johnson’s Super-Soaking Stream of Inventions together as a class.
Opening Tech Circle
Design Process and Writing Process (Suggested time: 10 minutes)
- Explain to children that books, like Whoosh!, are created by people, too, and that these authors go through a similar process with writing that engineers do when they’re designing something.
- Ask children: What are your favorite books? Do you remember who wrote those books?
- Explain to children the similarities between the Design Process and the Writing Process.
- Both are creative processes that require imagining, planning, creating, making changes, and sharing.
- Both engineers and writers (note to children that an author is a type of writer) turn ideas into projects that are shared with others.
- Ask children: What other activities require a process (e.g., cooking, painting, getting good at a sport, etc.)?
- Display the Design Process and Writing Process Anchor Chart on the screen.
- Compare and contrast the Writing Process and Design Process using the anchor chart as a visual aid for children.
- Ask children: What are some similarities and differences between engineers and writers?

Unplugged Time
Invention Brainstorm (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Explain that people invent things for different reasons.
- Sometimes we want to invent so we can learn about things we are curious about, or we want to help other people. For example, Lonnie created an invention that helped scientists at NASA explore the planet Jupiter!
- Or, sometimes we invent things so people can have fun using them! Lonnie invented the Super Soaker so kids could have fun playing with it.
- Explain to children that for the next few classes, they will be programming KIBO to become an invention.
- Refer back to the Design Process Anchor Chart. Tell children that one way to plan is brainstorming, or to list many ideas and then select one of those ideas as your final plan.
- As a class, brainstorm different things children might want to invent, and why they want to invent it (e.g., Do they want to help people? Do they want to invent something so others can have fun using it?). Have them consider what KIBO blocks they could use to represent their invention.
- Tell children that soon they will also learn how to decorate KIBO, so they can add pictures of things that they draw to KIBO to help show what they would like to invent.
- For example, maybe children want to invent something that moves around and blows bubbles. They could program KIBO to move and draw a picture of bubbles that they attach to KIBO.
- Or maybe they want to invent something that helps someone in their family. For example, they might want to invent something that helps bring items from one part of the room to another.
Word Time
Our Inventions (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- In groups, using the Lesson 7 Design Journal, children should plan their invention by first writing what they want to invent and why. They can also add a picture of their invention!
- Then, in the Design Journal, have children plan their program by writing out how they will program KIBO to represent their invention. The plan can be written or drawn, and should contain at least four or five actions.
Closing Tech Circle
Sharing Our Plans (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- One member from each group should share their plan from their Design Journal. Encourage each group to also give their invention a name! They can add the name of their invention to their Design Journal.
Powerful Ideas of Computer Science
Design Process, Algorithms, Representation, Debugging
Powerful Ideas of Literacy
Writing Process, Editing and Audience Awareness
Children will be able to:
- Write a KIBO program consisting of the Begin block, the End block, and Motion Blocks
Vocabulary covered:
Necessary Materials: Necessary Materials: Whoosh!: Lonnie Johnson’s Super-Soaking Stream of Inventions by Chris Barton (ISBN-13: 978-1580892971), Lesson 7 Design Journal (or have children’s Full Design Journals on hand), Clean-Up Song
Warm Up
Re-read Whoosh! (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Re-read Whoosh!: Lonnie Johnson’s Super-Soaking Stream of Inventions together as a class.
Structured Time
Revisiting Our Plans (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Tell children that today, they will be working on their invention by programming KIBO.
- Have children, in groups, return to their Lesson 7 Design Journal. Ask children to think about the invention they want to show using KIBO. Ask children: Are there any blocks you would add or change?
- Remind children that the Design Process is a cycle–we can always go back to our plans to test and improve our creations!
Expressive Explorations
Designing Inventions (Suggested Time: 15 minutes)
- In their working groups, children should program their invention.
- This program should include at least six blocks, including a begin and end block.
- Go around and take pictures of each group’s program.
- By documenting children’s programs, you will be able to assist children if they do not remember how to re-assemble their program for the next lesson.
Clean Up (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Clean up KIBO parts.
- Have children sing the KIBO Clean-Up Song!
KIBO Clean-Up Song
(To the tune of “Itsy Bitsy Spider”)
We’re turning off our KIBOs and putting them away
We had so much fun but we’re finished for the day
We’re using both our hands and we walk instead of run
We put away our KIBOs and now the song is done!
Closing Tech Circle
K is for Kind Words To… (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Have children go around the circle and say one compliment for a teammate.
Powerful Ideas of Computer Science
Design Process, Hardware/Software, Representation
Powerful Ideas of Literacy
Writing Process
Children will be able to:
- Decorate their robotic creations using arts and crafts materials
Vocabulary covered:
- Sturdy: solidly and strongly built
Necessary Materials: Whoosh!: Lonnie Johnson’s Super-Soaking Stream of Inventions by Chris Barton (ISBN-13: 978-1580892971), Materials for KIBO decorating
Warm Up
Read-Aloud (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Re-read Whoosh!: Lonnie Johnson’s Super-Soaking Stream of Inventions as a class.
Structure Challenge
Getting Crafty (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Tell children that today they will decorate their KIBOs!
- Children will use a variety of arts and crafts materials to design structures that will sit on top of their KIBO robots. This means materials need to be attached carefully and cannot be all on one side. Otherwise, the decorations will fall off the robot!
- Remind children about their sturdy tower challenge in Lesson 4 or about other building experiences and what they learned about making sturdy structures.
Expressive Exploration
Decorating Our Inventions(Suggested Time: 15 minutes)
- Allow children as much creativity as possible in decorating their KIBOs—anything is encouraged as long as every child gets a chance to decorate!
- There are different ways to decorate with KIBO! Children can decorate using construction paper, scissors, and tape and secure the decorations to the art platforms. Another option is to provide paper or plastic plates that children decorate, and then children can use masking tape to secure the plates onto the art platforms.
- As children work on their final projects, go around and take pictures of children’s KIBO programs and decorated KIBOs.
- Make sure to leave yourself enough time to do this step!
- This is also a great opportunity to share children’s work with families.
Closing Tech Circle
Compliment Circle (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Each group should share their program with the class. They should tell the class what invention they are trying to show through KIBO and why they would want to invent it.
- After each group shares, one person from the next group will tell the group one thing they liked about their program.
Powerful Ideas of Computer Science
Representation, Hardware/Software, Algorithms
Powerful Ideas of Literacy
Tools of Communication and Language
Children will be able to:
- Use the Beep Block in a KIBO program
- Use the Sing Block in a KIBO program
Vocabulary covered:
Necessary Materials: 3 Different Feeling Faces, Anchor Chart for Tools of Communication, Lesson 10 Check for Understanding
Warm Up
Our Emotions (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Share pictures of 3 Different Feeling Faces (smiling, crying, angry) then ask children what these smiley faces are telling us.
- Discuss with children – How do you know when your friends are happy? Sad? Angry?
Opening Tech Circle
Tools of Communication (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Display the Anchor Chart for Tools of Communication and talk about all the ways we can communicate our thoughts and feelings.
- Words
- Voices
- Discuss the difference between words and voices. Talk about how the way voices sound tells you something! Does it mean something different if we yell “Jackie wants to do KIBO,” or if we say it in a quiet, questioning voice?
- Faces
- Bodies
Unplugged Time
Express Yourself (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Play a game of charades, where children act out a feeling and other children guess what emotion the child is trying to express (e.g., child has a frown, arms crossed, eyebrows flexed = mad/upset).
- Give the child a prompt when it is their turn (e.g., “Show the class that you are happy with your body,” “Show the class that you are sad with your voice (but you can’t say ‘I’m sad,’”), or “Show the class you’re silly with your face.”
- Give each child a turn to be the expressive character!
Structured Time
Beep Block (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Is KIBO able to talk and express itself? Explain to children that it can’t, but KIBO can make sounds if we program it to do that!
- Ask when children have heard sounds from KIBO
- Discuss how KIBO makes different sounds when scanning is successful and unsuccessful to let you know if you need to rescan.
- Ask when children have heard sounds from KIBO
- Introduce children to the orange Beep Block!
- Ask children: What do you notice about this block? How is this block different from the other blocks we have used? How is it the same?
- Scan the program “Begin, Beep, End” using KIBO to demonstrate what this block does.
- Ensure that children are listening carefully to hear the beep.
- Introduce children to the Sing Block!
- Ask children: What do you notice about this block? How is this block similar or different to other blocks?
- Explain that with KIBO blocks, the color relates to the purpose of the blocks. Blue blocks are motion blocks, and orange blocks make sounds. However, KIBO doesn’t read these colors. They are only for people.
- Scan the program “Begin, Sing, End” using KIBO to demonstrate what this block does.
- Ask children: What do you notice about this block? How is this block similar or different to other blocks?
- Ask the children to think of the programs they created in their groups that represent their invention.
- Ask children: What are ways you could add the Beep Block to your program? What types of noises would you want your invention to make?
Expressive Explorations
Free Play (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Take out KIBOs and blocks and have children engage in free play.
- During this time, walk around and make sure children can identify the beginning, middle, and end blocks in their KIBO programs.
- By the end of this activity, children should feel comfortable assembling a complete KIBO program with at least 4-5 blocks, including the Beep Block.
Lesson 10 Check for Understanding: Check your children’s understanding of the new concepts they’ve just learned. Read each question to the children. Have children hold up 1, 2, or 3 fingers (corresponding to the first, second, or third choice). Stop and re-explain concepts as needed.
Closing Tech Circle
Sharing Circle (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Have children sit in a technology circle to share their new programs that incorporate the Beep Block. Have one child from each pair read their full program aloud.
Powerful Ideas of Computer Science
Design Process, Debugging
Powerful Ideas of Literacy
Writing Process, Editing and Audience Awareness, Phonological Awareness, Alphabet and Letter-Sound Correspondence
Children will be able to:
- Locate errors or “bugs” in KIBO programs
- Identify strategies for debugging and editing
Vocabulary covered:
- Bug: a problem in a computer program
- Debugging: to find problems in a computer program and to try to solve the problem in different ways
Necessary Materials: Anchor Chart for Design Process, Strategy List Anchor Chart, DEBUG Anchor Chart, Buggy Programs
Warm Up
Design Process Song (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Display the Anchor Chart for Design Process in the classroom or on a screen
- As you sing, emphasize “Test and Improve”
(to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle”)
Ask and imagine, plan and create,
Opening Tech Circle
Test, Debug, and Improve (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Show the design process chart again and remind children of the steps for making a KIBO program: Ask, Imagine, Plan, Create, Test and Improve, Share! Today we will be learning about how to Test and Improve!
- Tell children that we need to test our programs to see if they follow our plan, and if they don’t… we need to improve!
What is Debugging? (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Debugging is a word used in computer science to describe when people find errors, or bugs, in their computer programs and try to solve them in different ways.
- Discuss with children about encountering problems while programming. Programmers go through the repetitive process of debugging to find and fix problems.
- As a class, create a list of strategies for finding bugs in programs using the Strategy List Anchor Chart as a starting point. Return back to the list to add more strategies when needed.
Word Time
D-E-B-U-G (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Show children the DEBUG Anchor Chart. Guide children through each letter and explain what it stands for. These are only some strategies to use as a starting point when debugging.
- The first letter of Debug is D. D is for “Draw your code.” Children can trace their program with their finger, reading each block one at a time to make sure the program says what they want it to say.
- The second letter of Debug is E. E is for “Everyone Together.” Remember, we are all in the debugging process together – we are a team! Ask children what the word “team” means to them. In debugging, being part of a team means we can ask a friend for help, to look at our program and check for bugs with us.
- The third letter of DEBUG is B. B is for “Break apart.” Sometimes, it is hard to see a bug in a large program, but breaking apart a program into smaller pieces lets us look for the bug. Sometimes, it can also help scan when blocks are spaced with more separation.
- The fourth letter of DEBUG is U. U is for “Use Your Words.” When debugging, we can use our words to read our program out loud with a friend to check if it says what we want it to say. We can also use our words to ask a friend or teacher for help, or let a teacher know if we are feeling frustrated with the debugging process.
- The fifth letter of DEBUG is G. G is for “Go again!” Remember that debugging is a process. Like we talked about earlier, when we talked about being Kind and Safe with KIBO, sometimes with KIBO, we say “Oops,” and try again. Especially when debugging, it can be helpful to repeat ourselves and try again.
Find That Bug (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Recreate some Buggy Programs and explain to children what your plan was (e.g., what you want it to do). Then show the children the program and point out a few things that aren’t working like you wanted them to (e.g., “I wanted KIBO to spin twice, but it is turning twice, so only half way around;” or “I want KIBO to move but it won’t go”). Have children take turns raising their hand and debugging things in your program.
Closing Tech Circle
Celebrate the Process (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- As a class, you can come up with a celebratory cheer or special high-five whenever a child solves a problem they have been facing. And remember, debugging is a process. You may not find a solution the first time around, but by continuing to try again, checking for hardware/software issues, and asking our peers for help, we can work together to solve problems!
- Cheer for each child in the class to celebrate their debugging work today.
Powerful Ideas of Computer Science
Hardware/Software, Representation
Powerful Ideas of Literacy
Tools of Communication and Language
Children will be able to:
- Use the Light Block and Lightbulb module in a KIBO robotics program
Vocabulary covered:
Necessary Materials: “I See the Light!” video
Warm Up
Look for Light (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Play the video/song “I See the Light!”
- Encourage children to get up and dance to the music!
Opening Tech Circle
Where Do We Find Light? (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Tell children that in the video, we saw a few places where light comes from. Ask children: What are some of the sources of light we saw in the video? What are other sources of light you come across with in day-to-day life? What are some differences between where light comes from during the day, versus where it comes from at night?
- Tell children that KIBO, too, can be a source of light, if we program it to be. Today, we’re going to learn how to use a new KIBO part to shine light!
Structure Challenge
Lightbulb and Light Blocks! (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Regather children’s attention to introduce children to a new KIBO part: the Lightbulb!
- Ask children what they think the Lightbulb does.
- Ask children where they think the Lightbulb goes on KIBO.
- Explain to children that the lightbulb needs its own special blocks.
- Have children guess which blocks KIBO would need to make the Lightbulb turn white, blue, or red!
- Point out that all the Light Blocks are yellow, just like all the movement blocks are blue.
- Although KIBO does not know the difference between the block colors, we know that the KIBO block colors are important.
Expressive Exploration
Free Play (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- In groups, children will take time to explore the Lightbulb module freely. Remember to use the “Scanner” job cards and switch them often, so that all children continue practicing how to scan the blocks.
- By the end of this activity, children should feel comfortable assembling a complete KIBO program with at least 4-5 blocks, including a Light Block and the Lightbulb.
Closing Tech Circle
- Sharing Programs (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Children share their programs from the free play time. Prompt children to talk about how they used the new Light Blocks and Light module during the free play.
Powerful Ideas of Computer Science
Hardware/Software, Representation, Control Structures, Debugging
Powerful Ideas of Literacy
Literary Devices
Children will be able to:
- Distinguish between human senses and robot sensors
- Use the KIBO Sound Sensor with its appropriate Wait for Clap block
Vocabulary covered:
- Senses: the way humans and animals take in information about the world. Humans have five senses: touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing
- Sensor: a part of a machine that takes in information about the world
Necessary Materials: Prefilled jars of various materials (i.e. pennies, marbles, cotton balls), Lesson 13 Check for Understanding
Optional Resources: Lesson Video Tutorial #1, Lesson Video Tutorial #2
Warm Up
What Do We Hear? (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Pass each jar that has been pre-filled with specific items (e.g., pennies, marbles, cotton balls, etc.) around, and have children guess what’s inside by gently shaking it.
Opening Tech Circle
Human Senses and Robot Sensors (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Explain to children that we use our hearing to hear sounds around us. Just as humans have different senses to take in information from our environment (e.g., we can see friends in the classroom, taste ice cream, smell cookies, hear a fire truck, and touch a dog or cat), robots have sensors to do the same.
- A sensor is an added part of a robot that allows the robot to take in information from its environment.
- Tell children that today, they will learn about the Sound Sensor.
Structure Challenge
Sound Sensor and Wait for Clap (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Take out KIBOs and blocks. Show the Wait for Clap Block and the Sound Sensor and create an example program together. Run the program, and have children discuss what the robot is doing. When KIBO gets to the instruction “Wait for Clap,” KIBO listens for a sound (using its Sound Sensor!) before it goes to the next block instruction.
- Remember, KIBO follows its instructions in order, so pay close attention to where the Wait for Clap Block is placed in the program. As you demonstrate using the Sound Sensor, ask children to follow along with the blocks so they know when to clap!

Expressive Exploration
Free Play (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- In groups, children should take this time to explore the Sound Sensor module freely. By the end of this free play, children should understand that when KIBO reads the Wait for Clap block, it knows to only keep going when it hears the noise.
- Children should also understand how KIBO’s Sound Sensor is similar to humans’ ears and also how they are different. Ask children: Can KIBO only listen for a clap? Encourage children to try other noises, like stomping or ringing a bell, to trigger the Sound Sensor!
Lesson 13 Check for Understanding: Check your children’s understanding of the new concepts they’ve just learned. Read each question to the children. Have children hold up 1, 2, or 3 fingers (corresponding to the first, second, or third choice). Stop and re-explain concepts as needed.
Closing Tech Circle
Solutions Circle (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- In a circle, have children discuss some of their challenges with the Wait for Clap and Sound Sensor. Ask children: Were there times KIBO did not act like you expected? Was there anything new you learned about KIBO? Have you encountered any bugs? As children share out, have other children in the class provide solutions or ideas that may help them with any problems.
Powerful Ideas of Computer Science
Representation, Algorithms, Design Process
Powerful Ideas of Literacy
Literary Devices, Sequencing
Children will be able to:
- Plan a KIBO program to represent a jump rope rhyme.
Vocabulary covered:
Necessary Materials: Lesson 14 Design Journal (or have children’s Full Design Journals on hand)
Warm Up
Teddy Bear Jump Rope (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Teach the Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear jump rope rhyme and movements to children. Children can stand up and jump and dance along as if they have jump ropes.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn around.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch the ground.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, jump up high.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch the sky!
Teddy bear, teddy bear, show your shoe.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, that will do.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, say good night.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn out the light!
Opening Tech Circle
Teddy Bear Algorithm (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Explain to children that today they will create a program in ScratchJr to go along with the jump rope rhyme Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear.
- The jump rope rhyme has an algorithm, or instructions in order, for the Teddy Bear or the jump-rope-er. We will be remaking that algorithm for KIBO.
Structure Challenge
Making a Plan (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- In their groups, children should use their Lesson 14 Design Journal to plan KIBO’s dance to Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear.
- Explain to children that KIBO should follow the instructions in the rhyme. Encourage children to think of creative actions to represent instructions like “show your shoe” or “touch the sky.”
Expressive Explorations
Dance Planning (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Have children work in groups to create their initial KIBO program using their Design Journal. Encourage children to incorporate the Light or Wait for Clap blocks.
- Go around and take pictures of each group’s program. By documenting children’s programs, you will be able to assist children if they do not remember how to re-assemble their program for the final showcase. Make sure to leave yourself enough time to do this step, as it can save lots of time and effort in the later lessons!
Closing Tech Circle
Sharing Our Creations (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- In a circle, have each group share their program. Encourage children to discuss their thinking behind their program. For example, ask children: Where did you decide to add the Light or Wait for Clap Block?
Powerful Ideas of Computer Science
Algorithms, Representation, Design Process, Debugging
Powerful Ideas of Literacy
Literary Devices, Sequencing
Children will be able to:
- Revise and finish a program to accompany a dance
- Decorate their robotic creations using arts and crafts materials
Vocabulary covered:
Necessary Materials: KIBO Project documentation photos from Lesson 14
Warm Up
If You’re Happy and You Know It (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- As a class, dance together to the Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear jump rope rhyme. Children can stand up and jump and dance along as if they have jump ropes.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn around.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch the ground.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, jump up high.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch the sky!
Teddy bear, teddy bear, show your shoe.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, that will do.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, say good night.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn out the light!
Opening Tech Circle
Adding to Our Projects (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Explain to children that today they will finish working on their Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear projects, including decorating KIBO.
Expressive Explorations
Revisiting the Program (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Children can continue programming their Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear program.
- Be sure to document children’s KIBO programs with photographs.
Decorating Teddy (Suggested Time: 15 minutes)
- Have children use crafting materials to decorate each of their KIBOs. Allow children as much creativity as possible in doing this—anything is encouraged as long as every child gets a chance to decorate!
- As mentioned earlier, there are different ways to decorate with KIBO! Children can decorate using construction paper, scissors, and tape and secure the decorations to the art platforms. Another option is to provide paper or plastic plates that children decorate, and then children can use masking tape to secure the plates onto the art platforms.
- As children work on their final projects, go around and take pictures of children’s KIBO programs and decorated KIBOs.
- Make sure to leave yourself enough time to do this step!
- This is also a great opportunity to share children’s work with families.
Closing Tech Circle
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, That Will Do! (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- When all groups are done with their robot programs, bring the whole class together in a technology circle. Ask children to share their programs, including their code.
- Then have all the groups run their programs at once to dance to Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear. Sing along together as a class.
Powerful Ideas of Computer Science
Algorithms, Control Structures, Modularity
Powerful Ideas of Literacy
Sequencing, Literary Devices
Children will be able to:
- Identify an AAAA pattern in a KIBO program
- Identify an ABAB pattern in a KIBO program
- Use the Repeat and End Repeat Blocks in KIBO to create a program with an ABAB repeating pattern.
- Recognize one program output can be represented using multiple approaches
Vocabulary covered:
- Loop: the action of doing something over and over again
- Repeat: to do something again
- Pattern: something that happens in a repeated way
Necessary Materials: KIBO Blocks
Optional Resource: Lesson Video Tutorial
Warm Up
The Wheels on the Bus (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Sing and dance the “Wheels on the Bus” as a class.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
round and round,
round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
all through the town.
The wipers on the bus go Swish, swish, swish;
Swish, swish, swish;
Swish, swish, swish.
The wipers on the bus go Swish, swish, swish,
all through the town.
- After singing two verses of the song, discuss with the class the repetitions they observed in the song.
- What line did we repeat several times?
- Ask the children to imagine they’re teaching their friend the words to the song. Is there an easier way to tell them all the words without repeating the same words so many times?
- Tell the children that there is! You can tell your friend to “‘Repeat “round and round” 3 times!”’
Opening Tech Circle
Patterns & Repeat Loops (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Create a clapping pattern (fast and slow), which also consists of repetition and rhythm.
- Ask children to follow the clapping rhythm that was just demonstrated.
- For more challenge: ask the children to volunteer creating their own pattern for the rest of the class to follow.
Structure Challenge
Repeat and End Repeat (Suggested Time: 15 minutes)
- Choose an example of a repeating word or action from the song or clapping game. Then, ask children: What would repeating look like in a KIBO program? Can we make patterns with the KIBO blocks?
- Using the printed KIBO Blocks or the physical KIBO blocks, create a repeating pattern such as: Begin, White Light On, Beep, White Light On, Beep, End.
- Ask children: What is repeating in this program? How many times does it repeat? These two questions are the most important questions we need to answer before introducing the KIBO Repeat Blocks.
- As a class, come up with several other examples of KIBO programs that have repeating patterns.
- Ask children: What if instead of two White Light On and Beep Blocks, we wanted to have 100 White Light On and Beep Blocks? What issues might you come across? Is there an easier way to let KIBO know to repeat something?
- Explain to children that we can use a repeat loop to make it easier to scan a KIBO program that has a repeating pattern.
- Introduce the Repeat and End Repeat Blocks with the number parameters: 2, 3, 4, forever.
- Together with the children, create a sample program with the printed KIBO Blocks or the physical KIBO blocks that utilizes multiple repeating blocks, such as the pattern below.

- Ask children: What is repeating in this program? How many times does it repeat? What is the difference between this repeating pattern and the repeating patterns we talked about earlier?
- Explain that if we want to use a repeat loop to show a pattern with multiple blocks, we have to make the inside of the loop bigger.
- Emphasize that everything in the repeat loop is repeated, and everything outside the repeat loop is not.
- Additionally, emphasize that each repeat loop must start with a Repeat block, and end with an End Repeat block.
- Remind children how the Begin and End blocks are similar to the front and back covers of a book. Explain that the Repeat and End Repeat are similar and tell stories within the program. Just like with the Begin and End blocks, or like the front and back covers of a book, you need both a Repeat and End repeat block in a Repeat loop. Everything within the repeat loop will be repeated.
- You can also think of Repeat and End Repeat like the bread of a sandwich. The programming blocks inside them are the filling.

Expressive Explorations:
Repeating Free Play (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Following the lesson, allow children to free play with the Repeat Block and number parameters. The emphasis here should be using proper syntax, rather than scanning the program onto KIBO. We want to solidify simple repetition before children start creating more complex patterns.
Closing Tech Circle
Sharing Circle (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- In a circle, have each child share one interesting or surprising thing they learned as they made their Repeat Block programs. Children are also welcome to share a challenge they encountered. Other children are encouraged to brainstorm possible solutions.
Powerful Ideas of Computer Science
Algorithms, Control Structures, Hardware/Software
Powerful Ideas of Literacy
Literary Devices, Tools of Communication and Language
Children will be able to:
- Use the Until Dark and Until Light parameters in a Repeat Loop with the Light Sensor
- Use the Until Near and Until Far parameters in a Repeat Loop with the Distance Sensor
Vocabulary covered:
Necessary Materials: Lesson 17 Design Journal (or have children’s Full Design Journals on hand)
Optional Resources: Lesson Video Tutorial
Warm Up
I Spy With My Little Eye (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Have children walk around the classroom or look out a window and draw pictures of, and write down objects they see in their Lesson 17 Design Journal! This can be anything – trees, flowers, a swingset, or objects in the classroom like backpacks, crayons or books.
Opening Tech Circle
Sensing Our Surroundings (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Remind children that just as humans have different senses to take in information from our environment, robots have sensors to do the same, like the Sound Sensor.
- We used our sense of sight to see things that are around us.
- Today, they will learn how KIBO is able to “see” light and dark using a new KIBO part: the Light Sensor!
- Explain that KIBO needs special programming instructions to tell KIBO what to do with the information from its Light Sensor.
- KIBO can also detect how far away things are from it, using the Distance Sensor.
- Explain that unlike people, KIBO can only do one thing with each sensor. So although we can see both distance and light with our eyes, KIBO needs different sensors for each.
Structure Challenge
Light and Distance Sensors (Suggested Time: 15 minutes)
- Show children the Light Sensor module. Then Show the Repeat and End Repeat blocks, which are now familiar, and the new Until Light/Until Dark parameter cards.
- Create two example programs together, one which uses the Until Light parameter and the other with the Until Dark parameter. Run the programs, and have children discuss what the robot is doing in each scenario.

- Next, introduce the Distance Sensor. Create two example programs together, one which uses the Until Near parameter and the other which uses the Until Far parameter. Run the programs, and have children discuss what the robot is doing.
- Similarly, using the Until Dark and Until Light parameters, create two example programs together, one which uses the Until Light parameter and the other with the Until Dark parameter. Run the programs, and have children discuss what the robot is doing in each scenario.

Expressive Explorations
Free Play (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- In groups, children will create programs using the Light Sensor and the Distance Sensor. Free play with the sensors will allow children to tinker and explore the sensitivity of each sensor.
- Children can shine a flashlight to trigger the Light sensor.
- Children can place objects in front of the robot, triggering the Distance sensor. Encourage children to explore placing objects at different distances.
- Emphasize that the Repeat blocks with sensor parameters (e.g., Until Dark, Until Light) mean that KIBO will continue to perform the actions inside of the Repeat loop until the environment changes to the specific parameter.
Closing Tech Circle
Roses and Buds (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Each child shares one “rose” (thing that they learned today) and one “bud” (thing they want to know more about and are excited about learning).
Powerful Ideas of Computer Science
Control Structures, Algorithms
Powerful Ideas of Literacy
Literary Devices
Children will be able to:
- Identify conditional situations in everyday life
- Create conditional KIBO programs using the Distance Sensor and Light Sensor
Vocabulary covered:
- Conditional: something that only happens if something else happens
Necessary Materials: Lesson 18 Check for Understanding
Optional Resources: Lesson Video Tutorial #1, Lesson Video Tutorial #2
Warm Up
Four Corners (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Designate four corners of either the classroom, a carpet, or an open space as the game space.
- One child (or the teacher) stands in the center of the room and closes their eyes. Each child has to go to one of the four corners. When everyone is in a corner, the person in the center points in a random direction and opens their eyes. The person in the center then says, “IF you’re in this corner, THEN, you are out!” Everybody in that corner is out. This repeats, with the person in the center closing their eyes, everybody picking a corner, the person in the center choosing a corner, and everyone in that corner being out. Continue until there is either one winner or 2-3 kids left.
- If time permits, the winner of the previous game can be in the center for a second round.
Opening Tech Circle
Intro to Conditionals (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Reflect on the four corners game. If your corner was pointed to, you were out. In order to determine if you were safe or out, you had to check where the person in the center was pointing. This is called a conditional.
- Conditionals are when one thing has to happen before the next thing can happen. Discuss the following examples:
- What do you check for before you put on a jacket? (If it is cold or raining)
- What has to happen before you speak in class? (The teacher calls on you)
- What has to happen before you eat? (Wash your hands)
- What do you check before the car can go? (The light is green)
Structure Challenge
If and End If, and the Distance Sensor (Suggested Time: 15 minutes)
- Introduce to children the If and End If Blocks. Explain to children that If statements allow KIBO to make a choice based on what it can sense (e.g., light, dark, near, far).
- Similar to Repeat and End Repeat Blocks, If and End If Blocks are like the front and back covers of a book or the bread of a sandwich. KIBO will only follow instructions if they are inside the sandwich AND if KIBO detects it is light in a room, or if it is near another object, as just two examples.
Expressive Explorations:
Free Play (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- In groups, children will create programs using the If and End If blocks, along with the Distance and Light Sensors.
Lesson 18 Check for Understanding: Check your children’s understanding of the new concepts they’ve just learned. Read each question to the children. Have children hold up 1, 2, or 3 fingers (corresponding to the first, second, or third choice). Stop and re-explain concepts as needed.
Closing Tech Circle
Sharing Our Programs (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Children share their programs from the free play time. Prompt children to talk about how they used the new blocks (If, End If) in their programs.
Powerful Ideas of Computer Science
Algorithms, Design Process
Powerful Ideas of Literacy
Sequencing, Writing Process
Children will be able to:
- Order the events of a story in a logical sequence
- Plan a project using a graphic organizer
Vocabulary covered:
- Scenes: one part of a whole story
Necessary Materials: Giraffes Can’t Dance by Giles Andreae (ISBN-13: 978-0439287203), Lesson 19 Design Journal (or have children’s Full Design Journals on hand)
Warm Up
Giraffes Can’t Dance (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Read Giraffes Can’t Dance together as a class.
Opening Tech Circle
Order of Events (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Review the order of events in the story Giraffes Can’t Dance. Show examples from the book.
- Pick 3 scenes to talk about and ask children where they belong in the story – beginning, middle, or end.
- Have children place the events in order. Ask what would happen to the story if we rearranged the story so that the middle scene was first, or the first scene was last.
Word Time
Our Unique Dance (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Remind children that in the book, Gerald the Giraffe was going to try dancing, but other animals made fun of him.
- It seemed like Gerald was about to give up. But then, the cricket talked to Gerald and played a nice song.
- Gerald started to move around, and realized he could dance! Even when we want to give up, we can always get better at things! And just like Gerald, we should always be ourselves and do things in our own unique ways, like dancing!
- Tell children to pretend that they are one of the animals from the book – like a lion, chimp, or rhino – and they want to plan a dance party for Gerald! What three things would they want to have happen at the dance party?
- In groups, have children write down the top three things they would want to happen at Gerald’s dance party on index cards. It is recommended to have no more than 3 children per group.
- For example, at the beginning of the party, the animal you’ve chosen could do their favorite dance! The chimps love the cha cha, the rhinos enjoy rock and roll, and the lions like the tango!
- Then, your animal could create a completely new dance! Feel free to get creative here. And, finally, your animal could celebrate and cheer at the end of the party!
Journaling Time (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- In their same groups, based on their three ideas from the index cards, children will write a story about Gerald’s Dance party in their Lesson 19 Design Journal.
- They will choose the character they want to be, and write or draw three actions or events that will happen at the party. Encourage children to think about what they want to happen at the beginning of the party, during the party, and at the end.
Closing Tech Circle
Roses and Buds (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Remind children that, just like Gerald, we are always learning new things and making new goals!
- Each child shares one “rose” (thing that they learned today) and one “bud” (thing they want to know more about and are excited about learning).
Powerful Ideas of Computer Science
Representation, Design Process, Algorithms
Powerful Ideas of Literacy
Sequencing, Writing Process, Literary Devices
Children will be able to:
- Begin programming their final projects
Vocabulary covered:
Necessary Materials: Giraffes Can’t Dance by Giles Andreae (ISBN-13: 978-0439287203), Lesson 19 Design Journal (or have children’s Full Design Journals on hand)
Warm Up
One Sentence Story (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Explain to the children that a one sentence story is when each child gets to tell one piece of the story. Model it for the class (either with co-teachers or if only one teacher, narrate before each line that it’s a different person talking (e.g., “Then Jimmy says… Then Kayla says…”).
- Teacher starts the story with “Once upon a time there was a programmer.”
- Children go around and each add one sentence to the story, ultimately ending up with one story from the class.
Opening Tech Circle
Re-Reading Giraffes Can’t Dance (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Re-read Giraffes Can’t Dance together as a class.
Structure Challenge
Making a Plan (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Use the same Lesson 19 Design Journal page from Lesson 19: Dancing Giraffes for this activity. Explain to children that we will now be drawing the connection between the dance party stories they created and our programs! We want to use the character events and actions as building blocks for our programs.
- In order to do this, draw three boxes directly below the identified events. For each event, ask children: What blocks make sense for this event/action? For example, to show that a character is happy, they could beep or sing.
- The idea is that by making the story-program connection, children can be more intentional about their final KIBO programs. Now that you have modeled this connection, children can begin creating their KIBO programs!
Expressive Explorations
Story Planning (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Have children work in groups to create their KIBO program using their graphic organizer. Make sure children remember to think about the connection between the blocks they choose and the three parts of their dance party identified in the last lesson!
- Children’s final projects should incorporate at least 8 blocks, use both the Sound Sensor and Light bulb, and a Repeat Block or an If Block. Encourage children to be as creative as possible while still being intentional about which blocks they choose.
- Go around and take pictures of each group’s program. By documenting children’s programs, you will be able to assist children if they do not remember how to re-assemble their program for the final showcase. Make sure to leave yourself enough time to do this step, as it can save lots of time and effort in the later lessons!
Closing Tech Circle
Sharing Our Plans (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Each group should share at least one event that will happen in their program/dance party for Gerald, and the blocks they will use to represent that event.
Powerful Ideas of Computer Science
Design Process, Hardware/Software
Powerful Ideas of Literacy
Writing Process, Tools of Communication and Language
Children will be able to:
- Decorate their robotic creations using arts and crafts materials
Vocabulary covered:
Necessary Materials: Gather materials for KIBO decorating
Warm Up
Guess Who? (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Play a game of Guess Who?
- If you know the children well enough then pick one in the classroom and give hints about them.
- Or use characters from one of the books.
- E.g., Lonnie – loves inventing things, science, computers
- E.g., Chimps – love doing the cha cha; Lions – like dancing the tango; Rhinos – enjoy doing the rock and roll
Opening Tech Circle
Character Creation (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Tell children that today they are going to decorate their KIBO to represent the character they chose from the story.
- Explain to children that when we decorate KIBO, we can use different details to represent our character, like what they look like or things they like.
Structure Challenge
Creation Guide (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Remind children of the many different ways to decorate with KIBO! Children can draw or write on the dry erase boards and secure them using the flagpole module. Another option is to decorate using construction paper, scissors, and tape and secure the decorations to the circular or rectangular art platforms. And a third option is to provide paper or plastic plates that children decorate, and then children can use masking tape to secure the plates onto the art platforms.
- Remind children that we cannot glue anything to KIBO or write or draw directly on KIBO.
Expressive Explorations
Decorating KIBO (Suggested Time: 20 minutes)
- Have children use crafting materials to decorate each of their KIBOs to resemble their characters. Allow children as much creativity as possible in doing this—anything is encouraged as long as every child gets a chance to decorate!
- As children work on their final projects, go around and take pictures of children’s KIBO programs and decorated KIBOs.
- Make sure to leave yourself enough time to do this step!
- This is also a great opportunity to share children’s work with families.
- To help children test their decorations with KIBO, you can add a testing station in the corner of the classroom, where children can scan a program and make sure the decorations are securely attached.
Closing Tech Circle
Celebrating Our Strengths (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Explain to children that just like the characters in the book, they are all unique! And just like Gerald and the other animals, they all have things that they’re good at! In a circle, have each child share one thing they love to do.
Powerful Ideas of Computer Science
Design Process, Algorithms, Representation, Control Structures
Powerful Ideas of Literacy
Writing Process, Sequencing, Literary Devices
Children will be able to:
- Recall KIBO skills learned throughout the curriculum.
- Test both hardware and software elements of final projects.
Vocabulary covered:
Necessary Materials: Show What You Know Information Sheet, Show What You Know Response Page (or available for double sided printing here), Show What You Know Teacher Slides, Show What You Know Answer Key
Show What You Know
- Start off class with a quick check-in of the children’s knowledge. This is the summative assessment for the curriculum. Hand out a copy of the Show What You Know Response Page or booklet to each child and project the teacher slides on the board. Read each question aloud and give children about 2 minutes per question. For more information see the Show What You Know Information Sheet.
Expressive Explorations
Programming Final Project (Suggested Time: 20 minutes)
- Children will work on their projects. By the end of this session they should be finished with their projects.
- Encourage each child to include at least eight blocks, including the Start and End block, one module (ear or lightbulb), and a Repeat Block or If Block.
- To help children test their decorations or programs, add a testing station in the corner of the classroom where children can scan their program and make sure their decorations are securely attached.
- Provide additional masking tape or yarn so that children can reinforce any parts of their decorations that are not securely attached.
- Make sure to take pictures of children’s final programs so that they can recreate the programs for Lesson 23.
Closing Tech Circle
K is for Kind Words To… (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Have children go around the circle and say one compliment for a teammate.
Powerful Ideas of Computer Science
Design Process
Powerful Ideas of Literacy
Writing Process
Children will be able to:
- Speak and express themselves in front of the class through guided questions from a teacher.
- Share their final KIBO creations.
Vocabulary covered:
Necessary Materials: Lesson 23 Design Journal, Animal Freeze Dance video
Warm Up
Dancing Animals (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Remind children that in Giraffes Can’t Dance, each animal had their favorite type of dance! The lions liked the tango and rhinos loved rock and roll. Now, let’s see more dance moves that animals enjoy.
- Explain to children that when the music plays, children will dance like the animals in the Animal Dance video (Move Like the Animals Do by Jack Hartmann). When the music pauses, they must freeze immediately. As the teacher, control the music and press pause periodically to make children freeze. Remember to reinforce class norms around safety and being cautious with bodies.
Opening Tech Circle
Final Preparations (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Use the documented pictures from Lesson 22 to have children recreate their final programs. Then, ask children to scan the programs using their KIBOs. If you disassembled KIBO’s decorations from the previous lesson, reattach them before the final showcase! Children should showcase their program by Children should showcase their program by running the program as well as sharing their program blocks.
KIBO Project Showcase (Suggested Time: 20 minutes)
- During the final presentations, children will present their decorated KIBOs in action. Feel free to invite parents and administrators for this final showcase! Children can share their projects altogether in a technology circle, or as a gallery walk, in which half of the children walk around the classroom to each project while the other half present their projects. Then the two groups switch. Children should share:
- their robots and decorations
- why they chose the features they did for their robot
- the final program and what each block and module represent
- anything that was hard, easy, surprising, interesting, etc. about the process
- Take pictures/videos of children’s final projects and KIBO programs to share with families and school/community members!
Word Time
Lesson 23 Design Journal (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- In their Design Journals, children will write a reflection to answer the prompts:
- Write about something you learned…
- Write about something you want to try next using KIBO…
Closing Tech Circle
The Future of Programming (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Applaud and compliment children for all their great work on their final projects and throughout this class.
- Discuss the future of programming with the whole class using these guided questions:
- What is their favorite thing that they have learned with KIBO?
- What project would they like to work on next? Or what skill would they want to learn next?
- Looking beyond KIBO, what piece of technology would they want to help invent or program?
- Explain that now that they have finished taking this class, they are the future of programming! As they grow up they will continue to learn how they can take the ideas in their brains right now and make them real!
Powerful Ideas of Computer Science
Design Process
Powerful Ideas of Literacy
Writing Process
Children will be able to:
- Recognize help they received and gave to others.
- Express gratitude through a thank-you card.
Vocabulary covered:
- Gratitude: being thankful
Necessary Materials: Thank you cards, Lesson 24 Design Journal
Warm Up
What I’m Grateful For (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Each child goes around and says one thing that they are grateful for today and why. This can be things like the home they live in, the food they eat, or the people they spend time with, like their friends. You can start the activity by saying what you are grateful for today (e.g., “I am grateful to Josh for playing blocks with me today” or “I am grateful to my grandma who made cupcakes last weekend.”)
Opening Tech Circle
Helping Others (Suggested Time: 5 minutes)
- Discuss how children may have helped each other and needed help during projects or activities. Working together and supporting each other is part of being a coding community and is how programmers work together. Discuss the importance of gratitude and how it’s important to show appreciation and thank the people who help you. The warm-up story activity wouldn’t be the same if all of the children didn’t contribute to the story.
Word Time
Collaboration Web (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Have children create a collaboration web in the Lesson 24 Design Journal.
- Children should write their name in the center, and write the names of people who helped them in the surrounding boxes. Children can then draw a line from their center circle to the other names.
- As an alternative activity, display a classroom collaboration web on the wall with pictures of children and have children draw lines or attach yarn to the pictures of other children who helped them. Children should start thinking about who helped them with their projects prior to coming up to the board.
Thank you cards (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Children will decide on two classmates who helped them and write them thank you cards.
Closing Tech Circle
Showing Gratitude (Suggested Time: 10 minutes)
- Children will deliver thank you cards to classmates.