Creative Post: Casting Sassafrass, Cypress & Indigo

Looking back through my journal, I was reminded of a prompt that asked us to cast the characters that appeared in one of the readings from Uncle Tom’s Cabin as actual celebrities. I didn’t choose that prompt at the time, because for whatever reason, I had a hard time creating visual images of UTC’s characters in my head and therefore struggled to envision them as real-life actors/actresses. My experience while reading Sassafrass, Cypress & Indigo was the opposite, however. The characters seemed so vibrant and real that by the end of the book I had a pretty clear idea of how I thought they would look, move and sound. I would love to see these characters come to life and actually think Shange’s novel would make a great movie, so I decided to make it a fake IMDb page and assemble a cast that I think could do a great job of embodying and portraying such fascinating characters.

Indigo — Blue Ivy Carter. Her mom is Beyonce, so she definitely has the South in her. And at nine she’s already won a Grammy, which is pretty magical.

Cypress — Zoë Kravitz. She seems like the cool girl who does whatever she wants, and her dad is Lenny Kravitz so she probably has good rhythm for dancing.

Sassafrass — Jodie Turner-Smith. I haven’t actually seen any of her movies, but know she plays a loyal girlfriend in Queen and Slim.

Hilda Effania — Viola Davis. Based on her role in The Help, she would make an amazing loving mom that makes really good food (served with a side of advice).

Mitch — Michael B. Jordan. He proved he can play the villain in Black Panther and I think he would make such a good Mitch.

Leroy — Daniel Kaluuya. He has the type of kind face I imagine Leroy to have and has played characters with a lot of trauma, like Leroy.

Idrina — Lupita Nyong’o. She is captivating and graceful but could probably break someone’s heart, like Idrina broke Cypress’s.

Uncle John — Idris Elba. This one just seems right.


  1. What sensory techniques does Shange employ to bring her characters to life and help us imagine them?
  2. Do you agree with this cast? Would you make any edits/suggestions?

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