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  • Fasholé-Luke, Edward W.Tutu, 0. Fasholé-Luke, Edward W. (ed). “Whither African Theology?” 1978. [41]. Details
  • 0R. Collings; Indiana University PressR. Collings; Indiana University Press
  • Orobator, 0. The Church as Family: African Ecclesiology in its Social Context 2000. [41]. Details
  • 0Paulines Publications AfricaPaulines Publications Africa
  • Idowu, 0. African Traditional Religion: A Definition 1973. [41]. Details
  • 0S.C.M. PressS.C.M. Press
  • Bediako, 0. ‘Whose Religion is Christianity?’ Reflections on opportunities and Challenges for Christian Theological Scholarship as public Discourse- The African Dimension’ 2006. [41]. Details
  • 0
  • Okuma, 0. Towards an African Theology The Igbo Context in Nigeria 2012. [41]. Details
  • 0
  • Okuma, 0. Towards an African Theology The Igbo Context in Nigeria 2011. [41]. Details
  • 0Peter Lang PublishingPeter Lang Publishing
  • Tiplady, RichardGaladima, 0. Tiplady, Richard (ed). Religion and the Future of Christianity in the Global Village 2003. [41]. Details
  • 0William Carey LibraryWilliam Carey Library
  • Adeleye, 0. Preachers of a Different Gospel: A Pilgrim’s Reflections on Contemporary Trends in Christianity 2011. [41]. Details
  • 0HippoBooksHippoBooks
  • Aben, 0. African Christian theology: Illusion and Reality 2008. [41]. Details
  • 0African Christian TextbooksAfrican Christian Textbooks
  • Pobee, 0. African Initiatives in Christianity: The Growth, Gifts, and Diversities of Indigenous African Churches: A Challenge to the Ecumenical Movement 1998. [41]. Details
  • 0WCC PublicationsWCC Publications
  • Mana, 0. Africa and the neoliberal global order: A critical horizon for the new Congolese man 2021. [41]. Details
  • 0Our Knowledge PublishingOur Knowledge Publishing
  • Mana, 0. Christians and churches of Africa Envisioning the Future: salvation in Jesus Christ and the Building of a New African Society 2002. [41]. Details
  • 0Editions CléEditions Clé
  • Ukpong, 0. African Theologies Now: A Profile 1984. [41]. Details
  • 0Gaba Publications, AMECEA Pastoral InstituteGaba Publications, AMECEA Pastoral Institute
  • Ukpong, Justin S. Ukpong, Justin S. (ed). Reading the Bible in the Global Village: Cape Town 2002. [41]. Details
  • Society of Biblical LiteratureSociety of Biblical Literature
  • Ukpong, Justin S. Ukpong, Justin S. (ed). Gospel Parables in African Context 1988. [41]. Details
  • Catholic Institute of West Africa PressCatholic Institute of West Africa Press
  • Ukpong, 0. African Interpretation of the Bible: A Reader 2006. [41]. Details
  • 0Society of Biblical LiteratureSociety of Biblical Literature
  • Gathogo, 0. The Pangs of Birth in African Christianity: Essays in Commemoration of One Hundred Years of Mutira Anglican Mission (1912-2012) 2011. [41]. Details
  • 0LAP Lambert Academic PublishingLAP Lambert Academic Publishing
  • Gathogo, 0. Mutira Mission: An African Church Comes of Age in Kirinyaga, Kenya (1912-2012). 2011. [41]. Details
  • 0Zapf Chancery Publishers Africa Ltd.Zapf Chancery Publishers Africa Ltd.
  • Alves, 0. I Believe in the Resurrection of the Body 2003. [41]. Details
  • 0Wipf and Stock PublishersWipf and Stock Publishers
  • Vecsey, 0. Pueblo Indian Catholicism: The Isleta Case 1998. [41]. Details
  • 0
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  • Fasholé-Luke, Edward W.Tutu, 0. Fasholé-Luke, Edward W. (ed). “Whither African Theology?” 1978. [41]. Details
  • 0R. Collings; Indiana University PressR. Collings; Indiana University Press
  • Orobator, 0. The Church as Family: African Ecclesiology in its Social Context 2000. [41]. Details
  • 0Paulines Publications AfricaPaulines Publications Africa
  • Idowu, 0. African Traditional Religion: A Definition 1973. [41]. Details
  • 0S.C.M. PressS.C.M. Press
  • Bediako, 0. ‘Whose Religion is Christianity?’ Reflections on opportunities and Challenges for Christian Theological Scholarship as public Discourse- The African Dimension’ 2006. [41]. Details
  • 0
  • Okuma, 0. Towards an African Theology The Igbo Context in Nigeria 2012. [41]. Details
  • 0
  • Okuma, 0. Towards an African Theology The Igbo Context in Nigeria 2011. [41]. Details
  • 0Peter Lang PublishingPeter Lang Publishing
  • Tiplady, RichardGaladima, 0. Tiplady, Richard (ed). Religion and the Future of Christianity in the Global Village 2003. [41]. Details
  • 0William Carey LibraryWilliam Carey Library
  • Adeleye, 0. Preachers of a Different Gospel: A Pilgrim’s Reflections on Contemporary Trends in Christianity 2011. [41]. Details
  • 0HippoBooksHippoBooks
  • Aben, 0. African Christian theology: Illusion and Reality 2008. [41]. Details
  • 0African Christian TextbooksAfrican Christian Textbooks
  • Pobee, 0. African Initiatives in Christianity: The Growth, Gifts, and Diversities of Indigenous African Churches: A Challenge to the Ecumenical Movement 1998. [41]. Details
  • 0WCC PublicationsWCC Publications
  • Mana, 0. Africa and the neoliberal global order: A critical horizon for the new Congolese man 2021. [41]. Details
  • 0Our Knowledge PublishingOur Knowledge Publishing
  • Mana, 0. Christians and churches of Africa Envisioning the Future: salvation in Jesus Christ and the Building of a New African Society 2002. [41]. Details
  • 0Editions CléEditions Clé
  • Ukpong, 0. African Theologies Now: A Profile 1984. [41]. Details
  • 0Gaba Publications, AMECEA Pastoral InstituteGaba Publications, AMECEA Pastoral Institute
  • Ukpong, Justin S. Ukpong, Justin S. (ed). Reading the Bible in the Global Village: Cape Town 2002. [41]. Details
  • Society of Biblical LiteratureSociety of Biblical Literature
  • Ukpong, Justin S. Ukpong, Justin S. (ed). Gospel Parables in African Context 1988. [41]. Details
  • Catholic Institute of West Africa PressCatholic Institute of West Africa Press
  • Ukpong, 0. African Interpretation of the Bible: A Reader 2006. [41]. Details
  • 0Society of Biblical LiteratureSociety of Biblical Literature
  • Gathogo, 0. The Pangs of Birth in African Christianity: Essays in Commemoration of One Hundred Years of Mutira Anglican Mission (1912-2012) 2011. [41]. Details
  • 0LAP Lambert Academic PublishingLAP Lambert Academic Publishing
  • Gathogo, 0. Mutira Mission: An African Church Comes of Age in Kirinyaga, Kenya (1912-2012). 2011. [41]. Details
  • 0Zapf Chancery Publishers Africa Ltd.Zapf Chancery Publishers Africa Ltd.
  • Alves, 0. I Believe in the Resurrection of the Body 2003. [41]. Details
  • 0Wipf and Stock PublishersWipf and Stock Publishers
  • Vecsey, 0. Pueblo Indian Catholicism: The Isleta Case 1998. [41]. Details
  • 0
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