Single Form – Alternative to Paper – Project Proposal

Please submit a completed proposal form by 12:00 pm (noon) on Friday, October 15th.

Note: You may email me your responses directly as a Word document (not a Google Doc or a PDF, but a Word Document), but I encourage you to post your project check-ins to the class site.*


  1. Describe the form you intend your final project to take:
    • Notes:
      • Your description of your proposed project form should be more extensive than what you’ve already communicated in the paragraph you sent me.
      • Your description should include details about how you envision your project in terms of medium, form, and genre, but also in terms of organization, duration, size, material, featured content, accessibility, location, etc..
      • If my feedback to your paragraph included questions about your form, please make sure your responses address the questions I posed.


  1. Describe your ideal audience/reader(s) for your project in terms of number, demographic, interest, background knowledge, and other relevant demographics.
    • Notes:
      • Your audience should not be me and/or our specific class.
      • Our class may be included in your audience, and we should be able to generally appreciate the project even if we are not included in the intended audience. However, we should not be the intended audience.
      • A big part of this project is creating something that has formal and content integrity in and of itself. If your project only makes sense in the context of our class, then you need to work on developing the project further.
      • It is okay for your ideal audience to include or be specifically directed at the BC community in some way. However you must be more specific in your description of the audience than simply saying “BC community” or “Boston community.”
  2. Identify two primary outcomes you hope your project will produce for your intended audience.


An important aspect of this project is that it have internal coherency, goals, and objectives that are not dependent upon the class or the assignment, which you should think of as only the initiating spark that helps generate this manifestation of the project at this particular time and place. As such spend some time explaining to me why this project (its form and content) matters. You should consider the following questions: What does this project do or make possible? Why is this doing and/or this possibility necessary? Why is it necessary to accomplish it in this manner?


  1. What kinds of administrative permissions or resources might you need to acquire to accomplish this project? (i.e. space reservations, flyer permission, etc.)
  2. What supplies and/or materials will you need in order to create this project?
  3. What programs and/or technologies will you need in order to create this project?
  4. What skills and/or technical know-how will you need in order to create this project?
  5. Reflecting on your responses to 1-3: Please organize your lists of necessary supplies, technology, and skills into two columns. Column A – Items/Skills You have or have access to and Column B – Items/Skills you neither have nor know how to access.
  6. Please break the project down into 8-12 detailed and actionable steps or tasks.
  7. Using the information from 6, please provide a timeline (or production calendar) for your project completion.


Include at least two questions you have about either your project in particular and/or about the project assignment in general:



David Lewis

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