Call for Posters
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Call for Posters
This Call for Posters invites undergraduate and graduate students and faculty at Boston College to submit a Poster for “Advancing Research & Scholarship Day: Responding to COVID-19” which will be held virtually on Friday, October 30, 2020. This day will be hosted jointly by the Faculty Seminar/Working Group on COVID-19, the Office of the Vice Provost for Research, the Office of Global Engagement, the program in Global Public Health and the Common Good, and the Institute for Liberal Arts. The COVID-19 outbreak is one of the most serious public health crises in recent decades. This pandemic has forced people around the world to change how they live, work, and interact with other people. This day will bring together a distinguished group of scholars from Boston College—in history, biology, education, nursing, social work, law, public health, economics, theology, African and African Diaspora Studies—and internationally: Drs. Lilian Ferrer Lagunas, Director of International Affairs, PUC-Chile and Walter Ricciardi, Director of the Dept. of Public Health, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan), Rome Campus.
The Posters should present original research, reflections, education, or artistic productions related to the global coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic. Topics might include:
What is our responsibility as a global research university with a commitment to advance the common good?
How do we teach about the challenges of the pandemic?
What are significant biological and medical developments in coronavirus/COVID-19 research?
How has the pandemic exacerbated injustices?
How are the impacts of the virus being borne disproportionately by poor people and indigenous peoples?
What are the health and economic impacts of COVID-19?
What are the major ethical challenges facing society and the planet due to the virus?
What are some key legal issues surrounding COVID-19?
How can the experience of this pandemic guide us in strengthening the public health system, ending injustices, and improving the global environment?
Requirements for poster submission:
Poster file must be saved as a PDF
PDF size should be close to 800 x 600 pixel (landscape orientation)
Please keep all important information away from edges
The deadline to submit the pdf of the poster is Wednesday, October 14 at 5:00pm.
Submit the final pdf of the poster to
Decisions will be sent by email by Friday, October 16