Effect of COVID-19 on Change in Health Behaviors of Low-income Preschoolers: A Difference-in-differences Analysis
[embeddoc url=”http://sites.bc.edu/responding-to-covid-19/wp-content/uploads/sites/50/2020/10/2020-10-14-BC-Research-Day-Poster_FinalFormatting-1-1.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google”]
I am interested in the conversation around sleep time during the pandemic. In terms of health guidelines, does the increased rate of sleep have a negative impact on preschooler children, or can this be seen as one positive impact of the pandemic? Also, this pushes me to think about the difference and comparisons for tech use between low income and middle-income families when looking at parents who are essential workers vs those who can work from home.
Hi Aaron,
Thanks for your comment.
Yes we did see that more preschool children were meeting health recommendations for sleep during Spring 2020 then in time points prior to the pandemic.
That would be really interesting to look at differences across SES