Curriculum Vitae – Mark D. Behn


2002    Ph.D., MIT/WHOI Joint Program
1996    B.S., Bates College


2021– Professor, Dept. Earth & Environmental Sciences, Boston College
2018–2021 Associate Professor, Dept. Earth & Environmental Sciences, Boston College
2016–2018 Senior Scientist, Dept. Geology & GeophysicsWHOI
2011–2016 Associate Scientist w/ Tenure, Dept. Geology & GeophysicsWHOI
2008–2011 Associate Scientist w/o Tenure, Dept. Geology & GeophysicsWHOI
2004–2008 Assistant Scientist, Dept. Geology & GeophysicsWHOI
2002–2004 Postdoctoral Fellow, DTMCarnegie Institution for Science


2010–2013 Fellow, WHOI Deep Ocean Exploration Institute
2000 AGU Outstanding Student Paper Award 
1997–2000 Department of Defense Graduate Fellowship 
1996 Sigma Xi, Southern Maine Chapter
1996 Louis Jordan Jr. Award (most outstanding geology senior thesis)
1996 Milton L. Lindholm Scholar-Athlete Award
1995 Phi Beta Kappa, Gamma of Maine Chapter
1993 Charles A. Dana Award Scholar, Bates College 
1992 Eagle Scout, Boy Scouts of America

Professional Societies:

Geochemical Society
American Association for the Advancement of Science 
American Geophysical Union 
Geological Society of America

Service to the Community:

2020– SZ4D Landscapes and Seascapes Working Group
2019– Long Term Tectonics Working Group, CIG
2018– Modeling Collaboratory for Subduction, Steering Committee
2017– Committee on Solid Earth Geophysics, NASEM
2013– Co-Chair, Geodynamics Focus Research GroupCSMDS
2011– Associated Editor, Journal of Geophysical Research (Solid Earth)
2020 Co-organizer, CIG Workshop, Ductile Shear Zones & Localization Processes.
2018 Co-organizer, Coupling of Tectonic and Surface Processes (CTSP) Workshop
2011–2016 Magma Dynamics Working GroupCIG
2011–2014 AGU Tectonophysics Section Nominating Committee
2013 Goldschmidt Session Convener
2008–2010 MARGINS/GeoPRISMS Steering Committee
2010 Co-writer, MARGINS Successor Draft Science Plan
2010 Co-convener, MARGINS Successor Planning Workshop, San Antonio, TX
2009 Co-convener, MARGINS RCL Planning Workshop, Charleston, SC
2008–2009 AGU Fall Meeting Planning Committee, Tectonophysics Representative

Manuscript Reviewer: Science, NatureNature GeoscienceNature Communications, Science Advances, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Journal of Geophysical ResearchEarth and Planetary Science LettersGeophysical Research LettersGeophysical Journal InternationalGeologyGeofluidsMarine Geophysical ResearchesChemical GeologyPhysics of Earth and Planetary Interiors, Seismology Research Letters, TectonicsTectonophysics, Annals of Glaciology, Frontiers, and AGU Geophysical Monograph Series

Proposal Reviewer:  National Science FoundationIODPNASANERCPetroleum Research FundSwiss NSFand InterRidge Student Fellowship Program

Educational Activities:

Advising: Gina Applebee (WHOI Summer Student Fellow, 2007), Jennifer Barry (WHOI Summer Student Fellow, 2005), Robert Bialas (Ph.D., 2009, External Examiner; LDEO), Stephanie Brown Krein (Ph.D., 2019, committee member; MIT), Claire Bucholz (Ph.D., 2016, Generals Project advisor and committee member; MIT/WHOI), Fiona Clerc (WHOI Guest Student, 2016; MIT/WHOI Joint Program Student, primary advisor), Min Ding (Ph.D. 2015, committee member; MIT/WHOI), Jimmy Elsenbeck (M.Sc., 2007, co-advisor; MIT/WHOI), Patricia Gregg (Ph.D., 2008, co-advisor; MIT/WHOI), Yoshi Kaneko (WHOI Postdoctoral Investigator, co-advisor), Ben Klein (Ph.D., 2018, committee member; MIT; BC Postdoctoral Investigator, advisor), Michael Krawczynski (Ph.D., 2011, Generals Project advisor and committee member; MIT/WHOI), Ben Mandler (Ph.D., 2016, committee member; MIT), Hannah Mark (Ph.D., 2019, co-advisor; MIT/WHOI), Nathan Miller (Ph.D., 2013, Generals Project advisor and committee member; MIT/WHOI), Thomas Morrow (BC Postdoctoral Investigator, advisor), Jean-Arthur Olive (Ph.D., 2015, primary advisor; MIT/WHOI), Joshua Rines (M.S. candidate, primary advisor; BC), Emily Roland (Ph.D. 2011, Generals Project advisor and committee member; MIT/WHOI), Gilles Seropian (WHOI Summer Student Fellow, 2015), William Shinevar (WHOI Summer Student Fellow, 2014; MIT/WHOI Joint Program Student, co-advisor), Paris Smalls (MIT/WHOI Joint Program Student, generals project advisor), Laura Stevens (Ph.D., 2017, co-advisor; MIT/WHOI), Christy Till (Ph.D., 2011, committee member; MIT), Ikuko Wada (MARGINS Postdoctoral Fellow, co-advisor), Dorsey Wanless (WHOI Postdoctoral Scholar, co-advisor), Emma Woodford (M.S. candidate, primary advisor; BC), Nan Zhang (WHOI Postdoctoral Investigator, advisor)

Teaching: EESC1168 Environmental Geosciences: Earth Processes & Risks (BC, Fall 2018, Spring 2020), EESC2208 Environmental Systems: Quantitative Methods (BC, Fall 2019, Spring 2021), EESC3391/5591 Introduction to Geophysics (BC, Spring 2020), EESC5582/5583 Senior Environmental Geoscience Research Seminar (BC, Fall 2020–Spring 2021), EESC 6691 Earth Systems Seminar (BC, Fall 2020), 12.521 Computational Geodynamics (MIT/WHOI, 2009, 2011, 2014, 2016), 12.718 Kinetics and Mass Transport (MIT/WHOI,2015), 12.751/12.754 Seminar in Presenting Scientific Research (MIT/WHOI, 2006–2014), 12.753 Geodynamics Seminar (MIT/WHOI,2006, 2010, 2017), GEOL2910G Dynamics of Ice Sheets & Glaciers (Brown University, 2013)

Sea & Field Experience:

  • 2019 co-Chief Scientist, Deployment of broad band seismometers and dredging on the Gofar Transform Fault, East Pacific Rise
  • 2017 Chief Scientist, Seafloor mapping across the N. Mid-Atlantic Ridge
  • 2007–2014 Deployment of geophysical instruments (GPS, seismometers, pressure sensors) to monitor seasonal drainage of two lakes around Jakobshavn Isbrae in western Greenland, 8 spring/summer field seasons. 
  • 2013–2014 Controlled source seismic experiment across the Okavango Delta, Botswana.
  • 2010 Shipboard scientist, Seafloor mapping along the western Galapagos spreading center (92–95ºW) using Alvin, AUV Sentry, and CameraTow systems, R/V Atlantis.
  • 2005 Shipboard geophysicist, Deployment of an acoustic extensometer array on the southeast flank of Kilauea volcano, Hawai’i, R/V Kilo Moana. 
  • 2000 Shipboard geophysicist, Ocean-bottom seismic refraction and multi channel seismic reflection study of the interactions between the Galápagos hotspot and Cocos-Nazca spreading center. 
  • 1997 Shipboard geophysicist, NOBEL towed-source seismic refraction experiment of the shallow crustal structure of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, R/V Ewing.