
History of linguistics


Formalism and Functionalism in Linguistics: The Engineer and the Collector
(2019). London: Routledge Press

Roman Jakobson: Critical Assessments (Vols. I-IV)
(2014). London: Routledge Press

Fifty Key Thinkers on Language and Linguistics
(2011). London: Routledge Press. Japanese translation published 2016 as Kotoba no shisooka gozyuunin.  Hiezoo Nakajima, Yukito Seta, and Kensuke Takonai (Trans.).  Tokyo: Taylor and Francis / Tuttle-Mori.

Universal Grammar in Second Language Acquisition: A History
(2004). London: Routledge Press

Journal Articles

The monolingual approach in American linguistic fieldwork (2020).  Historiographia Linguistica 47. 2/3: 266–302

Background to formal functionalism: Japan, the United States, and Prague
(2016). Bulletin of the Edward Sapir Society of Japan 30: 27–38

The doctorate in Second Language Acquisition: An institutional history
(2013). Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 3.4: 509–531

Otto Jespersen and ‘The Woman’, then and now
(2013). Historiographia Linguistica 40.3: 377–208

Names, epithets, and pseudonyms in linguistic case studies: A historical overview
(2010). Names: A Journal of Onomastics 58: 13–23

Revisiting the origins of modern study of second-language acquisition: Contributions from the Japanese context, 1956-1959
(2008). Second Language 7: 3–21

The evergreen story of Psammetichus’ inquiry
(2007). Historiographia Linguistica 34: 37–62

Universal Grammar in Roger Bacon and Martin Joos: Generative linguistics’ reading of the past
(2002). Historiographia Linguistica 29: 341–380

Development of the concept of ‘the poverty of the stimulus’
(2002). The Linguistic Review 19: 51–71

Twenty-five years of the BUCLD: An institutional history
(2000). Journal of Education 182: 1–18

‘Full access’ and the history of linguistics (commentary on target article)
(1997). Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19: 743–744

Medieval and modern views of Universal Grammar and the nature of second language learning
(1995). The Modern Language Journal 79: 345–355

Digital Scholarship

Racialization, language science, and nineteenth century anthropometrics
(Published online 2020). History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences.  Posted 7 June 2020, c. 5300 words

Roman Jakobson [Bibliography] (Published online 2020). In Mark Aronoff (Ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Linguistics.  Oxford University Press.  Launched 15 January 2020, pp. 27, c. 11,500 words

American structuralism
(Published online 2019). In Mark Aronoff (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.  Launched 15 March 2019, pp. 37, c. 16,000 words

Book Chapters

The T-unit as a measure of ‘syntactic maturity’: Operationalizing linguistic complexity in early generative grammar
(2023). In Chloé Laplantine, John E. Joseph and Émilie Aussant (Eds.), Simplicité et complexité des langues dans l’histoire des théories linguistiques (427-450). Paris : SHESL (HEL Livres, 3)

On the reception and revivification of Cartesian Linguistics
(2020). In Émilie Aussant and Jean-Michel Fortis (Eds.), History of Linguistics 2017: Selected Papers from the XIV International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (ICHOLS XIV), Paris, 28 August–1 September 2017 (157–169).  Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins Press

Conceptualizations of grammar in the history of English grammaticology
(2020). In Bas Aarts, Jill Bowie, and Gergana Popova (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of English Grammar (3–20). Oxford: Oxford University Press

What do we talk about, when we talk about the history of linguistics? A view from the United States
(2016). In Carlos Assunção, Gonçalo Fernandes, and Rolf Kemmler (Eds.), History of Linguistics 2014 (126: 3–16). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Press

How did (American) women linguists become women in linguistics?
(2014). In Linguistic Society of America 90th Anniversary Celebration. Published online

Jakobson’s Circles
(2014). In Vadim Kasevich, Yuri Kleiner, and Patrick Sériot (Eds.), History of Linguistics 2011 (145–155). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Press

History of the study of second language acquisition
(2013). In Julia Herschensohn and Martha Young-Scholten (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition (26–45). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Gender and the language scholarship of the Summer Institute of Linguistics in the context of mid-twentieth century American linguistics
(2011). In Gerda Hassler (Ed.), History of Linguistics 2008 (389–397). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Press

What do we talk about, when we talk about ‘universal grammar,’ and how have we talked about it?
(2010). In Douglas A. Kibbee (Ed.), Chomskyan (R)evolutions (301–314). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Press

Words and concepts for child language learning in late nineteenth versus late twentieth century America
(2007). In Douglas A. Kibbee (Ed.), History of Linguistics 2005 (344–355). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Press

Research synthesis and historiography: The case of assessment of second language proficiency
(2006). In Lourdes Ortega & John Norris (Eds.), Synthesizing research on language learning and teaching (279–298). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Press

Biographical entries: Roger Bacon (Vol. I: 646–647); Roger William Brown (Vol. II: 136); Joseph H. Greenberg (Vol. V: 155–157); Robert Lado (Vol. VI: 301–302)
(2006). In Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (2nd ed.). Amsterdam: Elsevier

Corder’s insight in the context of Medieval and early Renaissance language science
(1998). In McGill Working Papers in Linguistics (13: 183–196).

Concepts of the nature of second language learning from the thirteenth and the twentieth centuries
(1997). In Kurt R. Jankowsky (Ed.), Conceptual and Institutional Developments in the Linguistic History of Europe and the United States (23–38). Münster: Nodus Publications

Why second-language acquisition theory has no sense of its own history, why we should do something about it, and what we should do
(1997). In Elizabeth Hughes, Mary Hughes, & Annabel Greenhill (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (627–638). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press

Book Reviews

Review of Noam Chomsky, Cartesian Linguistics (3rd ed.)
(2009). Language and History 52: 201–204

Short review of Caroline Coffin, Historical Discourse
(2008). Studies in Second Language Acquisition 30: 414–415

Review of E. F. K. Koerner, Toward a History of American Linguistics
(2005). Word 55: 286–290

Plato’s problems and Plato’s Problem
(2003). Language and Communication 23: 81–91

Review of Joan Leopold (Ed.), Prix Volney Essay Series (Vols. 1–4)
(2002). Language 78: 335–339

Short review (‘Book Notice’) of Pierre Swiggers, Language and Linguistics: Aims, Perspectives, and Duties of Linguistics
(1999). Language 75: 178–179

Short review (‘Book Notice’) of George Mounin, Histoire de la Syntaxe: Des Origins au Xxe Siècle
(1999). Language 75: 216–217


Exhibit: Missionaries and linguists: Jesuit grammars from Africa and Native America
(2016). Burns Library, Boston College (14 July–7 October)

Second language acquisition


Universal Grammar in Second Language Acquisition: A History
(2004). London: Routledge Press

Knowledge of Reflexives in a Second Language
(1993). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Press

Journal Articles

Informed consent in research on second language acquisition
(2017). Second Language Research 33: 271–288

Air writing as a technique for the acquisition of Sino-Japanese by second language language learners
(2015). Language Learning 65: 631–659

A role for ‘air writing’ in second language-language learners’ acquisition of Japanese in the age of the word processor
(2014). Journal of Japanese Linguistics 30: 93–114

The doctorate in Second Language Acquisition: An institutional history
(2013). Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 3.4: 509–531

‘Air writing’ and second language learners’ knowledge of Japanese kanji
(2013). Japanese Language and Literature 47: 23–58

Ethical issues in the study of second language acquisition: Resources for researchers
(2009). Second Language Research 25: 493–511

‘Units of comparison’ across languages, across time
(2009). Second Language Research 25: 325–333

Revisiting the origins of modern study of second-language acquisition: Contributions from the Japanese context, 1956-1959
(2008). Second Language 7: 3–21

Theories of second language acquisition: Three sides, three angles, three points
(2005). Second Language Research 21: 393–414

Two textbook representations of second language acquisition and Universal Grammar: ‘Access’ versus ‘constraint’
(2003). Second Language Research 19: 359–376

The Child Language Data Exchange System in research on second language acquisition
(2001). Second Language Research 17: 195–212

Twenty-five years of the BUCLD: An institutional history
(2000). Journal of Education 182: 1–18

Medieval and modern views of Universal Grammar and the nature of second language learning
(1995). The Modern Language Journal 79: 345–355

Acquisition of the Japanese reflexive zibun and movement of anaphors in Logical Form
(1995). Second Language Research 11: 206–234

Assessment of proficiency in second language acquisition research
(1994). Language Learning 44: 307–336

Universal grammar and the interpretation of reflexives in a second language
(1991). Language 67: 211–239

The acquisition of English articles by first and second language learners
(1989). Applied Psycholinguistics 10: 335–355

The interpretation of English reflexive pronouns by non-native speakers
(1989). Studies in Second Language Acquisition 11: 281–303

Book Chapters

History of the study of second language acquisition
(2013). In Julia Herschensohn and Martha Young-Scholten (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition (26–45). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Japanese, the grammar of reflexives, and second language acquisition
(2006). In Mineharu Nakayama, Reiko Mazuka, & Yasuhiro Shirai (Eds.), The Handbook of East Asian Psycholinguistics (151–157). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Research synthesis and historiography: The case of assessment of second language proficiency
(2006). In Lourdes Ortega & John Norris (Eds.), Synthesizing research on language learning and teaching (279–298). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Press

Binding and related issues in L2 acquisition
(1998). In Suzanne Flynn, Gita Martohardjono & Wayne O’Neil (Eds.), The Generative Study of Second Language Acquisition (261–276). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum

Young children’s hypotheses about English reflexives
(1994). In Jeffrey L. Sokolov & Catherine E. Snow (Eds.), Handbook of Research in Language Development Using CHILDES (254–285). Hillsboro, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum

What do elicited imitation data reveal about comprehension?
(1993). In Don Staub & Cheryl Delk (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1992 Second Language Research Forum (187–199). East Lansing, MI:  Michigan State University

Do second language learners have ‘rogue’ grammars of anaphora?
(1991). In Lynn Eubank (Ed.), Point-Counterpoint (375–388). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Press

Acquisition of Japanese reflexive zibun by unilingual and multilingual learners
(1990). In Hartmut Burmeister & Patricia L. Rounds (Eds.), Variability in Second Language Acquisition (701–718). Eugene, OR: University of Oregon

Book Reviews

Review of Brian Partridge and Aek Phakiti, Continuum Companion to Research Methods in Applied Linguistics
(2011). Studies in Second Language Acquisition 33: 475–477

Review of Vivian Cook, Portraits of the L2 User
(2004). Modern Language Journal 88: 141–142

Review of William C. Ritchie & Tej K. Bhatia (Eds.), Handbook of Second Language Acquisition, Vols. 4 & 5
(2000). Language 76: 718–720

Review of Dan I. Slobin (Ed.), The Cross-Linguistic Study of Language Acquisition
(2000). Language 75: 128–130

Short review (‘Book Notice’) of Harald Clahsen (Ed.), Generative Perspectiveson Language Acquisition
(1999). Language 75: 177–178

Short review (‘Book Notice’) of Angelika Becker & Mary Carroll (Eds.), The Acquisition of Spatial Relations in a Second Language
(1999). Language 75: 189–190

Short review (‘Book Notice’) of Kari Sajavaara & Courtney Fairweather (Eds.), Approaches to Second Language Acquisition
(1998). Language 74: 429–430

Short review (‘Book Notice’) of Nick C. Ellis (Ed.), Implicit and Explicit Learning of Languages
(1997). Language 73: 420–421

Short review (‘Book Notice’) of Fred R. Eckman, Diane Highland, Peter W. Lee, Jean Mileham, & Rita Rutkowski Weber (Eds.), Second Language Acquisition Theory and Pedagogy
(1997). Language 73: 211–212

Short review (‘Book Notice’) of Paula Menyuk, Jacqueline W. Liebergott, & Martin C. Schultz, Early Language Development in Full-Term and Premature Infants
(1997). Language 72: 888–889

Review of Judith Strozer, Language Acquisition After Puberty
(1997). Language 72: 170–173

Review of Rod Ellis, The Study of Second Language Acquisition
(1995). Studies in Second Language Acquisition 17: 533–534

Short review (‘Book Notice’) of Dan I. Slobin, The Cross-linguistic Study of Language Acquisition, Vol. 3
(1995). Language 71: 424–245

Review of Susan Gass & Larry Selinker (Eds.), Language Transfer in Language Learning
(1994). Applied Psycholinguistics 14: 571–575

Review of Vivian Cook, Second Language Learning and Language Teaching
(1994). Studies in Second Language Acquisition 16: 100–101

Short review (‘Book Notice’) of Anjum P. Saleemi, Universal Grammar and Language Learnability
(1994). Language 70: 406

Other fields

Journal Articles

Linguistic Variation in Spike Lee’s School Daze
(1994). College English 56: 911–927

Book Chapters

Some referential properties of English it and that
(1999). In Akio Kamio & Ken-ichi. Takami (Eds.), Function and Structure (289–315). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Press

Vietnamese submissive passives
(1988). In Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society (24: 377–390).

Book Reviews

Short review (‘Book Notice’) of Barbara Fox (Ed.), Studies in Anaphora
(1998). Language 74: 883–884