
[1] Invītāta Psȳchē tālium locōrum oblectātiōne propius accessit et paulō fidēntior intrā līmen sēsē facit, mox prōlectante studiō pulcherrimae vīsiōnis rīmātur singula et altrīnsecus aedium horrea sublīmī fabricā perfecta magnīsque congesta gazīs cōnspicit. [2] Nec est quicquam quod ibi nōn est. Sed praeter cēteram tantārum dīvitiārum admīrātiōnem hoc erat praecipuē mīrificum, quod nūllō vinculō nūllō claustrō nūllō custōde tōtīus orbis thensaurus ille mūniēbātur. [3] Haec eī summā cum voluptāte vīsentī offert sēsē  vōx quaedam corporis suī nūda et: “Quid,” inquit “domina, tantīs obstupescis opibus? Tua sunt haec omnia. Prohinc cubiculō tē refer et lectulō lassitūdinem refovē et ex arbitriō lavācrum pete. [4] Nōs, quārum vōcēs accipis, tuae famulae sēdulō tibi praeministrābimus nec corporis cūrātae tibi rēgālēs epulae morābuntur.”

Psȳchē explores the palace, and discovers the identity of the house’s mistress.

paulō: abl. of degree of difference with fidēntior

propius: comparative degree of “prope.”

facit: with a reflexive pronoun, facio can mean “to take oneself” (a late Latin construction).

perfecta…congesta: parallel to each other.

Nec est quicquam quod ibi nōn est: “Everything (that existed) was there.”

quod: a substantive clause of fact explaining hoc (A&G §572).

Haec eī…vīsentī: eī is the indirect object of offert; haec is the direct object of vīsentī

Tua: nom. neut. pl. and a predicate of sunt, whose subject is haec omnia.

ex arbitriō: “if you would like,” (literally “from your judgment”)

cūrātae: dat., modifying tibi; takes a gen. of description.

invītō, -āre: here, to attract

oblectātio, -ōnis f.: delight

prōlectō, -āre: to entice

rīmor, -ārī: to explore

altrīnsecus: (adv.) on the other side; here, used as a preposition +gen.

gaza, -ae f.: treasure

praecipuē: (adv.) especially

vinculum, -ī n.: bond, chain

claustrum, -ī n.: barrier

thēnsaurus, -ī m.: treasury, treasure trove

nūdus, -a, -um: deprived of (+gen.)

obstupēscō, -ere, -puī: to be astonished, amazed

prohinc: (adv.) hence, on this account

lassitūdō, -inis f.: weakness, tiredness

refoveō, -ēre, -fōvī, -fōtus: to restore, refresh, warm again

lavācrum -ī n.: bath

famula, -ae f.: female slave

sēdulō (adv): carefully, diligently

praeministrō, -āre: to wait, attend upon

cūrātus, -a, -um: refreshed

epulae, -ārum f. pl.: feast, banquet

moror, -ārī: to delay

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