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ECON 8871 International Trade 2021F

The purpose of this course is to acquaint the student with the basic tools of international trade theory. Trade theory is the richest lode of applied general equilibrium theory. Two sorts of homework develop skill and intuition in applied ge theory. Written mathematical and intuitive exercises is one sort. The other sort is programming exercises with simple computable general equilibrium models.

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2021 Syllabus Link

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ECON 8876 Trade Policy & Political Economy Topics

The course has three objectives. One objective is to cover aspects of international trade policy, a set of topics that are important in international trade theory literacy. This objective comprises Sections I-III of the reading list.

The second objective is to read some papers in areas of trade and trade policy that appear likely to lead to more research. This necessarily reflects my personal biases, but at least some others in the field find the papers promising too. Sections IV-VII are a forecast of papers to be covered, details may change.

The third and most important objective of this course is to begin to learn how to do original research. We will approach reading and expositing articles and chapters looking to see why the topic was significant, how successful was the modeling, how convincing or intuitive were the results, where the next research line might go.

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2021 Syllabus Link

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ECON 3376 International Economic Relations


Grand theme – understand global interdependence and local consequences of economic forces and government policies. Plays through:

• global interdependence in goods and factor markets;

• national and global institutions and policies to influence global interdependence;

• global monetary and asset market interdependence;

• interdependence of national income and employment in global economy.

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2021 Syllabus Link
