Pilgrimage as Shaping One’s Identity and Vocation

There are three layers of pilgrimage evident in Ignatius’s self-portrait in the Testament. The first such layer concerns primarily his journey to Jerusalem, a physical journey in imitation of Christ in line with the medieval pilgrimage tradition. The second layer refers to a pilgrimage of discovery and unfolding of his identity and vocation. While this …

The Pilgrimage of Ignatius: Toward Jerusalem

Ignatius made, once, a fateful physical pilgrimage. It was to Jerusalem, to the Holy Land. Born in Spain and trained as a caballero (knight), Ignatius suffered a significant injury during battle in 1521 at the family castle. During his recovery, he underwent a significant personal transformation characterized by contemplation and a religious conversion. With the …

The Testament and Its Posterity

In a narrative of his life confided to Luis Gonçalves da Câmara, Ignatius uses the term “the pilgrim” to talk about himself. The untitled text is alternatively called the Autobiography, The Pilgrim’s Story or Journey, the Reminiscences, or the Testament – since Ignatius chose what he wanted to transmit from his life onto his heirs …

Saint Ignatius, A Pilgrim Spirit

The life of Saint Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556), founder of the Society of Jesus, illustrates a pilgrim spirit. Ignatius lived out his transformative faith while in motion, whether physically, intellectually, apostolically, or spiritually. Coming of age at the dawn of an era of expanded geographical horizons and religious reforms, Ignatius wanted to go back to …