2025-02-05 Congratulations to Jenny’s manuscript on STR RNA accepted at Analytical Chemistry!
2025-01-06 Congratulations to Zhiyong and Jenny’s manuscript accepted at Communications Biology!
2025-01-05 Happy new year! And we welcome two new members joining the group, Dr. Nan Liu and Kelly Fai!
2024-12-16 We welcome Ally and Khalil joining the group as graduate students!
2024-08-21 Farewell to Dr. Zhiyong He. Wish you the best for the next life chapter!

2024-07-22 We got our second federal funding, R61, shared with the Niu Group, and funded by the National Cancer Institute at NIH, for a collaborative protein evolution project!
2024-07-22 Congratulations to Chuan-Hui’s manuscript accepted at RSC Chemical Biology journal!
2024-07-16 THE FIRST LAB RETREAT AT CONNOLLY HOUSE! Congrats to the lab recognition awardees Jenny, Chuan-Hui, and Zhiyong! And Go DIXIT!

2024-07-03 Congratulations to Zhiyong and Jenny on submitting their manuscript on pseudouridine mapping with the evolved RTase onto BioRxiv!
2024-07-01 We welcome Ezekiel Eliamani joining the lab for summer research, as the first awardee from the BC Chemistry Summer Research Empowerment Scholarship program. https://sites.google.com/bc.edu/deirsummerscholarship
2024-06-10 Zhiyong, Mitchel, and Jane attended, presented research posters, or lead the discussion at the 2024 Bioorganic Chemistry Gordon Conference at Andover NH.
2024-05-31 We welcome Finnbar Regan and John Cook joining the group!
2024-05-22 Congratulations to Chuan-Hui on passing the oral exam!
2024-05-16 Thanks to all the participants, and we celebrate the completion of the Biophysical Chemistry course (CHEM5561), a new course added to the BC Chemistry curriculum in Spring 2024!
2024-03-15 Jane and Jenny attended and presented at the research symposium “Entering a New Era of Conformational Dynamics in Molecular Biophysics and Biomedicine” at Columbia University.
2024-01-16 We welcome Xinyi Lyu joining the lab, as a joint graduate student with the Gao lab!
2024-01-16 We welcome Angela and Gretchen to join the group as undergraduate research assistants!
2023-12-16 Congratulations to Karn for getting the best poster presentation award for his research in the lab, at Chulalongkorn University!
2023-10-23 Congratulations to Michael on getting the Nunes Johnson Endowed Fellowship!
2023-10-05 Group pictures!

2023-09-29 Ally and Keely presented their research at the annual undergraduate research poster session of the Department!
2023-08-26 We got funded by the NIH NIGMS MIRA (R35) for studying the fundamentals of sequence specificities in the biosynthesis and recognition of RNA chemical modifications! https://www.bc.edu/content/bc-web/schools/mcas/departments/chemistry/news-and-notes.html
2023-07-01 We welcome Karn joining our research group as a visiting student from the Chulalongkorn University, Pathumwan, Bangkok
2023-06-01 Congratulations to Michael and Mitchel on passing their oral exams!
2023-05-08 Congratulations to Catherine Hazard for admission to the Chemistry Graduate Program at MIT!
2023-05-08 Congratulations to Michael for receiving the Donald J. White Teaching Excellence Award!
2023-05-08 Congratulations to Sean for receiving the 2023 Royal Society of Chemistry Certificate of Undergraduate Excellence!
2023-01-17 We welcome Chloe, Carmela, and Allison to join the group as undergraduate research assistants!
2022-12-01 We welcome Chuanhui to join the group as graduate student!
2022-09-01 We welcome Kevin to join the group as graduate student!
2022-08-22 We relocated to our new lab space in Merkert!

2022-06-22 Farewell to Yitan and good luck at WashU!

2022-06-10 Congratulations to Jenny on passing the oral exam!
2022-05-30 Haoran joined the group. Welcome!
2022-05-01 We welcome Chuanhui to join the group as a visiting student!
2022-03-26 Jenny, Catherine, Yitan, and Zhiyong presented research at the open house for recruitment of prospective graduate students.
2022-01-14 We welcome Michael and Mitchell to join the group as graduate students!
2021-11-1 Dr. Zhiyong He joined the group as our first postdoctoral scholar. Welcome!
2021-10-23 Jenny and Catherine presented their project on short-tandem-repeat RNA at the 2021 graduate student research symposium at Boston College.

2021-09-17 Jane virtually visited and gave a seminar in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at San Diego State University.
2021-09-14 Jane gave a departmental seminar in the Biology Department at Boston College.
2021-08-12 Our first “in-person” group picture –

2021-07-30 We welcome incoming graduate students Fan Yang and Kun Yong Jeoung join the group for summer research.
2021-06-15 We welcome Sowon Kang from the i-STEM Scholars Program to join our group for summer research working on the reverse transcriptase engineering project.
2021-05-30 Congratulations to Sean, Carolyn, Isabelle, and Yitan on receiving the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship to support their summary research!
2021-04-30 Jane gave a seminar at Departmental Colloquium, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology in the University of New Mexico.
2021-04-26 Jane gave a seminar at Chemical Biology Special Interest Group Symposium at ASBMB Annual Meeting.
2021-03-19 Congratulations to Catherine on receiving the Kozarich Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship!
2021-01-13 We got helpers.

2020-12-21 Happy holidays to all! Cannot wait to kick off research projects with you all in the Spring.

2020-12-09 Weiqi (Jenny) and Sean joined the group. Welcome!
2020-10-16 Our first group meeting via zoom!

2020-10-15 Thomas, Carolyn, and Catherine joined the group. Welcome!
2020-09-25 Our lab space in Higgins Hall
Check out our lab space in the Higgins Hall 560! We are keenly looking for highly motived graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and undergraduate research assistants to join and build the lab together!
2020-09-01 The Zhou lab started at Boston College!