Open Positions


We are recruiting highly motivated postdocs who are interested in nucleic acids structure and functions, mapping of chemical modifications, protein engineering, directed evolution, biophysics and biochemistry of nucleic acids! Postdoc candidates are expected to have a Ph.D. degree in chemistry, biochemistry, biophysics, cell biology, bioinformatics, or related disciplines. Research trainings in biochemistry, biophysics, bioinformatics, structural biology, or chemical biology are prioritized for considerations.

To apply for the position, please email Jane a combined pdf that includes 1) a detailed CV, 2) contact information for at least two references, and 3) a cover letter describing the candidate’s past research summary, research interests, and academic goal.

Graduate Students

Prospective students should apply to the Graduate Student Admission Program in Chemistry at Boston College ( For admitted graduate students, please contact Jane directly if you are interested in learning the research of the group!

Undergraduate Students

For current Boston College undergraduate students, please contact Jane directly if you are interested in joining the group with your resume, transcript, and current courses taken. We welcome undergraduate students with STEM majors including Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Physics, Engineering etc.