Publications and Presentations

Journal Publications and Book Chapters

[19] Hira, A., Woods, P., & Anderson, E. (2024). What has persisted and what has not: A longitudinal study of changes in teachers’ experiences of Project-Based Teaching and Learning through the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Engineering Education. (in press)

[18] Hira, A., Gemski, J., & Henriques, J. (2024). Assistive Technology and Human-Centered Engineering Design: Partnership between a school that serves students with extensive support needs and a human-centered engineering program. International Journal for Engineering Education. (in press)

[17] Woods, P., Anderson, E., & Hira, A (2024). Exploring the Impact of COVID-19 on the Grammar of Schools in Project-Based Learning Contexts. Journal of Educational Change. (in press)

[16] Beheshti, M., Shah, S. A., Zhang, H., Barnett, M., & Hira, A. (2024). Affordances of Technology for Sustainability-Oriented K–12 Informal Engineering Education. Sustainability16(16), 6719.

[15] Stuopis, I., & Hira, A. (2024). Hands-On for Whom?. Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER)14(1), 3.

[14] Beheshti, M., Kang, E., Yan, S., Louime. E., Hancock, C., & Hira, A. (2024). Augmented Reality in A Sustainable Engineering Design Context: Understanding Students’ Collaboration and Negotiation Practices. Sustainability, 16(1), 379.

[13] Zhang, H., Hira, A., Phatak, J., Barnett, M., & Shah, A. (2024). Growing STEM Leaders:  High School Youth as Teachers and Mentors through Teaching Physical Computing. In Redesigning the Future of Education in the Light of New Theories, Teaching Methods, Learning, and Researches. Information Age Publishing.

[12] Hira, A., Woods, P., & Anderson, A. (2023) Reflections of three educational researchers on research and life during the pandemic. In McCarther S. & Davis D. (Eds.), Breakthrough: From Pandemic Panic to Promising Practice OEH Book Series.

[11] Hira, A., Bhattacharya, S., Gaudette, G. & Govindasamy, S., (2022). Designing a design-driven human-centered engineering program. International Journal of Engineering Education (in press)

[10] Holly, Jr, J., Hira, A., Maxey, K, & Beebe, C. (2022) Who gets to engineer? In T. Fowler (Eds.), Countering the mythology of inclusion and wellness in schooling (pp 67 – 92) DIO Press, New York.

[9] Hira, A., & Hynes, M. (2021). How do designers and engineers practice design while Making? A narrative inquiry of designers who Make. Information and Learning Sciences122(11/12), 749-773

[8] Hira, A. & Anderson, E. (2021). Motivating Online Learning through Project-Based Learning During the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic. IAFOR Journal of Education, 9(2), 93-110.

Prior to HER lab

Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings

[34] Ramos, K. A., Stuopis, I., Louime, E. J., Carter, P. E., Hancock, C., & Hira, A. (2024, June). Promoting Belonging in Engineering through the Creation of Youth-Centered Technology-Rich Spaces. In 2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.

[33] Tonn, J., & Hira, A. (2024, June). Engineering as Conflict: A Framing for Liberal Engineering Education. In 2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.

[32] Shah, A., Raphael, D., Phatak, J., Zhang, H., Hira., A, & Barnett, M. (2024) Cultivating science identity: An Automated Table-top Greenhouse Project with Middle School Students. In 2024 NARST Annual International Conference

[31] Ranger, B., Hira, A., & Govindasamy, S. (2024, June). Work in Progress: Engineering Analysis Laboratory Courses Complement First-Year Physics and Calculus. In 2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition

[30] Phatak, J. U., Hira, A., Zhang, H., Shah, A., & Barnett, M. (2024). Understanding the Peer Mentoring Experiences of High School Students in an Out-of-School STEM Camp: An Exploratory Study. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of the Learning Sciences-ICLS 2024, pp. 1830-1833. International Society of the Learning Sciences.

[29] Shah, A., Park, J. H., Raphael, D., Beheshti, M., Phatak, J. U., Sun, C., A, Hira, H, Zhang & Barnett, M. (2024). Dynamics of Interest and Competency Belief in Coding among Middle-schoolers. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of the Learning Sciences-ICLS 2024, pp. 1586-1589. International Society of the Learning Sciences.

[28] Ramos, K., Gardow, J., Louime, E., Kang, E., & Hira, A (2023). Promoting belonging and breaking down gatekeeping in youth-centered engineering spaces. In ASEE 2023 Annual Conference.

[27] Louime, E., Kang, E., Anderson, E., Searle, K., & Hira, A (2023). Intergenerational E-Textile Workshops for Engineering and Social-Emotional Learning. In ASEE 2023 Annual Conference.

[26] Huang, A., Bachiochi, G., Bozorgmehri, N., Broome, A., Carter., P, Cho, H., … & Hira, A (2023). Experiences from the First Cohort of Engineering Students at a Liberal Arts University. In ASEE 2023 Annual Conference.

[25] Hira, A., Gemski, J., & Henriques, J. (2023). Assistive Technology and Human-Centered Engineering Design: Partnership between a school that serves students with extensive support needs and a human-centered engineering program. In Clive L Dym Mudd Design Workshop.

[24] Shah, A., Phatak, J., Hira, A., Zhang, H., & Barnett, A. (2023). Tech Demo: “Smart Greenhouse” Project: Combining Physical Computing with Plant Science. In International Society of the Learning Sciences 2023 Conference.

[23] Carnasciali, M., Hira, A., & Tonn, J. (2022). Understanding Student Experience and Motivation in a New Human-Centered Engineering Program – Insights from the First Cohort. In 2022 Frontiers in Education Conference.

[22] Kang, E., Yan, S., Brady, S., Katz, A., Hira, A. (2022). Augmented Reality for Sustainable Collaborative Design [Conference Presentation]. American Society for Engineering Education.

[21] Ranger, B., Hira, A., Smith, B., Zhang, X., & Anthony, B. (2022). Work in progress: cost-effective table-top ultrasound systems as platform for biomedical engineering education. In ASEE 2022 Annual Conference.

[20] Ozkan, D., & Hira, A. (2021). Critical perspectives on teaching design in first-year engineering. In ASEE 2021 Annual Conference.

[19] Rodriguez-Simmonds, H & Hira, A. (2021). A collaborative autoethnographic dialog exploring the soul of engineering education. In ASEE 2021 Annual Conference.

[18] Hira, A., Bhattacharya, S., Gaudette, G. & Govindasamy, S., (2021). Designing a design-driven human-centered engineering program. In Clive L Dym Mudd Design Workshop.

[17] Hira, A., & Anderson, E. (2021). The heart of the matter: High school educators’ experiences of teaching project-based learning. In International Society of the Learning Sciences 2021 Conference.  

Prior to HER lab

Conference Presentations without peer-reviewed proceedings

[8] Stuopis, I., Ramos, K. A., Hancock, C., Louime, E. J., & Hira, A. (2024, June). Board 222: CAREER: Engineering in Youth-led Technology-rich Settings: Promoting Belonging and Preventing Harm. In 2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.

[7] Shah, A., Phatak, J., Zhang, H., Hira., A, & Barnett, M. (2024) Smart Greenhouse: Bridging Physical Computing, Plant Science, and Data Literacy. In SIGCSE Technical Symposium 2024 program.

[6] Shah, S A, Raphael, D, Phatak, J, Hira, A, Zhang, H, & Barnett, M. (2024) Cultivating science identity: An automated table-top greenhouse project with middle school students. National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST)

[5] Raphael, D, Shah, S A, Phatak, J U, Hira, A, Zhang, H, & Barnett, M. (2024) Enhancing middle-school students’ interest in coding through a tabletop automated greenhouse project [iPoster]. American Educational Research Association

[4] Shah, S. A., Phatak, J. U., Hira, A., & Zhang, H. (2023, June). Board 304: HighSchoolers’ Understanding about “Engineering” and Their Perception of the Coding-Engineering Relationship. In 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.

[3] Woods, P., Anderson, E., & Hira, A. (2022) Failing to Reset: A Critical Examination of COVID-19’s Impact on the Grammar of Schooling. American Educational Studies Association

[2] Hira, A., Zhang, H., & Barnett, M. (2022) Engaging families in growing their own food through home-based STEM learning experiences. Science Educators for Equity, Diversity, and Social Justice Annual Conference.

[1] Brady, S., Kang, E., Louime, E., Naples, S., Katz, A., Hira, A. (2021, December 5-8). Emerging Learning Technologies for Education on Sustainability Topics [Conference Presentation]. Research in Engineering Education Symposium & Australasian Association for Engineering Education Conference, Perth, WA, Australia.