Collective Takeaways

Group 3 Natalie Bankhead, Melissa Janco, Paige McCary

  • How do the theoretical frameworks evolve and change from one to the other? 

These theoretical frameworks evolve and change from one to the other due to different historical events and overall changes in global society.  Modernization was brought about after  WWII. Modernization is the initial movement of development and theorizes that rural environments and States undergo a systematic transformation to urbanized environments through industrialization and a transformation of traditional values. This Western/Americanization is nearly impossible to reverse.

 Modernization shifts to a Dependency Theory model explaining the exploitation of labor and resources from periphery countries to core countries wherein resources and wealth accrue. The Dependency Theory holds that to counteract this exploitation, national markets and national industrialization need to be developed in order to create stronger local markets and standard of living.  The Theory of Dependency began in the 1950’s as a result of several different prominent theories at the time including neo-marxism and Keynes’ economic theory.  Modernization and the Theory of Dependency are both derived from research conducted on third world development.  

The World Systems model considers a global economy instead of nation states and seeks to seek the upward and downward mobility in world economy focusing on the semi-periphery and periphery of the global economy. The Theory of World Systems emerged in the 1960’s. At this time many societal changes and economic changes were evolving on an international level rather than that of the states. 

Globalization theory considers massive increase of global communications at every levels to change the culture and enables virtual economic transactions empowering minorities but overall businesses and powerful elite are the decision makers for world economic and social structures

Overall, these four theories are focused around research and studying third world countries’ development.  They all have an emphasis on sciences and technology. 

  • How do the frameworks lack further explanations as to how people live their lives? 

The earlier frameworks of Modernization and the Theory of Dependency both seem to lack an explanation as to how people in third world countries maintain their own individual cultures, traditions and customs while also improving their financial and political standings in the world.  As economic theory evolves towards Globalization, there seems to be more of an opportunity for individuals to maintain their cultures and interact in a global economy. 

 Lastly, it seems that these theories focus on the systems at play, but lack regard for the way these massive transitions would uproot the lives of individuals.  These changes impact the types of jobs available, the infrastructure in their area, cultural wisdom, and use of natural resources.  

Overall, these frameworks fail to take account of our limited and shared natural resources as well as the emerging regenerative movement that encourages localized and decreased economies. They see development and economy in terms of industrialization and technological advancement rather than living in harmony with the earth and communities. 

  • How does the economics piece connect people in different ways through mobility and education? 

These economic models account for distribution of resources and why people would need to migrate  and redistribute themselves in relation to the economic evolution from rural to urban, developing to industrial regions and as a result transform their sociocultural values in order to survive. 

Economics connects people through jobs and through the distribution of resources.  People often move for job opportunities and educational opportunities.  Additionally, people often seek education based on the types of skills that will provide them with employment opportunities.

This globalization and migration is seen in the migration patterns of South America to North America. Individuals are often from a rural environment and coming to work in industrial jobs in city centers due to lack of resources, instability, and economic opportunity.

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