The Data Viz Lab is located in the BC’s new, Interdisciplinary Sciences Building, 245 Beacon, room 231.
Consistent Lab Open Hours: Monday – Thursday 2pm-7pm
For additional open hours, check our lab calendar to see who is working in the lab
An animated 3D map of Mount Katahdin in Maine, created by student Noah Wilson, Biology ’23 using ArcGIS Pro.
Check out a [test run] 3D scan of the lab
The Data Visualization Lab is part of the Center for Integrated Environmental Systems Research (CIESR), created in partnership with the Earth and Environmental Sciences Department, the Schiller Institute, and the Engineer Research & Development Center at the US Army Corps of Engineers.
The Data Viz Lab is located in the BC’s new, Interdisciplinary Sciences Building at 245 Beacon, room 231. The space has 7 high-powered computer workstations, 4-K resolution monitors, and an 8-K resolution video wall (coming soon!) It is a space where the BC community can create interactive maps, illustrations, charts, diagrams, and other graphics to represent complex data visually. The lab offers in-class training, one-on-one consultations, and hands-on tutorials on the use of data viz tools, such as:
- ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro, QGIS
- Matlab
- Python data visualization libraries
- R data visualization libraries
- Adobe Creative Suite (Illustrator, Photoshop, AEM)
- Tableau
- (3D imaging and VR coming soon!)
If you are interested in learning more about the lab or have a data viz question please email Dr. Kate Willis at or book an appointment here.