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Assessment Details

  Academic Year: 2020-2021         Level: Undergraduate

  Campus Department: Morrissey College of Arts & Sciences [UG and Grad]

  Program Type: Core [UG]

  Program Name: Theatre Core (Link)


Description of Data Collection:

Course evaluations from this this academic year were used to as insight into students learning. Taking their comments verbatim from the forms, it demonstrates that they are achieving the learning outcomes we intended. Here are some selected comments from the course evaluations spanning all sections. [see attachment]

Review Process:

The Chairperson will evaluate the data at the end of the academic year. If changes are warranted, they will be discussed with all of the teachers of the core courses at the beginning of the academic year or earlier if necessary. It is the consensus of the Chair, that these are positive results. We are not recommending changes at the current time. Four out of our eight full-time faculty have all taught core pilot courses in the past but there are no plans at this time to apply to teach another one. Megan Stahl, one of our part time teachers, taught a course that was developed as a Core course within the new initiative, Difference, Justice, and the Common Good. Her course is called “Performing the Immigrant Experience” and was rolled out in the Spring, 2020, with great reviews. These results will be shared with all teachers of the core in Theater and their feedback will be encouraged.

Resulting Program Changes:

Megan Stahl created Performing the Immigrant Experience through the DJCG initiative to add a diversity component to the Theatre Department. The course went very well and we have it on the schedule for next year. Now that we have heard the very positive reviews, we will likely add more sections in the future.

Date of Most Recent Program Review:

Megan Stahl created Performing the Immigrant Experience through the DJCG initiative to add a diversity component to the Theatre Department. The course went very well and we have it on the schedule for next year. Now that we have heard the very positive reviews, we will likely add more sections in the future.

Attachments (if available)