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Assessment Details

  Academic Year: 2020-2021         Level: Undergraduate

  Campus Department: Morrissey College of Arts & Sciences [UG and Grad]

  Program Type: Core [UG]

  Program Name: Slavic and Eastern Languages Core


Description of Data Collection:

Students are regularly given quizzes based on the readings. The quizzes are designed to ensure that students have read the texts carefully. Students write two 4-page papers; for each paper students can choose from two prompts. The papers are graded for both writing and analysis, and they are returned with detailed comments. The goal is to provide an example of formal writing and to indicate to the student what is required in terms of analysis. There is a midterm as well as a final exam.

Review Process:

Two FT faculty in Russian/Slavic literature teach the core courses in Russian literature. These professors assess the outcomes of their students. Changes are made to the curriculum in consultation and in response to student performance and evaluation

Resulting Program Changes:

The ESGS department conducts annual reassessments of its core literature courses. The most recent changes included an emphasis on a broader representation of genres and literary movements, as well as on ethnic and gender diversity of the authors/materials taught.

Date of Most Recent Program Review:

The ESGS department conducts annual reassessments of its core literature courses. The most recent changes included an emphasis on a broader representation of genres and literary movements, as well as on ethnic and gender diversity of the authors/materials taught.

Attachments (if available)