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Assessment Details

  Academic Year: 2020-2021         Level: Undergraduate

  Campus Department: Morrissey College of Arts & Sciences [UG and Grad]

  Program Type: Core [UG]

  Program Name: International Studies Core


Description of Data Collection:

Instructors mentioned that GPA was a rough metric at best. As one instructor noted: I presume that they (i.e., the form’s question) mean that students’ final grades are an indication of their success, but the key is how those grades are determined. As I lay out in my syllabus, I determine a student’s ability to research, analyze, and express themselves through participation in class, exams, and a research proposal and final paper. By assessing each of those components, I have a good sense of students’ mastery of the content and skills from the course. As another instructor observed, the specific assignments are meant to address different aspects or components of the learning outcomes.

Review Process:

The Director of the IS Program, Prof. Erik Owens, monitors the performance of the instructors (via the course assessments) and the outcomes of teaching. The IS Advisory Board convenes on a regular (i.e., almost monthly during the academic year) and can discuss any issues that arise. Insofar as there have been any issues, they were dealt with at the Director to instructor level.

Resulting Program Changes:

There were changes made, but the core courses are the changes made to our prior core offerings. We are still in the process of reviewing the outcomes made from subsequent tweaks.

Date of Most Recent Program Review:

There were changes made, but the core courses are the changes made to our prior core offerings. We are still in the process of reviewing the outcomes made from subsequent tweaks.

Attachments (if available)