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Assessment Details

  Academic Year: 2020-2021         Level: Undergraduate

  Campus Department: Morrissey College of Arts & Sciences [UG and Grad]

  Program Type: Core [UG]

  Program Name: Biology Core


Description of Data Collection:

a) Student survey, BIOL1100 F20 (General Biology) (questions below; see next page for responses) [see attachment] contain, or have contained, life as we know it.
b) No other planets in our galaxy, besides Earth, have life as we know it.
c) The question of life on other planets in our galaxy is currently unanswered, as we do not have enough certain evidence (proof) one way or the other. 92.7% correct

Review Process:

The instructors in the course – they examine student responses and align with performance expectations.

Resulting Program Changes:

(Plans for next offering: further emphasize scientific reasoning and literacy, in light of current pandemic. Also, emphasize how life on earth is fully consistent with the known laws of chemistry and physics.)

Increase in Part B scores.

Date of Most Recent Program Review:

(Plans for next offering: further emphasize scientific reasoning and literacy, in light of current pandemic. Also, emphasize how life on earth is fully consistent with the known laws of chemistry and physics.)

Increase in Part B scores.

Attachments (if available)