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Assessment Details

  Academic Year: 2020-2021         Level: Graduate

  Campus Department: Morrissey College of Arts & Sciences [UG and Grad]

  Program Type: Major [UG] / Program [Grad]

  Program Name: Theology and Education PhD


Description of Data Collection:

Goal 1: the successful dissertation, publishable papers from doctoral seminar, book reviews in learned journals
Goal 2: comprehensive exams
Goal 3 : ethics workshop case study questions as well as an academic integrity tutorial; demonstrate ethical scholarly practices in course work papers, published articles, reviews, and dissertation
Goal 4 : presentations at learned conferences
Goal 5 : TA experience, statement of teaching philosophy
Goal 6: proposal defense
Goal 7 : dissertation proposal drafts in the two-year doctoral seminar focused on religious education
Goal 8: peer review of emerging dissertation proposals in doctoral lunches with all currently enrolled PhD students
Goal 9: The scholarly essays and journal articles
Goal 10: Job placement rates

Review Process:

Every other year, the DREPM religious education faculty (four professors) review the data collected (see below) and make decisions re changes/improvements in the PhD program. If these involve changes in policy, they go to the PhD EPC. They are then incorporated into the program prospectus.
Goal 1: The senior faculty person anchoring the doctoral seminar in any given year, and the student’s dissertation committee evaluate the student papers and dissertation for publishability, using a standard rubric(See Rubric re Publications) The results in published essays are tallied each year and become part of the annual report by the Director of the PhD program to the DREPM faculty.
Goal 2: The faculty members on the comps committee analyses the rubrics for written and oral competence across seven sub-disciplines at the intersection of theology and education – as religious education. These results are forwarded to the Director of the PhD program for inclusion in the annual report to the DREPM faculty.
Goal 3: Same as Goal 2 for (1) history of religious education; (2) religious education and the social sciences; and (3) philosophy of religious education.
Goal 4: Associate dean verifies successful completion of case study in ethics workshop and academic integrity tutorial. Success is measured against learning outcomes for each and a certain score is needed for success. Ethical scholarly practice is verified by the dissertation committee and the faculty in coursework. If problems arise, these are reported to the PhD Director, , who reports, omitting student names, to the DREPM faculty.
Goal 5: Students are actively encouraged to present at least one paper at a scholarly conference throughout their studies. Faculty attend and evaluate student presentations at such learned and professional societies. Rubrics (see Rubric for developing scholarly presentation) collected by the PhD Director for inclusion in report to DREPM.
Goal 6: Based on the Rubric for Mentoring TAs, faculty supervising TAs assess the TA on teaching skills. Rubrics are forwarded to the PhD Director for inclusion in annual report to DREPM. In doctoral seminar (first two years of study), students develop one-page teaching philosophy in preparation for job applications. This is evaluated by peers and at least one faculty member. Comments are written and collected by anchor of doctoral seminar and forwarded to PhD Director for inclusion in report.
Goal 7: Dissertation committee conducts a two-hour oral review of the proposal and approves it only if it meets this goal. Rubrics are forwarded to PhD Director for inclusion in report to the DREPM.
Goal 8: At the two-year review meeting, faculty discuss their impressions of the dissertations that have come before them and identify any areas for improvement
Goal 9: The faculty reviews the rubrics for the publishable essays at the two-year review.
Goal 10: The faculty reviews the placement stats at the two-year review.

Resulting Program Changes:

From the most recent placement statistics, the faculty have noted a need to prepare students more formally and systematically for job searches. We are instituting an annual workshop.

Date of Most Recent Program Review:

From the most recent placement statistics, the faculty have noted a need to prepare students more formally and systematically for job searches. We are instituting an annual workshop.

Attachments (if available)