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Assessment Details

  Academic Year: 2020-2021         Level: Graduate

  Campus Department: Lynch School of Education & Human Development [UG and Grad]

  Program Type: Major [UG] / Program [Grad]

  Program Name: Secondary Education MEd MAT MST (Link)


Description of Data Collection:

Evidence sources used for the Graduate Secondary Education Program comprehensively describe how our graduates have achieved the stated outcomes. These sources are:
a. Successful performance of the Boston College Candidate Assessment of Performance Form and Rubric (BC-CAP): This measure assesses candidate performance (at the full practicum level) on the five outcomes listed above according to the criteria established by the state (unsatisfactory, needs improvement, proficient, and exemplary).
b. Completion of the Inquiry Project, which serves as their Masters Comprehensive Examination.
c. Surveys of program completers and alumni who graduated within the last three years.
d. Successful passing of the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL).

Review Process:

To interpret the collected evidence, a small subcommittee of department faculty (Masters Advisory Committee [MAC]) focuses on the degree program in secondary education and reviews the curriculum regarding meeting program goals. The MAC meets bi-weekly to review and discuss program related concerns about students’ knowledge and understanding, which involves student performance data. In this way, we are better able to support and meet the needs of students in the most effective way. Also, the MAC makes recommendations to the Department Chair and faculty.

Resulting Program Changes:

Based on data from Exit Surveys (that indicated the need for additional program content on teaching learners from diverse linguistic backgrounds and English Language Learners) a Bilingual Education Certificate was added as an optional certificate that students may pursue, in addition to their Elementary Education licensure.
Exit and Alumni survey results and student feedback also demonstrated a need for further attention to reading and literacy in our programs. Given this, a Reading Committee was formed in 2019, which attended to the following: The Reading Committee examined data on our MTEL pass rates in Reading as compared the pass rates in the larger state of Massachusetts. Findings revealed that Boston College teacher candidate pass rates were higher at the first attempt as compared to all Massachusetts teacher candidates. The department, based on recommendations by the committee, made improvements in diversifying the children’s literature course. Our typical offering is EDUC 6363: Children’s Literature. The Head Librarian in the Educational Resource Center, has revamped the course to be more inclusive of literature by authors from outside the U.S. and Europe, while embedding culturally sustaining practices. We also offered an elective, EDUC 6201: Contemporary African American Children’s and Young Adult Literature, in Summer 2021, to further our efforts to address literacy and literacy instruction from a multiracial and multicultural lens.
The committee proposed a full-time appointment focused on reading. While this request is being formally reviewed, the Lynch School of Education and Human Development was approved to hire a full-time doctoral-level professional, licensed as a Reading teacher and as a special educator to teach four of the reading courses in 2021-2022. The new hire will join the Reading Committee to re-examine the content of each course and to consider any needed curricular modifications.

Date of Most Recent Program Review:

Based on data from Exit Surveys (that indicated the need for additional program content on teaching learners from diverse linguistic backgrounds and English Language Learners) a Bilingual Education Certificate was added as an optional certificate that students may pursue, in addition to their Elementary Education licensure.
Exit and Alumni survey results and student feedback also demonstrated a need for further attention to reading and literacy in our programs. Given this, a Reading Committee was formed in 2019, which attended to the following: The Reading Committee examined data on our MTEL pass rates in Reading as compared the pass rates in the larger state of Massachusetts. Findings revealed that Boston College teacher candidate pass rates were higher at the first attempt as compared to all Massachusetts teacher candidates. The department, based on recommendations by the committee, made improvements in diversifying the children’s literature course. Our typical offering is EDUC 6363: Children’s Literature. The Head Librarian in the Educational Resource Center, has revamped the course to be more inclusive of literature by authors from outside the U.S. and Europe, while embedding culturally sustaining practices. We also offered an elective, EDUC 6201: Contemporary African American Children’s and Young Adult Literature, in Summer 2021, to further our efforts to address literacy and literacy instruction from a multiracial and multicultural lens.
The committee proposed a full-time appointment focused on reading. While this request is being formally reviewed, the Lynch School of Education and Human Development was approved to hire a full-time doctoral-level professional, licensed as a Reading teacher and as a special educator to teach four of the reading courses in 2021-2022. The new hire will join the Reading Committee to re-examine the content of each course and to consider any needed curricular modifications.

Attachments (if available)