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Assessment Details

  Academic Year: 2020-2021         Level: Graduate

  Campus Department: Lynch School of Education & Human Development [UG and Grad]

  Program Type: Major [UG] / Program [Grad]

  Program Name: Learning Engineering MA (Link)


Description of Data Collection:

There are four main sources of evidence used to evaluate program learning outcomes:
a. Each semester students work on a design project in the Design Studio; each semester of Design Studio specifies learning objectives for that semester. They maintain a design journal for each project and make presentations at the end of the semester. This allows formative assessment of student capabilities and evaluation of the extent to which learning goals for the program are being achieved.
b. Students maintain a personal journal that includes key insights and what they are learning about themselves as learning engineers. This allows evaluation of the extent that career exploration and imagination goals are being achieved.
c. The Comprehensive Exam, in the form of an e-Portfolio, is turned in at the end of students’ second semester (of 3) in the program. It requires students to demonstrate substantive and integrative knowledge, capabilities, and accomplishments in each of the areas listed above. It also requires them to present themselves as learning engineers.
d. Supervisor evaluations are consulted to determine how well students have performed in Mentored Internship.

Review Process:

Faculty teaching Design Studio read design journals throughout each semester and also listen to and give advice as students are presenting their designs in progress and the rationale behind them.
Faculty organizing the Reflective Seminar read the personal journals several times each semester.
Comprehensive exams (e-Portfolios) are evaluated by each student’s academic advisor and one or more additional core faculty using a rubric for each professional competency and a comprehensive evaluation of the full portfolio.
Core faculty have regular meetings to discuss student progress, program effectiveness, support particular students need, topics that need to be discussed in the Reflective Seminar, and any changes that need to be made for the next cohort.

Resulting Program Changes:

Formative data (discussions with students) during the first year of the program (AY19) resulted in small changes being made in many of the 1-credit modules to make the program cohere better and to ensure that students were not overwhelmed by the demands of so many 1-credit modules. Results from the first cohort of students led to a variety of changes for the second cohort (AY21): (a) three of the learning technologies modules were compressed into a 3-credit course on foundations of learning technologies, one module was removed for now, and we added another module on learning technology use that had not been included; (b) the career exploration and imagination part of the program was significantly refined; (c) we added an education equity and justice core to the Reflective Seminar; (d) we significantly changed the design challenges in the first Design Studio and upgraded the design journal templates.

Date of Most Recent Program Review:

Formative data (discussions with students) during the first year of the program (AY19) resulted in small changes being made in many of the 1-credit modules to make the program cohere better and to ensure that students were not overwhelmed by the demands of so many 1-credit modules. Results from the first cohort of students led to a variety of changes for the second cohort (AY21): (a) three of the learning technologies modules were compressed into a 3-credit course on foundations of learning technologies, one module was removed for now, and we added another module on learning technology use that had not been included; (b) the career exploration and imagination part of the program was significantly refined; (c) we added an education equity and justice core to the Reflective Seminar; (d) we significantly changed the design challenges in the first Design Studio and upgraded the design journal templates.

Attachments (if available)