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Assessment Details

  Academic Year: 2020-2021         Level: Graduate

  Campus Department: Lynch School of Education & Human Development [UG and Grad]

  Program Type: Major [UG] / Program [Grad]

  Program Name: International Higher Education MA (Link)


Description of Data Collection:

The first two of the three program learning outcomes are assessed via coursework taken throughout the degree, so GPA is a strong indication of student achievement in these areas. The final learning outcome is assessed via a large-scale research project, undertaken during the final year of the degree. This project takes the form of a Masters thesis for students on the “Research Intensive” track through the program and an applied research project (conducted with and for an organization in the field) for students on the “Scholar Practitioner” track. As the applied research project is smaller in scope than a full thesis, students on the “Scholar Practitioner” track also complete a comprehensive exam, which assesses their achievement in relation to program learning outcomes 1 and 2. Students typically complete the comprehensive exam in their final semester in the program. (Program learning outcome #2 is also assessed via the thesis for those on the “Research Intensive” track).
The program also collects exit survey data at the end of the program to determine students’ own perceptions as to how well the program has supported them in their achievement of the program learning outcomes.

Review Process:

Final research projects are graded by core faculty in the International Higher Education program, using a rubric (which is also made available to students). Each final project is assessed independently by two faculty members prior to determining the final grade. Given the collaboration nature of the applied project on the “Scholar Practitioner” track, faculty take site supervisor evaluations into consideration when calculating the final grade for those projects. (Evaluations are completed by the “host” organization with which students complete their projects).
Comprehensive examination questions are written and graded by core faculty in the Higher Education and International Higher Education programs, also using a rubric. Questions reflect the program course work and the program learning outcomes. Exam scores are reviewed by the department chair; program faculty discuss and review the exam questions and results each semester (the exam is given once on the fall and once in the spring).
Exit Survey data are first reviewed by the core program faculty and then shared with the Department Chair.

Resulting Program Changes:

Prior to 2019, there were no “tracks” through the International Higher Education program. Instead, students were expected to complete both an applied research project and a final thesis. Based on feedback from students in the first few cohorts of the program, the program faculty determined that it was far too intensive to expect students to complete two full research projects during the program, particularly given that most students on the program also pursue 20 hour/week graduate assistantships. The tracks were therefore created and introduced prior to the start of the Fall 2019 cohort. Feedback from students over the past two years has reflected an overwhelming consensus that students are happy with this curricular change.
Student feedback has also helped to make some decisions about electives in the program, namely canceling one class that overlapped too significantly with another class in the curriculum.

Date of Most Recent Program Review:

Prior to 2019, there were no “tracks” through the International Higher Education program. Instead, students were expected to complete both an applied research project and a final thesis. Based on feedback from students in the first few cohorts of the program, the program faculty determined that it was far too intensive to expect students to complete two full research projects during the program, particularly given that most students on the program also pursue 20 hour/week graduate assistantships. The tracks were therefore created and introduced prior to the start of the Fall 2019 cohort. Feedback from students over the past two years has reflected an overwhelming consensus that students are happy with this curricular change.
Student feedback has also helped to make some decisions about electives in the program, namely canceling one class that overlapped too significantly with another class in the curriculum.

Attachments (if available)