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Assessment Details

  Academic Year: 2020-2021         Level: Graduate

  Campus Department: Lynch School of Education & Human Development [UG and Grad]

  Program Type: Major [UG] / Program [Grad]

  Program Name: Higher Education PhD (Link)


Description of Data Collection:

Data which allows for the evaluation of the learning outcomes comes from several different sources, namely:
a. The Comprehensive Exam: Students choose two of five questions essay questions. Each response should take a multidisciplinary approach considering the student development, societal, political, legal, historical, comparative, philosophical and organizational knowledge in the field. Two essays must provide an analytical and logically reasoned response based in the relevant higher education scholarly and research literature. The Comprehensive Exams are graded by core faculty in the Higher Education program using a rubric. Exams are “blind” when graded. Grades awarded based on the rubric are pass, pass with distinction, or fail.
b. The Qualifying Paper: When the student has successfully passed the comprehensive examination, she or he must complete the Qualifying paper as the second part of the doctoral comprehensive examination assessing these outcomes. The Qualifying Paper is a substantive literature review of the candidate’s scholarly and research focus. The Qualifying paper must be submitted to the department chair within four months of passing part one of the comprehensive exam. The Qualifying Paper is evaluated by the faculty advisor and two members of the program faculty.
c. Additional evidence on the learning outcomes is gathered using the Lynch School Higher Education Program Doctoral Student Advisor Guidelines and Checklist.
d. Evaluation of doctoral student dissertations provide additional data concerning knowledge of research methodologies and research ethics and applications.
e. Evidence is also gathered through an analysis of Exit Survey data assessing these outcomes.

Review Process:

a. Comprehensive exams and Qualifying Papers are reviewed by program faculty twice per year.
b. Doctoral Student Advisor Guidelines and Checklist data are reviewed by the program faculty each fall semester.
c. Lynch School dissertation committee members evaluate student dissertations at the time of proposal and defense.
d. Exit survey data are reviewed by the program faculty each fall semester.

Resulting Program Changes:

Program faculty initiated a review of all doctoral students at least once a semester. The program produced revised procedures for doctoral student advising and monitoring to ensure systematic progress in developing dissertation plans as well as tracking academic progress. The faculty also developed a rubric for mentoring doctoral research assistants that articulates the roles and responsibilities of both students and faculty supervisors in research assistantships.

Date of Most Recent Program Review:

Program faculty initiated a review of all doctoral students at least once a semester. The program produced revised procedures for doctoral student advising and monitoring to ensure systematic progress in developing dissertation plans as well as tracking academic progress. The faculty also developed a rubric for mentoring doctoral research assistants that articulates the roles and responsibilities of both students and faculty supervisors in research assistantships.

Attachments (if available)