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Assessment Details

  Academic Year: 2020-2021         Level: Graduate

  Campus Department: Lynch School of Education & Human Development [UG and Grad]

  Program Type: Major [UG] / Program [Grad]

  Program Name: Higher Education MA (Link)


Description of Data Collection:

There are three main sources of evidence used to evaluate program learning outcomes:
a. The Comprehensive Exam requires students to demonstrate substantive and integrative knowledge of higher education and its professional literature in coherent essays. This exam assesses knowledge of professional standards and proficiencies, as well as important issues facing higher education, and foundation, methodological, and concentration-specific content.
b. A required e-Portfolio in the final semester requires students to demonstrate their knowledge base and accomplishments reflecting the Higher Education program core professional competency requirements as well as an additional professional competency of their choice from their program track or concentration.
c. Exit survey data are consulted to determine how well the program prepared students to meet outcomes.
d. Supervisor evaluations are consulted to determine how well students have performed in Field Experience.

Review Process:

All examination questions are written and graded by core faculty in the Higher Education program using a rubric. These questions reflect the program course work and the program outcomes. Exam scores are reviewed by the department chair; program faculty discuss and review the exam questions and results each semester (the exam is given once on the fall and once in the spring).
E-Portfolios are evaluated by the student’s academic advisor on the basis of a rubric for each professional competency and a comprehensive evaluation of the full portfolio.
Exit Survey data are first reviewed by the Department Chair and then reviewed by the Program faculty at the first meeting of each fall semester.

Resulting Program Changes:

Results from the data gathered on comprehensive examinations, supervisor evaluations, and field experience instructors indicated the need for assessment of professional competencies as well as mastery of the literature in the field that is the focus of the comprehensive examination. The result was the development of a set of core and specialized competencies demonstrated through a new capstone requirement: the summative e-Portfolio.

Date of Most Recent Program Review:

Results from the data gathered on comprehensive examinations, supervisor evaluations, and field experience instructors indicated the need for assessment of professional competencies as well as mastery of the literature in the field that is the focus of the comprehensive examination. The result was the development of a set of core and specialized competencies demonstrated through a new capstone requirement: the summative e-Portfolio.

Attachments (if available)