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Assessment Details

  Academic Year: 2020-2021         Level: Graduate

  Campus Department: Lynch School of Education & Human Development [UG and Grad]

  Program Type: Major [UG] / Program [Grad]

  Program Name: Higher Education EdD (Link)


Description of Data Collection:

The 2021-2022 academic year is the first year that the EdD in Higher Education program is in process. Course level assessment of learning are already in place (see Question #4). The higher education faculty are engaged in a strategic process of finalizing embedded formative assessments and the year-long dissertation-in-practice research project mapped to program learning outcomes. We plan to use data similar to those used for other department programs to evaluate whether student learning outcomes are being met.

Review Process:

The courses in the curriculum are mapped to program learning outcomes. Scoring rubrics are embedded in course assignments to monitor progress towards course goals aligned with program level learning outcomes.

Faculty review intake and subsequent annual student self-assessments of their learning to monitor each cohort’s progress towards program learning outcomes.

Doctoral students meet with their advisor at least once per year to review academic progress toward personal goals and program learning outcomes.

Higher education faculty will evaluate the final dissertation-in-practice research study in a process to be finalized at least one year in advance of the first Executive HE Dissertation Seminar I in Fall 2023.

Resulting Program Changes:

No formal changes have been made because the EdD in Higher Education program is in its first year. We are closely advising and monitoring students’ progress.

Date of Most Recent Program Review:

No formal changes have been made because the EdD in Higher Education program is in its first year. We are closely advising and monitoring students’ progress.

Attachments (if available)