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Assessment Details

  Academic Year: 2020-2021         Level: Graduate

  Campus Department: Lynch School of Education & Human Development [UG and Grad]

  Program Type: Major [UG] / Program [Grad]

  Program Name: Early Childhood Education MEd (Link)


Description of Data Collection:

The department is measuring achievement of outcomes by performance in courses and by these two additional measures (one direct and one indirect):
a. Direct: Boston College Candidate Assessment of Performance Form and Rubric (BC-CAP): This measure assesses candidate performance (at the full practicum level) on the five outcomes listed above according to the criteria established by the state (unsatisfactory, needs improvement, proficient, and exemplary).
b. Indirect: Exit surveys (completed at program completion), One-Year Out, Two-Year Out and Three-Year Out: These measures assess program completers’ preparation, especially on Outcomes 1, 4 and 5.

Review Process:

The Office of Field and Practicum Experiences monitors the BC-CAP performance. Faculty discuss results of the BC-CAP in department meetings.
Faculty also discuss survey results in connection to the learning outcomes and identify implications for continuous program improvement in a department meeting each year. In addition, the Masters Advisory Committee (MAC), which meets bi-weekly, attends to these findings and advises the department about potential implications for program curricula and policies.

Resulting Program Changes:

The early childhood education (ECE) program was modified during the 2019-2020 academic year. The modifications included restructured courses and content within the program of study, including three new courses to enhance the ECE curriculum with interactive activities and discussions, videos of playful pedagogy, examples of lessons, and research in early childhood education. Changes to the ECE program were brought about to reflect alumni feedback and enrollment trends. The goal of the changes is to better reflect current practices in the field, and to meet the demands of our K-12 partner schools and students. Enrollment and alumni feedback will continue to be monitored to evaluate the effectiveness of the program modifications.

Date of Most Recent Program Review:

The early childhood education (ECE) program was modified during the 2019-2020 academic year. The modifications included restructured courses and content within the program of study, including three new courses to enhance the ECE curriculum with interactive activities and discussions, videos of playful pedagogy, examples of lessons, and research in early childhood education. Changes to the ECE program were brought about to reflect alumni feedback and enrollment trends. The goal of the changes is to better reflect current practices in the field, and to meet the demands of our K-12 partner schools and students. Enrollment and alumni feedback will continue to be monitored to evaluate the effectiveness of the program modifications.

Attachments (if available)