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Assessment Details

  Academic Year: 2020-2021         Level: Graduate

  Campus Department: Carroll School of Management [UG and Grad]

  Program Type: Major [UG] / Program [Grad]

  Program Name: Business Administration MBA (Link)


Description of Data Collection:

1. Students will participate in multi-disciplinary projects that enable them to put into practice the theories and concepts acquired in courses.
2. Students will apply learned business theories and concepts through case study opportunities that demonstrate this integrated knowledge.
3. Students will successfully complete the MBA program’s Data Analytics course sequence through which they will acquire the technical skills in demand by employers.
4. Through group assignments, students will be evaluated both on their role as an individual contributor as well as their ability to collaborate effectively in teams.
5. Students will participate in professional development programming that will enhance the standard functional coursework and to advance their career. Topics include, Management Decision Making, Pubic Speaking, and Business Writing.
6. Students ae required to read, acknowledge and adhere to the Graduate Programs core values. These documents are kept as part of the student records.
7. Students are required to complete and document a minimum of 20 hours of community service.

Review Process:

The Associate Dean and Assistant Dean work together with MBA Core Faculty, Academic Department Chairs and the Dean of the Carroll School to review and analyze data and to recommend actions/changes where appropriate. This is done through semi-annual meetings with core faculty, individual course evaluations and ongoing planning sessions with academic departments.

Resulting Program Changes:

1. The MBA curriculum has been refined to focus more on critical thinking, developing analytical frameworks and problem solving.
2. We continue to offer co-curricular programming that focuses on critical skills and professional ability building and preparedness but are now utilizing experts outside of the MBA core faculty to deliver it. This allows us to tap into their cutting edge expertise and familiarity with the ever changing business world.
a. Structure, Analysis and Integration – focuses on management thinking to breaking down problems, determining relevant data and analysis of that data and communicating integrated recommendations. We have worked with MBACase to develop programming tailored to our students and that is not solely focused on consulting skills but ones that are relevant across many business disciplines.
b. Public Speaking – we have contracted with Dale Carnegie to provide a series of workshops that includes on-campus sessions and online.
c. Business Writing – through a series of workshops and case assignments, students learn about the types of communication done on the job, especially in corporations. Business assignments are used to illustrate appropriate writing and communication strategies, protocols, styles, and formats.
3. Having used an outside resource for a mandatory pre-matriculation online Statistics course, Carroll School faculty have created a customized online course that better ensures coverage of the critical skills needed to prepare students for the Data Analytics courses.
4. We continue to enhance the Introduction to Strategic Management course, which is taken prior to beginning the core curriculum. This required course lays the groundwork for the rest of the curriculum and focuses on how firms formulate and implement strategies to create competitive advantage. Faculty continue to update case studies to include current and relevant issues.
5. The Data Analytics courses continue to evolve to include current technologies, including SQL, R, and Tableau.
6. A management simulation course has been integrated into the curriculum to close the knowing and doing gap. The course uses a simulation called Global DNA, in which teams compete in planning and executing a multi-year, multinational business strategy in a highly competitive global market. This course is mandatory for full-time MBAs and is offered as an elective for part-time MBAs.
7. The Data Analytics course sequence, which was first rolled out in the full-time MBA program, will be integrated into the part-time curriculum. This will better align the curriculum delivery format across both programs.
8. New market-driven electives continue to be added, allowing students to develop depth and expertise in a particular area.
1) Continued high internship placement rates – 95 – 100%
2) Total compensation for full-time hires continues to grow
3) Improved student profile – we continue to draw students who are more professionally focused, with strong pre-MBA professional experience
4) Data Analytics Curriculum continues to evolve to adapt to students’ learning needs as well as expectations of employers. For example, the core Data Analytics 1 and 3 courses have added “R” and Python, based upon an increased demand for these skills. When “R” proved to be challenging for a number of students, instructors adjusted the pacing of their course delivery to provide additional support and optimize learning.
5) A STEM MBA track is in development, with a planned rollout of fall 2022.
6) The Thinking Strategically course has been completely moved to the end of the spring semester as it became evident that students would benefit more from the embedded management simulation after having completed all of the core MBA courses. In addition, the instructor has built in more opportunities for students to engage in advising throughout the process, allowing for more teaching moments as they utilize their learned skills to solve business problems.
7) The Professional Development Workshop programming has increased its focus on leadership presence and skills, along with its ongoing development of written and oral communication skills. In addition, programming related to diversity and inclusion has been added.

Date of Most Recent Program Review:

1. The MBA curriculum has been refined to focus more on critical thinking, developing analytical frameworks and problem solving.
2. We continue to offer co-curricular programming that focuses on critical skills and professional ability building and preparedness but are now utilizing experts outside of the MBA core faculty to deliver it. This allows us to tap into their cutting edge expertise and familiarity with the ever changing business world.
a. Structure, Analysis and Integration – focuses on management thinking to breaking down problems, determining relevant data and analysis of that data and communicating integrated recommendations. We have worked with MBACase to develop programming tailored to our students and that is not solely focused on consulting skills but ones that are relevant across many business disciplines.
b. Public Speaking – we have contracted with Dale Carnegie to provide a series of workshops that includes on-campus sessions and online.
c. Business Writing – through a series of workshops and case assignments, students learn about the types of communication done on the job, especially in corporations. Business assignments are used to illustrate appropriate writing and communication strategies, protocols, styles, and formats.
3. Having used an outside resource for a mandatory pre-matriculation online Statistics course, Carroll School faculty have created a customized online course that better ensures coverage of the critical skills needed to prepare students for the Data Analytics courses.
4. We continue to enhance the Introduction to Strategic Management course, which is taken prior to beginning the core curriculum. This required course lays the groundwork for the rest of the curriculum and focuses on how firms formulate and implement strategies to create competitive advantage. Faculty continue to update case studies to include current and relevant issues.
5. The Data Analytics courses continue to evolve to include current technologies, including SQL, R, and Tableau.
6. A management simulation course has been integrated into the curriculum to close the knowing and doing gap. The course uses a simulation called Global DNA, in which teams compete in planning and executing a multi-year, multinational business strategy in a highly competitive global market. This course is mandatory for full-time MBAs and is offered as an elective for part-time MBAs.
7. The Data Analytics course sequence, which was first rolled out in the full-time MBA program, will be integrated into the part-time curriculum. This will better align the curriculum delivery format across both programs.
8. New market-driven electives continue to be added, allowing students to develop depth and expertise in a particular area.
1) Continued high internship placement rates – 95 – 100%
2) Total compensation for full-time hires continues to grow
3) Improved student profile – we continue to draw students who are more professionally focused, with strong pre-MBA professional experience
4) Data Analytics Curriculum continues to evolve to adapt to students’ learning needs as well as expectations of employers. For example, the core Data Analytics 1 and 3 courses have added “R” and Python, based upon an increased demand for these skills. When “R” proved to be challenging for a number of students, instructors adjusted the pacing of their course delivery to provide additional support and optimize learning.
5) A STEM MBA track is in development, with a planned rollout of fall 2022.
6) The Thinking Strategically course has been completely moved to the end of the spring semester as it became evident that students would benefit more from the embedded management simulation after having completed all of the core MBA courses. In addition, the instructor has built in more opportunities for students to engage in advising throughout the process, allowing for more teaching moments as they utilize their learned skills to solve business problems.
7) The Professional Development Workshop programming has increased its focus on leadership presence and skills, along with its ongoing development of written and oral communication skills. In addition, programming related to diversity and inclusion has been added.

Attachments (if available)