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Assessment Details

  Academic Year: 2021-2022         Level: Undergraduate

  Campus Department: Mission & Ministry [UG and Grad]

  Program Type: Co-Curricular Program [UG and Grad]

  Program Name: 4Boston (Link)


Description of Data Collection:

Three alumni focus groups were conducted on 4/6/21, 4/7/21, and 4/8/21, consisting of program graduates from 2016 through 2020.

Additionally, student response data from NSSE 2016, BCUEQ 2018, and NSSE 2020 was reviewed and scored.

Review Process:

A cohort consisting of representatives from three Mission and Ministry programs (4Boston, Liturgy Arts Group, and Orientation Leaders) met over the course of AY20-21 and AY21-22 to review learning outcomes, discuss focus group and survey data, and workshop recommendations for future program changes. A shared rubric, developed by University Mission and Ministry, was used to score focus group and survey data.

Resulting Program Changes:

As a result of the evidence collected, the following changes are to be implemented for AY22-23: the creation of more regular opportunities for 1:1 meetings with the goal of deeper SL accompaniment and more 1:1 support of participants by SLs.

A primary theme that emerged from both the qualitative and quantitative data collected was a desire for more integration of participants’ external and internal experiences through 4Boston. As the program has expanded, existing staff resources have stretched to attend to both the logistical and spiritual demands of the program.

By adding an additional GA (Graduate Assistant) position to the 4Boston Administrative team, additional support will be available to more closely track and accompany SLs through their leadership experience while attending to the operations and partner management needs of the program.

The two GAs will support two key functional areas of 4Boston: SL Formation and Partner Management. By differentiating these roles, this will create more bandwidth for each GA to focus exclusively on one set of crucial 4Boston relationships.

The GA for SL Formation will support the Program Director primarily with student-facing programmatic needs: SL Reflection Planning, SL Reflections, SL 1:1s, and SL Handbook revision and publication.

The GA for Partner Management will support the Program Director primarily with external, community-facing programmatic needs: maintaining up-to-date contacts for partner sites, coordinating fall and spring check-ins, recruiting and supporting new community partners, ongoing volunteer onboarding and paperwork management.

The primary outcome of this change–a designated role to more closely attend to the emotional and spiritual needs of SLs–should impact the level of personal attention and support for members of the SL cohort.

The previous assessment period (AY14-15 and AY15-16) yielded two recommendations:
1. Provide on-going formation to council members in running a small group reflection
2. Design and put in place a method of evaluating the effectiveness of each council person in running their small group reflections

Since this assessment, additional Student Leader training has been implemented, at both the program and department level, including a spring orientation, summer retreat, and fall training.

Additionally, a 4Boston Student Leader Handbook has been developed to provide all Student Leaders with templates for quality small-group reflections and direct them towards additional campus resources for program participants.

Date of Most Recent Program Review:

As a result of the evidence collected, the following changes are to be implemented for AY22-23: the creation of more regular opportunities for 1:1 meetings with the goal of deeper SL accompaniment and more 1:1 support of participants by SLs.

A primary theme that emerged from both the qualitative and quantitative data collected was a desire for more integration of participants’ external and internal experiences through 4Boston. As the program has expanded, existing staff resources have stretched to attend to both the logistical and spiritual demands of the program.

By adding an additional GA (Graduate Assistant) position to the 4Boston Administrative team, additional support will be available to more closely track and accompany SLs through their leadership experience while attending to the operations and partner management needs of the program.

The two GAs will support two key functional areas of 4Boston: SL Formation and Partner Management. By differentiating these roles, this will create more bandwidth for each GA to focus exclusively on one set of crucial 4Boston relationships.

The GA for SL Formation will support the Program Director primarily with student-facing programmatic needs: SL Reflection Planning, SL Reflections, SL 1:1s, and SL Handbook revision and publication.

The GA for Partner Management will support the Program Director primarily with external, community-facing programmatic needs: maintaining up-to-date contacts for partner sites, coordinating fall and spring check-ins, recruiting and supporting new community partners, ongoing volunteer onboarding and paperwork management.

The primary outcome of this change–a designated role to more closely attend to the emotional and spiritual needs of SLs–should impact the level of personal attention and support for members of the SL cohort.

The previous assessment period (AY14-15 and AY15-16) yielded two recommendations:
1. Provide on-going formation to council members in running a small group reflection
2. Design and put in place a method of evaluating the effectiveness of each council person in running their small group reflections

Since this assessment, additional Student Leader training has been implemented, at both the program and department level, including a spring orientation, summer retreat, and fall training.

Additionally, a 4Boston Student Leader Handbook has been developed to provide all Student Leaders with templates for quality small-group reflections and direct them towards additional campus resources for program participants.

Attachments (if available)