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Assessment Details

  Academic Year: 2020-2021         Level: Undergraduate

  Campus Department: Student Affairs [UG and Grad]

  Program Type: Co-Curricular Program [UG and Grad]

  Program Name: Journey to Wellness


Description of Data Collection:

Operational outcomes were used this year to assess the impact of the campaign:
Number of events/programs offered: 25
Total participants: 457
Email analytics (open rate): Body month 61%, Mind month 68%, Soul month 61%
Email clicks/participation: watched topical videos, participated in online screening tools, visited JTW website

Review Process:

The Assistant Director and Graduate Student collected and analyzed the data and utilization rates. This happens each semester, and at the end of the year to assess the entire campaign.

Resulting Program Changes:

Created an overarching theme this year called Journey to Wellness in collaboration with 3 other campus partners (Women’s Center, Counseling Services, Campus Recreation) to expand our reach and messaging and provide students with opportunities for online fluid content and also live events/programming to connect with others.

Other changes made was designing a webpage to house all the content – to wellness
Actively sending the email/webpage to other campus partners (staff/faculty) for referrals rather than relying on newsletter publicly
Use peers and storytelling to normalize experiences – begin a podcast series called Journey to Wellness and filmed 12 topical videos featuring wellness coaches
Renamed listen, do, share to be attentive, be reflective, be well to align with Jesuit education ideals and an emphasis on self-awareness and values – moving from an individual to collective perspective of health. The results showed that students accessed both the live events and utilized content delivered to them via email/website. We learned that the live Zoom events, especially during a Covid year, did not yield the attendance we were hoping for so in the Spring we pivoted to less events and more targeted program/event collaboration with other groups/departments, however we did not receive success with this approach. Future goals are to continue offering the monthly emails, featuring the website, and podcast with more storytelling components as this is what resulted in the highest click rate. We also plan to transition to designing educational toolkits for offices (faculty/staff) to embed this wellness information into their areas. Specific partnerships include – academic advising, campus ministry, career center, dining services, OSI, UHS, student outreach and support, and res life and have a button on Canvas for Journey to Wellness resources

Date of Most Recent Program Review:

Created an overarching theme this year called Journey to Wellness in collaboration with 3 other campus partners (Women’s Center, Counseling Services, Campus Recreation) to expand our reach and messaging and provide students with opportunities for online fluid content and also live events/programming to connect with others.

Other changes made was designing a webpage to house all the content – to wellness
Actively sending the email/webpage to other campus partners (staff/faculty) for referrals rather than relying on newsletter publicly
Use peers and storytelling to normalize experiences – begin a podcast series called Journey to Wellness and filmed 12 topical videos featuring wellness coaches
Renamed listen, do, share to be attentive, be reflective, be well to align with Jesuit education ideals and an emphasis on self-awareness and values – moving from an individual to collective perspective of health. The results showed that students accessed both the live events and utilized content delivered to them via email/website. We learned that the live Zoom events, especially during a Covid year, did not yield the attendance we were hoping for so in the Spring we pivoted to less events and more targeted program/event collaboration with other groups/departments, however we did not receive success with this approach. Future goals are to continue offering the monthly emails, featuring the website, and podcast with more storytelling components as this is what resulted in the highest click rate. We also plan to transition to designing educational toolkits for offices (faculty/staff) to embed this wellness information into their areas. Specific partnerships include – academic advising, campus ministry, career center, dining services, OSI, UHS, student outreach and support, and res life and have a button on Canvas for Journey to Wellness resources

Attachments (if available)