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Assessment Details

  Academic Year: 2020-2021         Level: Undergraduate

  Campus Department: Student Affairs [UG and Grad]

  Program Type: Co-Curricular Program [UG and Grad]

  Program Name: Praxis Summer Program (Link)


Description of Data Collection:

Since Praxis was administered through the Canvas learning management platform, we used Canvas’s integrated Quizzes to administer surveys that would assess student learning and satisfaction with the program. Students completed these surveys upon completion of each module. Questions included Likert scale questions that measured learning as well as usefulness of each activity students completed in each module. After the final module, questions were also included to measure overall learning throughout the program.

Review Process:

The Director of Career Education developed the assessment plan and process and collected the data. We then worked with a team of 4 students from the higher ed assessment course to interpret and analyze the data. We gave these students access to the data in Canvas and, using the data, they developed a report of the findings as well as some recommendations for improvement. As the program is offered in the summer, the process of collecting and interpreting data occurs annually.

Resulting Program Changes:

As a result of student feedback from Summer 2020, we changed several of the specific activities students will complete within each module to be more impactful on their learning. Specifically, we looked at how students rated the usefulness of each activity along with their qualitative comments about each module. We have also incorporated global and intercultural fluency into all of the modules (in addition to being its own module) to emphasize the interconnectedness of that competency with other workplace competencies and to demonstrate the critical importance of equity and inclusion as a workplace skill. We also asked a question for each module about the workload and used that feedback to determine how to adjust the required activities. Overall, because the data on the learning outcomes questions across all modules was very high (95-100% agreement or strong agreement on nearly all questions), we maintained the format and design of the program. In one case, where 88.7% of students agreed or strongly agreed they had better written communication skills for the workplace (the lowest response for learning outcome), we revised the activities in that module to better support learning. In addition, because of quotes such as this one: “I think you should really push freshman and sophomores to do this, as a senior I wish I did this years ago. I was never aware of how many resources we had”, we have been more heavily promoting Praxis to first years and sophomores for Summer 2021.

Date of Most Recent Program Review:

As a result of student feedback from Summer 2020, we changed several of the specific activities students will complete within each module to be more impactful on their learning. Specifically, we looked at how students rated the usefulness of each activity along with their qualitative comments about each module. We have also incorporated global and intercultural fluency into all of the modules (in addition to being its own module) to emphasize the interconnectedness of that competency with other workplace competencies and to demonstrate the critical importance of equity and inclusion as a workplace skill. We also asked a question for each module about the workload and used that feedback to determine how to adjust the required activities. Overall, because the data on the learning outcomes questions across all modules was very high (95-100% agreement or strong agreement on nearly all questions), we maintained the format and design of the program. In one case, where 88.7% of students agreed or strongly agreed they had better written communication skills for the workplace (the lowest response for learning outcome), we revised the activities in that module to better support learning. In addition, because of quotes such as this one: “I think you should really push freshman and sophomores to do this, as a senior I wish I did this years ago. I was never aware of how many resources we had”, we have been more heavily promoting Praxis to first years and sophomores for Summer 2021.

Attachments (if available)