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Assessment Details

  Academic Year: 2020-2021         Level: Undergraduate

  Campus Department: Student Affairs [UG and Grad]

  Program Type: Co-Curricular Program [UG and Grad]

  Program Name: Trivium (Link)


Description of Data Collection:

Trivium was open from September 2020 through April 2021 on the Canvas learning management system. Similarly to Praxis, we used Canvas’ integrated quizzes to administer surveys that would assess student learning satisfaction with the program. Graduate students were to complete these surveys at the end of each phase (7 surveys total). Questions included Likert scale questions that measured learning as well as the usefulness of each activity students completed in each phase. The final survey also measured overall learning through the program.

Review Process:

An Assistant Director of Career Education developed the assessment plan in consultation with the Director of Career Education. Due to lack of engagement with the Trivium platform during the 2020-2021 academic year, however, we had little to no data to process, interpret, and disseminate. Through informal qualitative feedback received from several Trivium participants, the breadth of the program (three comprehensive programs) and its timing during the academic year were cited as factors that inhibited engagement.

Resulting Program Changes:

As a result of the lack of student engagement and feedback across the 2020-2021 academic year, we overhauled the nature and scope of the program to have it align more with the more successful program for undergraduates, Praxis. In Spring 2021, as we reviewed and revised Praxis for the Summer, we also revamped Trivium based on the positive feedback for Praxis. This included shifting from a “three phases” approach to an “eight modules” schedule, focused on skill competency areas; editing and streamlining the presentation of content and activities; and, where appropriate, adjusted resources and language to speak more directly to graduate student experiences and needs. In addition, we expanded the scope of who Trivium was for, and from April 2021 have been promoting the program to graduate students in the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences, School of Theology and Ministry, Lynch School of Education and Human Development, and Woods College of Advancing Studies. Because Summer 2021 will be only the second time offering Trivium, we do not yet have evidence of how the changes made will impact learning. We will have these results in Fall 2021.

Date of Most Recent Program Review:

As a result of the lack of student engagement and feedback across the 2020-2021 academic year, we overhauled the nature and scope of the program to have it align more with the more successful program for undergraduates, Praxis. In Spring 2021, as we reviewed and revised Praxis for the Summer, we also revamped Trivium based on the positive feedback for Praxis. This included shifting from a “three phases” approach to an “eight modules” schedule, focused on skill competency areas; editing and streamlining the presentation of content and activities; and, where appropriate, adjusted resources and language to speak more directly to graduate student experiences and needs. In addition, we expanded the scope of who Trivium was for, and from April 2021 have been promoting the program to graduate students in the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences, School of Theology and Ministry, Lynch School of Education and Human Development, and Woods College of Advancing Studies. Because Summer 2021 will be only the second time offering Trivium, we do not yet have evidence of how the changes made will impact learning. We will have these results in Fall 2021.

Attachments (if available)