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Assessment Details

  Academic Year: 2020-2021         Level: Undergraduate

  Campus Department: Student Affairs [UG and Grad]

  Program Type: Co-Curricular Program [UG and Grad]

  Program Name: Career Exploration Course (Link)


Description of Data Collection:

Registered students completed a course evaluation at the end of each semester. While the fall semester evaluation included only the general course evaluation questions asked by the university (i.e. satisfaction questions), in the spring semester, we added questions to measure learning specific to this course.

Review Process:

The university collects the data through a centralized evaluation process and sends a report to each instructor at the end of each semester. The course instructors (the Director of Career Education and Associate Director, Career Education) then interpret and analyze the data. Recommendations for improvement are made at the conclusion of each semester for the following semester, with a larger strategic meeting occurring over the summer to look at data from the full year and make changes to course syllabus for the following academic year.

Resulting Program Changes:

The most significant changes that were made this year were because of COVID rather than to adjust the learning of students. In summer 2020, we went through an extensive process of re-thinking how we would deliver content to students in an adaptable blended instruction format. This led to our creating short, asynchronous videos that replaced material that would typically have been covered in class. Class time, then, focused on discussion of content and activities to reinforce learning. Remote students would complete parallel online discussions and activities or reflections. In addition, we reconsidered every assignment and class activity to make sure it was necessary in an attempt to streamline the content. At the end of the Spring 2021 semester: 97.6% of students agreed / strongly agreed with the statement, “As a result of this class, I know what 1-3 next steps I should take in my career discernment and planning”; 95.2% of students agreed / strongly agreed with the statement, “As a result of this class, I know how to explore different career fields”; 97.6% of students agreed / strongly agreed with the statement, “As a result of this class, I made progress in addressing my current career questions or needs”; and 97.6% agreed / strongly agreed with the statement, “The environment created by the instructor(s) made me feel welcome and included.” Additionally, the instructors noted that students’ assignment submissions this academic year were, in general, more thorough and thoughtful than in past semesters.

Date of Most Recent Program Review:

The most significant changes that were made this year were because of COVID rather than to adjust the learning of students. In summer 2020, we went through an extensive process of re-thinking how we would deliver content to students in an adaptable blended instruction format. This led to our creating short, asynchronous videos that replaced material that would typically have been covered in class. Class time, then, focused on discussion of content and activities to reinforce learning. Remote students would complete parallel online discussions and activities or reflections. In addition, we reconsidered every assignment and class activity to make sure it was necessary in an attempt to streamline the content. At the end of the Spring 2021 semester: 97.6% of students agreed / strongly agreed with the statement, “As a result of this class, I know what 1-3 next steps I should take in my career discernment and planning”; 95.2% of students agreed / strongly agreed with the statement, “As a result of this class, I know how to explore different career fields”; 97.6% of students agreed / strongly agreed with the statement, “As a result of this class, I made progress in addressing my current career questions or needs”; and 97.6% agreed / strongly agreed with the statement, “The environment created by the instructor(s) made me feel welcome and included.” Additionally, the instructors noted that students’ assignment submissions this academic year were, in general, more thorough and thoughtful than in past semesters.

Attachments (if available)