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Assessment Details

  Academic Year: 2020-2021         Level: Undergraduate

  Campus Department: Student Affairs [UG and Grad]

  Program Type: Co-Curricular Program [UG and Grad]

  Program Name: First Gen Career Mentorship Program


Description of Data Collection:

We included pre-test Likert scale questions on the student registration form using Qualtrics (pre-test) and the same questions appeared on the post-program survey that students took at the end of the academic year. Through this assessment, we measured:
– Changes on the Likert scale questions that relate to the program’s learning outcomes from pre- to post-test
– Satisfaction with the program overall as well as specific elements of the program.

We also collected demographic data on attendees to determine who participated in terms of identity and school. In addition, we tracked engagement of participants in other Career Center activities via our Handshake platform to be able to understand the relationship between study group/mentor assigned and overall engagement behaviors.

Review Process:

The Associate Director, Career Education, in collaboration with the Director, Career Education & Strategy developed and administered the assessment in Qualtrics. Additionally, the committee utilizes exported data from the Handshake platform to track student engagement. The members of the planning committee analyzed this engagement data two times per year (January and May) and the learning data once per year, after the post-survey has been completed (May). Recommendations for improvement are made at the conclusion of the program for the following year.

Resulting Program Changes:

As this is the first year that we’ve offered this program, we did not utilize previous data/evidence to develop the program. Because this is the first year that we’ve offered this program, we do not yet have evidence of how changes will impact learning. We will have these results in Spring 2022.

Date of Most Recent Program Review:

As this is the first year that we’ve offered this program, we did not utilize previous data/evidence to develop the program. Because this is the first year that we’ve offered this program, we do not yet have evidence of how changes will impact learning. We will have these results in Spring 2022.

Attachments (if available)