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Assessment Details

  Academic Year: 2020-2021         Level: Undergraduate

  Campus Department: Student Affairs [UG and Grad]

  Program Type: Concentration [UG and Grad]

  Program Name: Alumni Job Shadow Program (Link)


Description of Data Collection:

We include pre-test Likert scale questions on the student registration form using Eagle Exchange (pre-test) and the same questions appeared on the post-program survey (administered through CampusLabs) that students take upon completion of their shadow experience. Through this assessment, we measured:- Changes on the Likert scale questions that relate to the program’s learning outcomes; – Satisfaction with the program overall as well as specific elements of the program. We also collected demographic data on attendees to determine who attended in terms of major, gender, race/ethnicity. Due to COVID-19, the program is being held virtually this year.

Review Process:

The Assistant Director, Career Education, in collaboration with the program lead (Associate Director, Career Education, who oversees career exploration programming), developed and administered the post-survey in CampusLabs. The Assistant Director interprets and analyzes the data in collaboration with other members of the planning committee. Recommendations for improvement are made at the conclusion of the program for the following year.

Resulting Program Changes:

Due to COVID-19, the program was forced to move online after students had been matched with hosts. While we were not able to properly assess the program due to this emergency situation, we still administered a post-survey via Google forms that allowed us to gauge satisfaction with the program. Based on the satisfaction survey results from last year’s virtual program, we made the following changes to the program in Spring 2021: 1) Refined the matching categories to more clearly indicate specific fields of interest. 2) provided clearer guidelines for what a virtual shadowing experience could look like 3) provided students and hosts with contact information in addition to profile links through Eagle Exchange. Results from the post-assessment show: 97.72% of students agreed / strongly agreed with the statement, “I can identify 1-3 skills I hope to incorporate into my career path which align with the skills employers are seeking in recent college graduates.” up slightly from 96.9% on the pre-survey; 95.46% of students agreed / strongly agreed with the statement, “I can connect the skills I’m gaining at BC through curricular and co-curricular experiences to specific opportunities of interest.” up from 54.8% ; 90.15% of students agreed / strongly agreed with the statement, “I’m able to demonstrate effective networking skills to communicate with alumni and professionals about my industries of interest.” up from 85.1%. 99% of students also noted that they would recommend this program to peers. With regards to operational goals, we exceeded our participant goal with 268 student participants and 243 alumni participants. In addition, we reached our diversity student goals with AHANA (37.3% actual v. 34% goal), Montserrat (22% actual v. 19% goal), and first generation (13.8% actual v. 12% goal) students.

Date of Most Recent Program Review:

Due to COVID-19, the program was forced to move online after students had been matched with hosts. While we were not able to properly assess the program due to this emergency situation, we still administered a post-survey via Google forms that allowed us to gauge satisfaction with the program. Based on the satisfaction survey results from last year’s virtual program, we made the following changes to the program in Spring 2021: 1) Refined the matching categories to more clearly indicate specific fields of interest. 2) provided clearer guidelines for what a virtual shadowing experience could look like 3) provided students and hosts with contact information in addition to profile links through Eagle Exchange. Results from the post-assessment show: 97.72% of students agreed / strongly agreed with the statement, “I can identify 1-3 skills I hope to incorporate into my career path which align with the skills employers are seeking in recent college graduates.” up slightly from 96.9% on the pre-survey; 95.46% of students agreed / strongly agreed with the statement, “I can connect the skills I’m gaining at BC through curricular and co-curricular experiences to specific opportunities of interest.” up from 54.8% ; 90.15% of students agreed / strongly agreed with the statement, “I’m able to demonstrate effective networking skills to communicate with alumni and professionals about my industries of interest.” up from 85.1%. 99% of students also noted that they would recommend this program to peers. With regards to operational goals, we exceeded our participant goal with 268 student participants and 243 alumni participants. In addition, we reached our diversity student goals with AHANA (37.3% actual v. 34% goal), Montserrat (22% actual v. 19% goal), and first generation (13.8% actual v. 12% goal) students.

Attachments (if available)