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Assessment Details

  Academic Year: 2020-2021         Level: Both Undergraduate and Graduate

  Campus Department: Student Affairs [UG and Grad]

  Program Type: Co-Curricular Program [UG and Grad]

  Program Name: Outreach and Education


Description of Data Collection:

Individual training events can include brief assessments of knowledge and skill attainment.

Review Process:

The presenters of program distribute assessments and analyze the results. The Associate Director of UCS coordinates data collection and analysis.

Resulting Program Changes:

Future programs are modified based on feedback from participants. For example, feedback from students and others resulted in the formulation of our Students in Distress Committee and our Diversity Committee, both of which have increased programming in their subjects of concern. Feedback from Residential Life staff led to adjustment in our RA training model to decrease symptoms based education and to increase experiential learning through role plays and scenario discussions. The increase in training programs has resulted in an increase in student utilization of UCS services and increased requests for additional programs. Subsequent RA trainings were met with improved user feedback.

Date of Most Recent Program Review:

Future programs are modified based on feedback from participants. For example, feedback from students and others resulted in the formulation of our Students in Distress Committee and our Diversity Committee, both of which have increased programming in their subjects of concern. Feedback from Residential Life staff led to adjustment in our RA training model to decrease symptoms based education and to increase experiential learning through role plays and scenario discussions. The increase in training programs has resulted in an increase in student utilization of UCS services and increased requests for additional programs. Subsequent RA trainings were met with improved user feedback.

Attachments (if available)