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Assessment Details

  Academic Year: 2020-2021         Level: Graduate

  Campus Department: School of Theology & Ministry [Grad]

  Program Type: Major [UG] / Program [Grad]

  Program Name: Theology and Ministry ThM


Description of Data Collection:

– Direct evidence is collected: attached rubrics were created after the 2017 review are now being used by faculty; see ThM Direct Assessment Map
– Indirect evidence is collected: GSQ and other student surveys
– When presented for analysis, data collection methods are described with adequate detail (for example, # of participants, question or test scale) These are described at faculty meetings along with notes about the statistical significance of data presented
– Data collection method is appropriate (for example, thorough, valid, timely): Rubrics given by faculty to academic services specialist immediately after use; academic services specialist aggregates the data and faculty program director analyzes it for significance before presenting to the EF faculty
– Each outcome has an associated measure (i.e., each outcome is linked to some source of evidence): see ThM Assessment Map
– Each outcome has clearly defined criteria and/or rubrics that describe different levels of achievement: See ThM Assessment Map

Review Process:

– Individuals or groups designated responsibility for analyzing the data are identified: Program Director, then EF faculty (for assessment and review years), then EPC and dean ( for review years)
– An analysis plan is clearly described: in the STM Comprehensive Plan of Assessment
– A timeline for analysis and interpretation is specified: in Review and Assessment Cycle
– Recommendations for changes which may include how to address identified weaknesses are specified: The 2017 review resulted in proposals to tighten up the curriculum. New learning outcomes were developed, the student is required to choose a concentration at the time of application and will be assigned advisors based on concentrations, electives must be related to concentration, and language requirements were emphasized and enhanced. See attached review summary.
– Results of the analysis are summarized and presented to individuals or groups authorized to make changes: These changes were approved successively by the EF, the EPC, the Dean, and then the EFBC Board on March 20, 2017.
See attached materials presented and approved at that Board meeting.

Resulting Program Changes:

– Timetable and individuals responsible for the implementation of the changes are determined: New curriculum required for Fall 2018 incoming class. Before then, Assessment Committee worked with Program Director to create rubrics, which are now in regular use.
– A process to evaluate the effectiveness of the changes is described (this should include who is responsible for the review and when the review will take place): According to Review and Assessment Cycle, these changes will be reviewed in 2020-2021. The ThM Program Director will chair the Review Committee, which will include the Associate Dean, Academic Affairs, the Academic Services Specialist, and two additional EF faculty. Program director will present analysis of data and recommendations for any changes at an EF meeting in spring 2021.

Date of Most Recent Program Review:

– Timetable and individuals responsible for the implementation of the changes are determined: New curriculum required for Fall 2018 incoming class. Before then, Assessment Committee worked with Program Director to create rubrics, which are now in regular use.
– A process to evaluate the effectiveness of the changes is described (this should include who is responsible for the review and when the review will take place): According to Review and Assessment Cycle, these changes will be reviewed in 2020-2021. The ThM Program Director will chair the Review Committee, which will include the Associate Dean, Academic Affairs, the Academic Services Specialist, and two additional EF faculty. Program director will present analysis of data and recommendations for any changes at an EF meeting in spring 2021.

Attachments (if available)