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Assessment Details

  Academic Year: 2020-2021         Level: Undergraduate

  Campus Department: Student Affairs [UG and Grad]

  Program Type: Co-Curricular Program [UG and Grad]

  Program Name: Student Organization Day


Description of Data Collection:

A survey was sent out to student leaders to gather feedback. The survey instrument used was a Google Form and included questions about their student organization demographic information, multiple choice questions about their understanding of the EXCEL training program and helpfulness of the OSI staff, and open ended responses for participants to provide feedback on the effectiveness of the day regarding material learned. We had over 465 students responded representing a 75.6% response rate. Our data analysis indicated a large majority of student organization eboard leaders found Student Organization Day to be effective. When asked: How prepared do you feel to lead your student organization pre-Org Day and post Student Organization Day, 46.9% (218 students) felt prepared pre-Org Day and the number almost doubled after the training with 81.3% of students (378) feeling prepared post student organization day. Lastly, we checked for understanding in the assessment, and found that:
-93% of students either agreed or strongly agreed that they knew how to create an event on MyBC
-94.6% of students either agreed or strongly agreed that they understood the policies related to travel and contracts because of the presentation during Student Org Day
-82.5% of students either agreed or strongly agreed that their eboard role on the student organization was clarified during Student Org Day

Review Process:

Primary stakeholders of this data are the Director of OSI, Associate Director of Student Organizations, Assistant Director of Student Organizations, and four graduate students overseeing student organizations. The information is shared with the Director and Student Organization Team to evaluate the effectiveness of the Student Org Day. Since this is an annual program, the student organization team should always look to improve on the experience for new and returning e-board members by taking into consideration their needs for programmatic and organizational success. Additionally, it is also important to measure if program outcomes are met via a survey instrument to learn the effectiveness of our program structure and trainings offered.

Resulting Program Changes:

Due to the pandemic, a main change that was made was moving the format of Student Org Day to a virtual platform (Zoom). 76% of students agreed that the virtual format of SOD was an effective way of presenting student organization training. Additionally 80% of students either strongly agreed or agreed that their questions were answered during Student Organization Day, and 97% of students felt that there was enough time allotted to each training session during Student Organization Day.

Date of Most Recent Program Review:

Due to the pandemic, a main change that was made was moving the format of Student Org Day to a virtual platform (Zoom). 76% of students agreed that the virtual format of SOD was an effective way of presenting student organization training. Additionally 80% of students either strongly agreed or agreed that their questions were answered during Student Organization Day, and 97% of students felt that there was enough time allotted to each training session during Student Organization Day.

Attachments (if available)