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Assessment Details

  Academic Year: 2020-2021         Level: Undergraduate

  Campus Department: Student Affairs [UG and Grad]

  Program Type: Co-Curricular Program [UG and Grad]

  Program Name: Campus Activities Board (CAB)


Description of Data Collection:

Students who are part of the Campus Activities Board (CAB) learn transferable skills through the various components during an event planning process. This year, I hope to assess the transferable skills learned and honed by students based on their role within the organization. We will create an instrument to allow students to self-report their perceived level of skill and proficiency. Additionally, we will create a secondary instrument that allows the evaluation of others using a metric. By having self-reported and peer/advisor reported data, we can hopefully identify disparities in their skills and abilities.

Review Process:

Data will be interpreted primarily by the (3) advisors after the collection of each instrument. Data will be independently reviewed, and then brought together to identify trends, themes, points of interest, and outliers. Additionally, the Associate Director and Director will have access to this data throughout.

Resulting Program Changes:

Last year we learned that we needed to formalize the measurement process for out leadership team to better articulate the skills our students were using in their volunteer time with CAB. We had hoped to host focus groups, and do pre-assessment, mid-year, and end of year for students to self-report skills based on the Student Leadership Competencies outlined by NACA. Due to COVID, we opted to continue only with the mid year and end of year evaluations, and not hosting focus groups. We added in quantitative responses, and asked each direct advisor to share their thoughts (rooted in actions they perceived students performing or not performing). Our focus during COVID was to ensure CAB Leadership felt they were gaining skills and improving their leadership ability. These changes provided us with insight into how our students more accurately understand and articulate their leadership in the context of their role. By utilizing an instrument that gave common language (numbers) and opportunity for advisors to weigh in, we’re seeing a more well-rounded picture of the leadership skills students are learning and putting into practice through their role in CAB. These changes gave us better insight into our student leaders, which will allow us to focus on more direct and intentional training moving forward.

Date of Most Recent Program Review:

Last year we learned that we needed to formalize the measurement process for out leadership team to better articulate the skills our students were using in their volunteer time with CAB. We had hoped to host focus groups, and do pre-assessment, mid-year, and end of year for students to self-report skills based on the Student Leadership Competencies outlined by NACA. Due to COVID, we opted to continue only with the mid year and end of year evaluations, and not hosting focus groups. We added in quantitative responses, and asked each direct advisor to share their thoughts (rooted in actions they perceived students performing or not performing). Our focus during COVID was to ensure CAB Leadership felt they were gaining skills and improving their leadership ability. These changes provided us with insight into how our students more accurately understand and articulate their leadership in the context of their role. By utilizing an instrument that gave common language (numbers) and opportunity for advisors to weigh in, we’re seeing a more well-rounded picture of the leadership skills students are learning and putting into practice through their role in CAB. These changes gave us better insight into our student leaders, which will allow us to focus on more direct and intentional training moving forward.

Attachments (if available)