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Assessment Details

  Academic Year: 2020-2021         Level: Undergraduate

  Campus Department: Student Affairs [UG and Grad]

  Program Type: Co-Curricular Program [UG and Grad]

  Program Name: Multicultural Learning Experience 2.0


Description of Data Collection:

During the 2020-2021 academic year we surveyed the participants of MLE 2.0 in February/March 2021 and conducted focus groups in April of 2021. We measured to see if the participants were achieving our learning outcomes set out for the MLE 2.0 floor.

Review Process:

The Residential Life Assessment Committee collected and analyzed the data in conjunction with the Assistant Director of Residential Leadership and Learning and the Graduate Assistant for Living and Learning Communities.

Resulting Program Changes:

Survey and focus group data led us to make the following recommendations:
1. Enhance mentorship program for MLE 1.0 with engagement opportunities and established expectations.
2. Provide structured support to community from student, graduate, and professional staff, including additional training.
3. Establish signature program series (required and optional) for MLE 2.0, including dinners, retreats, etc.
4. Strengthen partnership with Thea Bowman AHANA Intercultural Center and other offices across campus.

Due to COVID restrictions, many of the above recommendations will need to be implemented when permitted during the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 academic years. We will reassess this group during the 2022-2023 academic year to gauge whether the changes proposed have had any impact.

Date of Most Recent Program Review:

Survey and focus group data led us to make the following recommendations:
1. Enhance mentorship program for MLE 1.0 with engagement opportunities and established expectations.
2. Provide structured support to community from student, graduate, and professional staff, including additional training.
3. Establish signature program series (required and optional) for MLE 2.0, including dinners, retreats, etc.
4. Strengthen partnership with Thea Bowman AHANA Intercultural Center and other offices across campus.

Due to COVID restrictions, many of the above recommendations will need to be implemented when permitted during the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 academic years. We will reassess this group during the 2022-2023 academic year to gauge whether the changes proposed have had any impact.

Attachments (if available)